The Lost Puppy~

SHINee In Canada!~


Aigooo I have so many apologies to say to all my readers involving my various stories =.= SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG Dx


Anyways!~ I took yesterday and the day before to regain my energy and Jennyyy's back now!


Soooo Here we are... and now... Who's the lost puppy? I bet you can guess ;D

So enjoy!~

Thanks for reading and remember!

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Chapter 2: A Lost Puppy~

Jonghyun’s P.O.V:

We FINALLY stepped out of the subway into the mall after travelling around for an hour there. Don’t trust Onew with directions!

We stepped into the big mall called Eaton’s Centre, surprised at how big it actually was. Key was beside himself with excitement on my right, already looking around at all the clothing stores.

Onew was still tired, so he seemed pretty grumpy still.

Minho was as always, cool, calm and collected. I was impressed by that about him, always making the girls swoon and sometimes it seemed like he hadn’t even noticed.  

Taemin was smiling and innocent just excited to be in a different country.

And what about me, you ask? I was just excited to be out of such a strict schedule that we’re always stuck with.

We went to look at the map they always had scattered around the mall. Minho and Taemin had decided to go to the game stores and see if they could find anything new. We nodded and they went off on their own. Onew took one look at the list of food places and went towards the food court, off to find chicken probably. We waved goodbye to him too and I looked back at the map.

“Jjongie? ~” I heard from beside me. I turned to see Kibum looking at me with my puppy dog eyes.

“Hyaa, that’s my trick!” I laughed, not really bothered with his imitation of my best innocent look.

“Hyaa, I want to go shopping,” he said with a smirk. “Come with me!” I looked back towards the map, not even seeing anything in particular that interested me. I nodded and he screamed with excitement earning some ‘what the hell was that’ looks from people around us. I laughed, not caring and followed the stampede that was the Almighty Key.

I was exhausted. I must have been dragged to at least 5 stores within the past hour, with Kibum stopping to browse, try stuff on, throwing back the ones that were wrong, asking me to get a smaller or bigger size, depending on what he was trying on, and then waiting in the long lines for him to pay. I was currently holding 3 big bags from several stores he had gone to. I was carrying the light load too… Ahead of me Kibum was carrying another 6 bags. He was smiling and singing ‘Ready or Not’ to himself while looking around for a new store to enter. I walked a bit quicker in order to catch up to the shopaholic diva that was my best friend.

“Hyaa, Kibum, aren’t you tired?” I asked when I was side by side with him. He looked at me in shock, shaking his head furiously.

“Are you crazy? There are still stores outside to look at!” He smiled at the same time my face dropped.

“Well in that case, I’m going to go get a drink and I’ll come find you ok?” I said as we entered a store called H&M. He nodded and took the bags from me.

“Don’t take long! He smiled innocently, “I’m going to need help when I’m done here,” he said as he eyed a cardigan already.

“Ne, I won’t yeobo,” I teased as he laughed and walked inside.

I walked out into the mall again, wondering where that Starbucks was. I walked around for a bit and turned back to look again. Damn, I was lost. I cursed under my breath and kept walking forward.

I walked for another 10 minutes before I gave up and leaned against a wall, debating what to do. I left my phone back at the hotel, depending on the others in case of anything. Stupid me for not thinking what would happen if I got lost ALONE.

I sighed and leaned my head against the wall. I watched as people walked by. It was weird just standing there so I decided to try walking again. As I walked, I noticed no one looked at with any particular interest. It felt kind of… weird, I guess? No girls going ‘kyahhh! Jonghyun oppa!!’ or ‘it’s SHINee!!’ I sighed, but it felt more like a release of stress from all of that. It felt kind of liberating not to have to deal with that when all you want is a drink from a Starbucks. I stopped suddenly.

Well, at least I found the Starbucks. I smiled and got into the long line. Starbucks wasn’t so full over there. I was surprised so many people came here. When it was my turn I ordered a Grande caramel frappuccino with whipped cream, proud of how clear my English was, even though I still had my accent. I had been practicing ever since we had decided to come do a show here. I waited for my drink and once it was in hand, I started walking again. I had been sipping on my drink and walking for a few minutes when I noticed two girls staring at me.

When I looked directly at them, they looked down quickly, both clearly blushing. I smiled, maybe someone finally recognized me?  The slightly taller one had looked back up, while the smaller one seemed fascinated by the floor. She was stealing glances trying her best not to be obvious as she continued to blush. I looked at her, trying to get a good look between the faces that kept rushing by in the huge gap between us.

She seemed familiar, even her friend actually. I knew them from somewhere and I couldn’t put my finger on it. I started playing with my white chain with the cross on it around my neck. I looked down, realizing it was the cross two fans had given me for our anniversary. I remembered them, they were really great. We were all shocked to see us all have a ton of our own gifts from just these two fans.

That’s when it clicked. It was them.  Those were the fans! I smiled in excitement at kind of knowing someone and not being completely lost for the rest of… well, whenever someone found me. They continued watching and the shorter one nudged the other and they seemed to be debating. Carefully, I made my way towards them.

I cleared my throat nervous about having to speak in English. “Um, excuse me?” I said slowly.

