I am not clearn enough.. PLease excuse me..

I'm Very Different.

 hen Rose woke up, it was already morning.She got off the soffa  wondering around the house, looking if anyone is there. But she couldn't find anyone yet. She was still walking around looking for someone to talk too, But they're wasn't anyone there. " This seems very weird, where is everyone". she walk to look outside  she saw that the villagers wasn't their too, but it seems very add. she said to herself" am i still slepping" she walks  and stand, They were this little girl who was standing all by herself and wondering around the village. " Hey there little where is everyone" said Rose, But unfortunately the little didn't repond but instead she keep on looking throw Rose eye. Then the little said with the shy voice and noding her head " I don't know". " Well where is your parents" Rose ask the little girl. The little didn't really say a word she took Rose hand to show her someone that Rose didn't know where the girl was dragging her, but she move without any fear ,and following the little girl where she was bringing her. The little keep on walking , walking , walking more ,and more there Rose decided to ask the girl were she is bringing her, the girl turn her head and said " wait im showing you , you will like it". Whe Rose walk past by a little forest she then come across this beautiful building thatm Rose have never seen before. She ask the girl where is this " OOH that place is called the Imaginary Land". "  By curiousity she ask the girl why is it called the imaginary land for"  the girl looks at her like Rose wan't from this world. Well since i heard it by rumors i guess i should tell you, it is called Imaginary Land for a reason , " I heard that there is this handsome man living in this big building, they said he never comes out until he have found his perfect match" with a suprisng face Rose ask, " Have he ever comes out the building before"< "Nop said the girl. "AHHHHH said Rose, i wonder if he saw me would he come out, Of course that would never happened, she said to herself. The girl take Rose hand and start dragging to bring her back where she had found Rose." HEy HeY" said Rose while she was being drag by the girl, but the girl didn't stop she keep on going , until she was out of the forest." What was all that about " said  Rose while looking at the girl with the meaness face, the girl just nodding at her and left. " Hey wait i'm talking to you" she run behind the girl, and catch her hand. "your quiet rude for a girl your age" Rose said, but still the little girl din't answer. "Could you please tell me why i was brough to the big buildning, then i'll leave you alone" said Rose to the girl. You will understand reall soon, when its time" the girl finally open . " A-AHH what's that suposse to mean" said Rose with the most confusing face, "well unfortunately i see you don't understand" said the girl.Making another step to start walking out. Rose hold her hand, "hat is your name she said, to the girl", the girl just stood there looking at Rose never answer, Rose shake her still no answer.

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finish with chapter1..chapter2 is coming soon.. not long,


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Merci.. Mwen ap fe toujour..
biderly #2
wow very beautiful mete toujou poum ka li res la