Mr. Choi's Bar


I pulled at the bottom of my light white dress slightly with my free hand, my other arm looped with Jiyong's. I didn’t why but I was feeling uneasy in this dress and I felt like everyone was looking at me. Yah, stop looking at me I’m not the bride!

"Would you stop that? It looks fine!" Jiyong leaned over me and whispered to me as we continued walking around. The ceremony was finished and honestly it was really touching. Seven oppa was stressed but he also looked delighted. And the bride was really beautiful. So now we were trying to exit the after party Seven oppa had organized.

"Everyone is looking at me, I knew that this dress wasn’t fitting me… I seriously look fat in it! Look this erted ajusshi there he can’t take off his eyes of me!" I pouted pointing at a man at the bar. It was really creepy!

Jiyong stopped us walking and sighed "First, this “erted ajusshi” is my uncle.”


Actually I had forgotten that almost all the people there were from Jiyong’s family! It was the first time I was meeting Jiyong’s family, I really wanted to impress them. And not insult them!

“Oh sorry…” I whispered uneasy as I was fixing my dress again

Jiyong just chuckled taking my hand in his. He knew I wasn’t really at ease today as I was trying to look perfect, something I didn’t mind usually!

“It’s alright, actually my uncle is really a erted ajusshi so I don’t mind you calling him that’s way!” Jiyong stated then he observed my dress. “This dress is fine, that’s why I bought it for you. It's not short enough to be ty and not long enough for you to look... Frigid " he grinned still scanning me down and up.

"? Frigid?" I gasped

"Look baby, I just wanted to say you look nice, you’re not fat and I think people are looking at you because you’re walking with the great Kwon Jiyong!" he sighed as if he was tired of his popularity! How can he brag about himself?

“Pabo! I don’t think people here think you’re great! Actually no one greeted you!” I retorted fiercely. Jiyong didn’t look hurt as he raised his eyebrows and gave me a questioning look.

“Why are you mean suddenly? You’re being really moody these days… Wait, are you pregnant?” he tensed and shouted at loud making everyone in the room look at us again.

“Shut up!” I whispered lowering my head as I walked faster, “I’m mean because I know you smoked earlier!” I added. Jiyong stopped as his eyes widened and he quickly turned his head to look at me. He opened his mouth but it seemed that no sound could come from it.

 “You know it’s bad for your health! So please give me your cigarettes and I’ll stop being mean!” I ordered him. But Jiyong just rolled his eyes and started to walk away avoiding my gaze.

“Jiyong?” I warned again grabbing his arm more tightly, a slight frowning marring my face.

He groaned and patted the back of his head messing his hair. He gave me an irritated stare as he reluctantly looked for his pack in his jacket. I smiled knowing that Jiyong would do everything I’d ask. I rapidly took the packet of his hand.

"Now can we leave this place quickly, I’m tired…” Jiyong sighed messing with his tie. I could understand him actually. He stood up during all the ceremony as he was the best man, a lot of girls tried to flirt with him, he prepared a speech for the reception, Seven oppa thanked him again and again and I forced him to dance with me… Yeah it was time to relax now!

“’kay!” I exclaimed cheerfully knowing that I had won over him. I was honestly tired too, and I just wanted to relax with Jiyong in our hotel room.


But then the bride suddenly called all the women over to her.


“What’s again?” I whispered irritated. I thought the celebrations were over!

I saw Dara unni and Minji rejoining the other girls and waving to me to follow them. Gosh, I just wanted to sleep! So I made myself discreet lowering my head and trying to leave but Jiyong didn’t move.

“Why are you not following them, you’re a woman too aren’t you?” Jiyong said amused by my sudden shyness. I lightly hit his shoulder because he was laughing at me.

I sighed and with a little nudge from Jiyong I joined the gaggle of women standing behind the bride. Then I realized what it was… The bouquet toss. Gosh I hated it, it was so cliché! It’s true it was something people would do during wedding but I thought I could escape this tradition! You know how the saying goes. If you catch the bouquet, you marry next.

Honestly I didn’t want to do this. One question came into my mind,

"What if I catch the bouquet?"

I would feel uneasy, people would look at me and Jiyong would make fun of me. Being married wasn’t in our project yet so I didn’t know what Jiyong would say if I caught the bouquet. I didn’t want to embarrass him too in front of his family. I looked for him panicky and our eyes locked for a brief moment. Surprisingly, he wasn’t laughing at me. No, his eyes were bright as he gave me his cutest smile and waved at me. All my fears disappeared as I smiled back at him and I finally became excited.


'3 ...

'2 ...

'1 ...


The bride threw the bouquet and it went hurtling towards the air, everyone jumped in unison to catch it. The small bouquet flied through the air as if the time had stopped. Oh.My.God. It was coming in my direction! And before I even had knowledge of it the bouquet landed in my arms!

My mouth dropped open in shock.

Most women were disappointed that they didn't catch the bouquet, but Dara unni had me in a gentle embrace. All of the other women clapped for me at the end and I nervously walked back over to Jiyong.

“Chaerin ah you know you can still marry me if hyung doesn’t want to?” Seungri laughed at me but Youngbae oppa just grabbed his collar and lead him away fortunately. But actually I was really wondering if Jiyong was going to reject me now!


Jiyong was sipping a cocktail near the bar as his bright eyes were still fixing me. I felt even more awkward as I blushed. I knew he saw everything… And I knew that everyone was looking at us!