They both looked up clearly surprised. They stared at me for a second and then looked at each other, and then back at me.

“Oh, um, yes?” The taller one asked, while the shorter one just looked at her friend in shock.

“Um, my name’s Jonghyun… I actually, got… lost. Could you help me?” I said smiling at them.

“Ah, ye… Um, you’re SHINee’s Jonghyun, right?” She asked smiling as well.

“Ye I am, nice to meet you~ you’re the fans that sent us all those gifts… Right?” I asked back.

They both nodded smiling. “You really recognized us?” The shorter one said.

I nodded glad they were so nice and… normal. “So… What are your names again? I’m sorry…” I said feeling bad about having forgotten their names. They shook their heads smiling.

“I’m Fatima,” the shorter one said smiling and still retaining a bit of pink on her cheeks.

“I’m Vanessa,” the taller one answered. I smiled at both of them.

“I can remember that~” I said winking. Fatima let out a small laugh while Vanessa blushed while smiling. “So you guys don’t mind helping me?” I said hopefully.

“Of course not. We’ll be your tour guides!” Fatima suddenly jumped up hyper. Vanessa laughed and nodded in agreement.

“So when did you get lost? Where are the other members?” Vanessa asked from beside me sipping the same drink as me. Apparently we have similar tastes.

“Ah, we all split up and I was with Key but I got lost when I came to buy a drink…” I said embarrassed.

“Ohh~ don’t worry. We live here and we get lost sometimes.” Fatima said smiling beside Vanessa.  

“Ah really?” I said laughing. “It is pretty big.” I said feeling more comfortable speaking in English with them.

We arrived at the store Key said he would wait at me for. I looked back at the two who were still standing outside the store. “Aren’t you coming?” I asked smiling.

“Ah, ye!” They said walking towards where I was waiting. We walked around the store and… No sign of Kibum. I sighed a bit frustrated.

“Ah, are you sure it’s this store?” Vanessa asked from beside me.

“Ye, he probably just ran off to another store without me. What a guy!” I said blowing some hair out of my eye.

I felt someone gently pull on my sleeve. I looked down and saw Fatima looking at me timidly. These two were so cute! “Let’s go look around and see if we can find him then.” She said smiling. I nodded and walked out of the store with them.

I smiled as I walked and conversed with the two.

I think I like Canada.


Jonghyun got lost =.=

What a boy~ lol

So he found some nice fans! Omg lucky them~ LOL

Just pretend it's you and a friend if you'd like ^-^

Anyways!~ Hope you enjoyed the beginning of Jjong's adventure!

More interesting events shall come! So remember to comment and suscribe to find out ^-^~

Anyways, still have 2 more stories to update ^^; hehe... Soo.. no more ranting for me!

Until my next rant,


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vickysmileey #1
LOOOOL<br />
i wanna meet him so bad. but no, sm wont come for an sm town ):
Ok, just for the record, and to clear it up... When I wrote Key screamed in excitement, I meant like a scream like "YES!" kinda scream.. LOL Not a "KYAH!" kind of scream. lol I don't like Key squealing like that... So yeah ^^; Anyways~ I'll be upsdaing soon ^^~ Bye-yeum!! ^^ <3
LOL... That's the typical behavior of a shopaholic, though I think Key giving off a girly squeal of excitement may be a bit much unless he's like that in real life when it comes to shopping. xD Since this is just fictiion, I won't be taking it personally. It's hard to imagine me and a best friend getting the chance to meet SHINee in Toronto since I never visited the city before. I don't mind those "lucky fans"--nothing for me to be envious about. ^^ The descriptions that you provided kind of help me to visualize the place in my mind even though they don't go deep into detail. That's what I'll have to look up on Google for some images. Key might have tons of bags in his hands once they find him. I'm looking forward to the adventures they'll have while looking for the other SHINee members.
LOL Eaton's! This is so weird knowing exactly where everything is in this fic - even more so imagining SHINee actually being there! Great update, looking forward to the next one!
Make them do to China street...well technically china street but whatever...<br />
Can u write about them getting mobbed at lk the ROM or some place crowded lk that<br />
I'm interested to see where you'll be going with this fic. xD It's so Onew to be the first to hit the hay once they all settle down. <br />
<br />
I'd never visited Toronto all the times that I'd been to Canada with my family, so I don't know what it's like there. Reading this will be like a walk-through tour for me. I haven't considered the thought of Asian artists or bands touring Canada or the U.S. since it's something I don't expect to happen. Though, I last heard that the Wonder Girls got that opportunity.
They shall be in Toronto, since it's my hometown and I know all the places they can explore here.^-^ I'll be using actual places and I'm attempting to make it as realistic as possible :) And yeah I know right?? It's so difficult being a Canadian k-pop fan ;-;
It sounds interesting so far, and I can definitely sympathize with you - no one likes coming here, idk why. WE ARE FRIENDLY PEOPLE. WE HAVE POUTINES AND MAPLE SYRUP, OKAY. Anyway, I'm just curious - whereabouts will the be? In any case, I've subscribed, I'll be looking forward to the next chapter! (: