Broken Foot

Mr. Choi's Bar


When you hear the name Kwon Jiyong, drugs and alcohol and lots and lots of money fill your mind. You think of my father too, the famous politician.

I’ve been very depressed lately. I don’t know why. I’ve been going out and going to parties. I had everything, cars, apartments, girls. But I wasn’t as enjoy as before. It had been a long time since I had fun. I needed something new…

I was maybe rich, but I sure didn't feel like it. Didn't rich people have everything? Friends, attention, everything their hearts desire? All I had was attention. My money, looks were all people liked. I doubted they liked who I was, but what I was. Rich.

Yesterday night was a good night. Nobody treated me like and the bar was full. And the girls rocked too, great singers. Then, they all went drunks! Aish… What’s wrong with these guys? Why everyone kept drinking alcohol? I had problems with it when I was younger, I did wrong things because of it, I waste my youth. That's the problem with drinking. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.

And this girl, Chaerin! I didn’t even know her last name! She was kinda… Complicated. I didn’t know why but when I first saw her I automatically wanted to but she’s not easy. She rejected me. She even flirted with Taeyang! And Yesterday I had to carry her on my back after the karaoke because she was too drunk! Aish… Today I had to take my revenge!

I took my phone and called her (yeah I had her number, well like all the employees!). It was 3:00pm already. Actually I spend the morning watching tv… Boring!

“Hello?” I heard her saying.

“I want to see you at the bar, at 4:00pm! Don’t be late!” I shouted at her

“Who is it?” she yawned. Good, so she was still sleeping! Yah, is it me or she didn’t recognize my phone number?

“It’s your boss and if you don’t wake up, I fire you!” I said as I hanged up abruptly. Gosh this girl!




What’s this jerk want? Gosh, I was sleeping deeply when he called me this morning… I meant this afternoon. Wait it was already the afternoon? Gosh, I slept all this time? I wasn’t in a good mood! Unlike unni who must still be delighted! I couldn’t remember all the things I did last night. I knew I drank a lot, we had been talking, laughing. Oh yes I remembered one thing: Jiyong gave me a piggy back ride. I frozed. It wasn't that I was scared; he was strong, more so than people imagined. But Kwon Jiyong gave me a piggy back ride. Enough said.

I entered the bar and surprisingly it was lively. Taeyang was playing a little melody on the piano. He wasn’t shirtless like yesterday but he seemed to be sleepy too. Seungry was sitting at a table, piles of books on it. He wasn’t alone as a young girl was working with him. It must be a friend from his school. Or maybe more than a friend…

“Oh little Seungri is doing his homework! So cute!” I said with a cute voice. He was blushing a little then he looked at his friend.

“Hey Chae, let me introduce you my buddy! It’s Minji, Kong Minji!” he exclaimed

I saluted her as did she. She was small, with short hair. She had small eyes too, just like Daesung! “Buddy? Are you sure she’s just your buddy?” I teased them.

“Yah Chaerin!  Don’t listen to her Minji! She’s a bad girl!” Seungri shouted.

“Y-yeah we’re just friends! So, you’re a singer, Chaerin ah?” she asked me.

“Well, I can sing. And just call me unni!”

“I really like singing too, I want to sing in a musical, that’s why I’m in an acting school. You should attempt it unni!” she exclaimed

“Yeah but I need some money actually… Maybe next year! Seungri, where’s the Kwon, I have to speak with him!” I asked then.

“Yah it’s Mr. Kwon here!” I heard someone saying. Well it was Jiyong of course. He was sitting at a table in the vip room. This place was cozier than the rest of the bar. There were soft sofas, a pool table, and televisions too. Jiyong wasn’t alone as an older man was with him. This man was handsome too, with a cute smile and bright eyes.

“Seven, it’s Chaerin, one of our singers. Chaerin, this man is Seven. He’s a Choi, another cousin…” Jiyong mumbled

“What? I’m your favorite cousin! I almost raise you!” Seven laughed

“Well, you didn’t do well!” I declared. Seven looked at me and laughed even more.

“She’s funny man!” he said.

“Chaerin you’re not here to make jokes on me! I want you to clean the vip room, it’s really a mess! And this television is broken, you have to remove it quickly!” Jiyong shouted at me.

“What?! It’s not my job! I’m a singer not your servant!” I yelled against him

“Daesung is sick, he can’t do it. So I called you…” he added smirking

“You jerk!”

