Run Away.. How dare Her..

I'm Very Different.

"What should i do" said Rose to herself, i run away now i don't have anywhere to sleep, it was very creepy last night, i couldn't get any sleep. " what i'm going  to do." i have to find a place to settle down. I better find somewhere secure to hide , i know for a fact  that Elizabeth will put her army out there to find me. I am not going to let that happen, she threated me like a stranger, just beacuse she is the Queen of the villiage doesn't mean she have to thread someone who is not in the same hight as her different. Even though i find myself way different from her. While she was walking around the village far away she saw a little cabin. she saw lights " Theyre probably someone in there that could help me." she said  to herself. she start walking a little faster,and faster, and more faster. When she get close to the cabin she knock, three knock then some old lady open the door, with the most kidness talk she said " Hello their dear, what can i do for you".

Rose response with the most worried face she said," i need a place to stay i run away from home, can i please stay with you for one night." the little old lady looks at her and said it was okay if she stay for one night. "Come in " the old lady said. When she enter she saw that they were couple people seating at a round table eating ,  and alot of food. She was very surprise to see that much of food.  " ahh please have a seat" the old  lady said.." she  went over to seat down next to one of the boy that was seating in the table. " Hi" said the man she was seating next too." Hi" Rose respond to him. She sat and wating for her to be serve. But while she was wating  almost everyone on the table was stareing at her, Rose suddenly feel uncomfertable she put her head down stareing at her fingernails playing with them.When the old lady come back she had a plate with food for  Rose.  " There you go " said the old lady. "Thank you" said Rose with a please voice, she started eating. They didn't asked her anythingh for the rest of the diner, After she finish eating she  said thank you, and asked to wash the plate herself, the old lady didn't want  but she insited ,and they let her since she wanted too. She get all the plates infront of everyone  pill them in the kitchen to start washing. From far they're is people mumbulling she look to see what's going on, and their was the old lady and one of the men standing infront of her talking. But it wqas more like whispering Rose couldn't hear a word they was discussing. She started to worry  she said to herself " could they be talking about me" She went back to wash the plates still wondering what were they talking about.

..Rose talking..

When maman wasn't dead i used to have a beautiful life, i'ved never worried about anything that goes on in life. Well i did kind of noticed that my sister was jelous of me , but why would she be , she is beautiful as well, I am sweet why would someone hate me , i didn't do anything to her that would want to make her  mad and want to gain revenge on me. Now look at me im just a homeless asking people to stay at there house for one night. " I CAN'T DO THIS " i don't know how much longer i  can keep on doing this, i miss mom and dad already. the worse thing is that i really love my sister, she was my only hope for the future she was my rolemodel, now that she does all those things i don't think i can faced it, and go back home. Now that i just entered some strangers house eat their food, now i might even brought distruction to this peaceful family. It waasn't something that i expected to happen i should of atleast thing when i have the whole time too, i was always playfull, i cared about everyone too much , that i even forget  about myself. This battele is too much for me to fight, i can't do this alone, i can't keep it up well if i do i don't know if i'm going to finish it in the end.I might even sacrifies everyithing i have. "  I don't have anything to sacrifies what  am i talking about". I really need to put my act together before thinggs get worse then it already is.Being different i s alot to deal with, i really don't know how people have the  courage to do deal with their problems, Ah it's not like i can't deal with my but for me alone its too much to deal with, i can't im going to lose it soon or later, and if i don't do anything about it i might even end up "COUCOU" if that really happen i know for a fact that Elizabeth wouldn't care she doesn't think aboit other's life as long as she gets what shw wants nothing else matters to her. This the king of person who you really called greedy. She is such a pain to my stomach i feel like hating ,or i might even killed her if i could. After this last senteced she stop and said " what am i thinking she is my sister,if i do something like that everyone would turn against me."

She thinks too much that she didn't even touch one plate yet. she suddenly burse out of tears, and when everyone heard something in ther kitchen everyone ran ,and saw that it was Rose that waas crying her head out." Oh dear what happened to you " said the old lady. she then called one of the men to make some tea, and other one to bring her a wet towel to put over Rose forehead. Rose finally open and said " i'm alright you guys don't need to worry about me"Rose tried to stood up by herself she fall down again, Rose finally realized that if she doen't stop thingking about her sister it wasn't going to be good for her. The old lady asked one of the man to pick Rose up and put her on the soffa, As ask the man bend down pick Rose bridal style and at that moment Rose stop worried about  her sister Elizabeth, she said to herself " what is that, i suddenly feel relief like nothing had happen" she opened her eyes to see that she was on one of the man's hand. She said " I feel so relax like their is this strong feeling that is coming out of my Ah" . She was drop in the soffa, and their was the old lady smacking the man that picks her up. You should atleast put her down sofly, why you grop her on the soffa like that". He finally talk and said Nini we have to talk he took the old ladies hand ,and drag her to the other room.

...Steffen with Nini talking...

"Mother how many times i have told  you not to let a stranger  comes into my home" steffen said, and waiting.

"A-AH well she didn't look well, and she ask me if she can stay, i let her, what harm can it do" said Nini.

"You don't understand mother, you have to stop that or you might get killed by someone , and please stop been too friendly"

with a Serious and worried face she said" that would never happen, I can't stop being friendly thats the way i was born, i can't change the fact that i am too friendly"

"Well mother i'm just trying to protect you from the danger, just listen to me this once, don't open any door for stranger".

"She still din't respond she puts her head down"

Mother please look at me , AND agree to what i say please mom, i don't want to lose you like i lose dad"

She finally left up her head "YES, but just this once. They both went back to the living room , to check on Rose she was already at sleep.  " maman you have done enought for one day go to bed" said Steffen to his mother Nini. Nini din't even move a bone she just sat their looking at Steffen like he was very crazy. Who  do you think you're talking with, wait ti'll you have kid you own , then you can tell them to go to sleep" said Nini. 'I should tell you to go to Bed, as a matter affect to go to bed now'. Nini said. "Well goodnight mom i was going to bed anyway" said Steffen leaving steping on the steps. Nini aproach Rose and said "WHat a beautiful women, That's who my son is marrying" she close the candel, and went to her way to bed.

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finish with chapter1..chapter2 is coming soon.. not long,


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Merci.. Mwen ap fe toujour..
biderly #2
wow very beautiful mete toujou poum ka li res la