“Come on! I’ll give you a day off this month if you want! I’m so honorable!” he declared his hand on his heart.

I did it for Daesung. But it was the first time and the last time! I took a broom as I started to remove all the trashes from the sofas and the tables. There were cans, paper towels, chewing gums. The floor was really dirty too, I had to use a mop.

“So what’s wrong cousin?” Jiyong asked while I was working. I gave him a killing glare.

“Everything’s fine! I’ll… Get married bro!” Seven exclaimed. Jiyong only grimaced. “Oh and I want you to be my best man!” he added smiling. He seemed to be very delighted. Actually it’s really an important moment in a man’s life. I felt happy for him, I really liked weddings!

“No.” Jiyong simply said. “I don’t want to be your best man Seven. Are you crazy? You’re getting married? Ahah such a good joke!”

“I’m not joking Ji!” Seven protested alarming

“You? Married? You’re a playboy just like me!” Jiyong laughed

“Argh… In life there are things that I do not understand! We meet thousands of girls, and we found one, and our life is changed ... Forever! I can’t explain it! » Seven declared

“Well, let me explain it for you! You know what I think about love… It doesn’t exist! It’s cheesy, commercial, and useless. At the beginning of a relationship you think you can love. You think it’s love! But with the time, you realize it’s… just nothing! Love is like the fog that disappears at the first glimmer of reality.” Jiyong explained.

“You’re really a jerk! Don’t listen to him Seven-shi! I know you’re happy with your fiancée, you must really love her!” I exclaimed to Seven who seemed to be a bit confused.

“You have to remove this television Chaerin, right now!” Jiyong shouted at me. I just sighed. 

“Okay I’ll do it! You’re really a lazy girl! Seven, bro, I just gave you my opinion but if you want to get married so don’t listen to me! But I warned you! Call me when you’ll divorce…”


“I still hope you’ll be my best man!” Seven said

 “Don’t know…” Jiyong mumbled as he tried to unhook the huge television from the wall.


“This man is a jerk! The first time he saw me he tried to get me in his bed! But I know men like him…” I whispered to Seven as I sat next to him. Jiyong was trying to lift up the television but it was really heavy. He then was holding it in his arms but it was really too large…

 “You’re really something! I understand why he wanted you!”

 “He’s so gross! I bet he had been rejected by one of his girlfriends in the past, that’s why he doesn’t respect girls!” I said louder to let Jiyong hear us. Then we heard a crack, a loud noise. Then a scream.


“SON OF A !” Jiyong screamed. Indeed he had dropped the television on his foot. His face get red and he was gesticulated. He grabbed onto a table for support.


“Damn it hurts!” he screeched. Aigoo, he really was useless! Seven stood up and helped his cousin as he was a bit worry.


“The television is really broken now! How’s his foot?” I asked to Seven. He looked at his cousin who was really suffering. He was now sitting on a sofa, his head threw back.


“I don’t know I’m not a doctor!” He said alarmed. I sighed as I kneeled to remove Jiyong’s shoes slowly. He glared at me with anger but he didn’t speak. Then I touched the top of his foot.


“Aaarghhhh! Stop it! It hurts I said!” he screamed again.


I give Jiyong a long irritated look and say “I think we have to go to the hospital.” I sighed. Aish this man...




This day, while I was going in the bathroom I received a message from Seunghyun. We talked late yesterday night until Jiyong rushed in the street with Chaerin on his back. Taeyang was following them shirtless. Gosh, these guys had drunk too much! We left the Karaoke and Seunghyun and I didn’t speak after that. Chaerin and I took a bus while he left with the guys. I even kept his jacket.


From: Bingu Tabi

U kept my jacket last night?


Wow so rude, he didn’t even say hello?

I send him: "Hello Mr. Choi! I still have ur jacket, I’ll keep it warm don’t worry^^”


From: Bingu Tabi

My jacket is lucky, I’d like to be a jacket :p


I blushed. He could be such a dork sometimes! He had always been like that. He was kind and all but he also knew he was good looking so he could use his charm on girls.

“I don’t want a Bingu jacket!” I texted


From Bingu Tabi:

Even if I’m in front your door?;)


What?! Is he joking? He couldn’t really be here? He didn’t know where I was living! I walked over to the bathtub and the water, sighing as I took off my pajamas.I wanted to take a bath to relax. I really loved baths!

“Don’t want to go out” I simply texted.


From Bingu Tabi:

I’m serious, open your door now


“Don’t want to see u” I . He didn’t reply surprisingly. Yeah he was surely joking when he was saying he was in front my house! I was relieved somehow because I was taking a bath right now and I didn’t want him to see me like that >< I let my phone on the counter. I let the water fill up to a reasonably point, and then undressed quickly…jumping in the water as quickly as I could. Oh gosh… It was like heaven!

But then I heard someone ringing the doorbell and my dog barking. Oh it must be the neighbors or Chaerin maybe. I didn’t move as I knew my dad would open the door. He wasn’t working anymore as he still was unemployed. My mother was a maid but she wasn’t earning much money. That’s why I had to work! For my parents! I heard my dad shouted at my dog while he was going to open the door.

And what if it was Seunghyun? No it was impossible! I didn’t know why but since yesterday I was only thinking about him. It was odd. It was as if I met a ghost from my childhood. He was everything I had lost. Everything I had forgotten. But now I didn’t want to leave him again, I wanted to catch up our friendship.

“Good afternoon Mr. Park! I would like to see your daughter, Bom” I heard someone saying. My eyes widened suddenly, recognizing this voice. I’ll kill you Choi Seunghyun!

I groaned as I quickly jumped out of my bath. I wrapped myself in a towel and I ran to the front door. And as I thought, Choi Seunghyun was in the entry, wearing just a sweater and jeans. He seemed to be a normal person. I mean, not a rich one. He smiled like an idiot when he saw me. He even waved at me while my father was frowning.


“I didn’t know you had invited a friend Bom!” my father told me.

“I didn’t know either…” I whispered looking at Seunghyun. “He is my new boss, we’re going out today!” I explained to my father reassuring him.

“Okay, then do what you want… I’m sorry, I didn’t ask you your name, I’m really impolite…” my dad said to Seunghyun patting his head.

“No I’m the impolite one, I didn’t present myself first… My name is Choi Seunghyun!” Seunghyun proudly said.

My father blinked a few times looking at Seunghyun, then at me.

“Choi?” he said weakly and he suddenly collapsed into Seunghyun's strong arms. He was shocked and carried my dad.

“Omo, what’s going on?” Seunghyun said incredulous looking at me.

“Dad!” I screamed. I immediately ran to his side and frantically called his name. My heart raced and I felt a pit of dread dwelling in my stomach when my dad did not react at all.

"Mister Park, wake up!" Seunghyun urged, still holding my father in his arms. “We have to go to the hospital quickly!” he shouted. His face was serious as he looked in my eyes. I just nodded as I was trembling.

Not my dad…Please, not him…




Chaerin and I have been sitting in the examining room for almost an hour waiting for the doctor to come in with my x-rays. Needless to say, I was scared crap less. I really DO NOT like broken bones, casts and worse. Gulp. Hospitals. I really hated hospitals. But I didn’t want people to know. I begged Chaerin not to go there. I told her I didn’t need to go to the hospital. But she forced me as she dragged me here with Seven. So we were waiting for this ing doctor. Didn’t he know I was Kwon Jiyong? I groaned out loud and Chaerin looked at me.

“Why am I waiting with you?” she sighed.

“Because… You love me?” I supposed teasing her but she hit my arm roughly and stood up. Actually I forced her to stay with me. Seven drove us to the hospital but he had to leave us. I didn’t want to be alone in the hospitals, with these creepy doctors!

“Don’t leave me! I think I’ll die soon!” I screamed grabbing Chaerin’s wrist making her sit next to me again.

“Gosh, you’re such a baby!” She shouted at me. “You really know how to annoy me!”

And then the monster, I mean doctor, walked in. I tightened my grip on Chaerin’s wrist.

“Mister Kwon, that’s right? So, I’m glad to tell you that… Your foot is not broken. You just have a bruise. But it’s not really serious…” he declared.

“Yeah, but think about the poor television…” Chaerin sighed. But I didn’t care about her right now. I was worried about my poor foot!

“But it’s painful doctor! I don’t think it’s normal! It must be broken” I protested. I just had a bruise?! B-but…

The doctor started to laugh and Chaerin started too.

“If you really want a broken foot, I can break it for you!” she told me.

“You’ll need some rest, don’t walk too much. My assistant will make you a bandage and I’ll prescribe you some medicines then for the pain…” the doctor said as a young dude came in. He looked like a little kid with his big glasses. I bet he wasn’t a doctor yet. I didn’t trust this nerd!

“Aish, so rude! Do you know who am I kid?” I shouted as he took my foot to make the bandage.

“I’m sorry Mr. Kwon… I’m new here!” the assistant said

“Don’t scold him Jiyong, it’s not his fault if you’re precious…” Chaerin added. And now, she was protecting the kid!

“It’s your entire fault if I’m hurt…” I pouted

“And why?”

“’cause you didn’t want to remove this television! You lazy girl! I don’t know why hyung hired you, you’re useless!” I exclaimed. I expected her to reply but she stayed mute. It was really silence now, it was scary. Was she planning something?

“Why are you this mean to me?” she asked after a while. She didn’t seem to be angry anymore. She was calm. I turned my head to stare at her and I realized she was looking at me. She looked tired, maybe hurt. I was really stunned by her sudden question.

“I’m not that mean! I-I’m… Your boss, I have to be strict that’s all!” I stammered looking away.

“Yes you’re mean! First you treat me like a puppet in the mall, you almost harass me in the dressing room, you always shout at me, you’re vulgar with me… You never respect me! Can’t we be just friends and stop all of this?” she exclaimed.

“I-I’m sorry okay… Aish, easy man!” I shouted to the kid who was tightening the bandage. “… You really want to be friend with me?” I asked cautiously.

“Neh, something like that…” she proposed.

“Well, I’ll try… Friends?” I sighed as I offered her my hand.

“… Friends!” she smiled as she placed slowly her hand in mine. I didn’t know why but I was feeling better now. I looked at our two hands smiling lightly. Her hand looked really small and fragile in mine. But it was warm.

When the kid finished his bandage we left the room, Chaerin helping me walking with her arm around my waist. We were going to leave but then I saw my cousin in the white corridor. He was leaning against the wall, he seemed to be concerned, lost in his mind.


“Yah hyung!” I yelled as I didn’t mind about the other people looking at me. Chaerin had seen Seunghyun too as she led us in the corridor.

“What are you doing here oppa?” Chaerin asked him.

He seemed to be surprised by our presence. Shattered too…

“I-it’s Bom’s father…” he whispered

“What’s wrong?” Chaerin asked alarmed.

“I don’t know, I was at Bom’s house, we were speaking and then… He fainted in my arms!” he explained.

Then we saw Bom noona coming from a room. She was concerned too.

“Unni!” Chaerin screamed but she couldn’t hug her as she was still supporting me. She just took her hand.

“My father is fine now, he just collapsed. The doctor said he was too stressed. He needs some rest…” she explained. I was relieved for her even if I didn’t know her father.

“You can stay with him tonight” Seunghyun declared seriously.

“No I have to…”

“You can stay here unni! I’ll sing alone tonight don’t worry!” Chaerin said smiling.

“Thank you Chaerin! Really thank you… You’re really the best!” Bom whispered relieved

“Hey what happened to you Jiyong?” Seunghyun suddenly asked astonished.

Oh god… What should I say? I had to work tonight, I couldn’t let them alone! I looked at Chaerin lightly and then I declared:

“Oh nothing… I just fell in the bar, don’t worry!” I said pretending to be fine. Chaerin just frowned at me but hyung didn’t ask more.

“We’ll go now, I call you tomorrow?” Seunghyun whispered to Bom noona as he hugged her lightly, still concerned. He caressed her back gently as she blinked at him but she let go. Were they this close now?

“Neh, you should go now guys or you’ll be late…” She replied as she pulled away from hyung. She gave us a forced smile and waved at us.

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seoinae #1
Funny ending... LOL seunghyun!!
auroramikaela #2
Chapter 32: I just found this's lovely and i finish reading just now... and i saw my name.....kkkkkk
Toirubira #4
Chapter 15: What happened to the morning-after pill? And how come she can check whether she's pregnant or not a few hours after? XD
Happy 1 year anniversary on this story^-^ this was the first fanfic I read and it was the best one ever and I hope you make more fanfics like this.
BommieLuv #6
Chapter 32: i'm confused about topbom >.< they are bro and sis ? or gf and bf? thanks for this nice story please update
YGSMent #7
Chapter 1: I like the skydragon moment!! Huaaaaa!!
Chapter 32: sweet sweet!!! and the end is so funny!!!

thanks for this fic! i really enjoyed it! ;D
Chapter 32: aigoo~ you can't just borrow a seunghyun-ah. lol

nice story authornim! ^.^
merna8 #10
Chapter 32: Omg, that was seriously amazing! What an amazing job <3