"I didn't mean to catch the bouquet! It just happened!" I stated trying to apologize like a little girl

“Really? So you don’t want to marry me?” he asked pretending to be hurt but actually I really thought he was serious.

“No I didn’t mean that! Of course I would like to marry you one day… Maybe in one year or when I’d find a job… O-or we can just stay like that and never get married if you want, I don’t want to hurry you or force you to do something you don’t want, I understand if you don’t want to be married, weddings are boring, but we can still try it if you want…” I said rapidly without breathing and avoiding his stare. At the end, I didn’t even know what I was saying. I was feeling really uneasy speaking about wedding. It wasn’t my kind.

Jiyong took a last sip of his cocktail before putting his glass on the bar silently. His silence was killing me gosh! I just wanted to know what he was thinking about wedding but he was emotionless and mute. Then he faced me and he tightened his arms around my waste pulling me closer. He kissed my forehead and rested his head against mine. His brown eyes were fixing me and somehow his stare just succeeded to calm me.

“Just relax Hunchae! We have time to think about it, we’re still young.” He bring a hand to the side of my face. “Honestly, I… Would be proud to be your husband really but let me find the right moment to propose to you! You know I’m a slow man!” he chuckled biting his lower lip.

“Yeah I know it, you took one year to confess to me!” I laughed too, “But I’ll wait for you Jingyo…” I stood on my tiptoe and closed my eyes for a second before pressing my lips against his in a short, sweet kiss.


“Bom unni? It’s Bom unni!” I suddenly heard Dara unni exclaiming. I hesitantly pulled away from Jiyong’s embrace and looked around. I saw Dara unni hugging a girl in a short white dress. She had red hair and… Wait, red hair?

“Bommie?” I exclaimed too as I headed to the girls. And then I realized I wasn’t dreaming! Bommie was there!

When she heard me she turned around and our eyes locked. She hadn’t changed even if the last time I’d seen her she was almost crying. Actually today she was smiling and this delighted smile was telling me that she had met Seunghyun oppa. Indeed, the latter was with Jiyong just behind me at the bar. And he looked really delighted too, something I hadn’t seen since Bommie had left!

“Bommie unni!” I exclaimed when I hugged her tightly, “it’s so good to see you!”

“Omo I really missed you too Chaerin! I missed our little talks!” she said smiling even more  

“Yeah… I even kept your secret! But I think you missed Seunghyun oppa more than me!” I , resting my hands on my hips

“What? He’s just a guy!” she laughed

“Really?? So why are you both laughing like idiots huh? You made up with him, don’t you?” I asked suspicious

“You’re right, I can’t hide something from you! This time, I’ll relay on him!” she stated maybe too determined raising her fist in the air as it made me laugh.

“Calm down wonder woman!” Seungri shouted.

“Sorry Seungri ah… I would like to thank you too, you really helped us. I wouldn’t be back without you” Bommie unni confessed bowing at him

“Seungri can be a good boy sometimes!” Jiyong said as Seunghyun and he joined us. “I’m glad you’re here noona because… I would like to say something important.” Jiyong added more seriously.

Wait… He wasn’t going to propose to me now? He told me he wanted to choose the right time to do it, so was it the right time for him now? Aigoo, he was really fast!

But as he saw I was becoming paler and paler he chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist. And he whispered to me, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to propose to you now…”

I was soooooo relieved.


“… But it’s something really important too!” he added at loud to let everyone hear him. “You know two months ago Teddy Park came to our bar, to listen to you girls.”

“Oh you mean the night Chaerin’s ex kicked your ?” Seungri asked

“Shut up maknae. So Teddy listened to you girls and... Today he called me. He said his boss wanted you two to work for him! Congratulation!” Jiyong affirmed kissing my cheek.

Bommie unni’s and my eyes widened and blinked rapidly. It was like a dream, it couldn’t be possible. We were too astonished to even be happy. It only happened in dreams.

 "W-what?"  I stammered hesitantly. "We’re going to be singers? Like professional singers?" Giggling madly, Jiyong nodded.

“Wait, if it’s one of your stupid jokes again I’ll really kill you Ji” I warned him. I couldn’t believe he was serious, it had to be a joke!

Bommie unni was just as dazed as me even if Seunghyun oppa was hugging her tightly, picking her up and twirling her around like a crazy man.

“It’s not a joke Chae! I told you one day that I would help you to become an idol, remember?” Jiyong assured me as he took my face in his hands. 

I looked into his eyes and could see nothing but truth and happiness. So I finally realized it was true, I was going to be an idol finally! And it was all thanks to my lovely boyfriend! I smiled and buried my face in his shoulder, my arms around his neck, his arms around my waist.

“Thank you Jiyong, thank you…  I’ll do everything to be the best and I’ll make you proud of me!” I exclaimed before kissing him on his lips.

"I'm already proud of you" he replied his bright eyes locked on mines before kissing me again.

"Okay let's drink and party together now! I have to catch up with my beautiful Bomtaro!" Seunghyun exclaimed, kissing Bommie unni's cheek. They must be really happy now ! They really looked like a perfect couple but Seunghyun was still an excited alien so...

"Ji, would you mind if I borrow you some condoms?" he murmured at my boyfriend but unfortunatly everyone heard him,

"YAH YOU ERT!" we, including Bommie unni and excluding Dara unni and Youngbae who had already left to do whatever-what-in-their-hotel-room, shouted then.

Well, this new life promised to be as exciting as Seunghyun's libido...





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seoinae #1
Funny ending... LOL seunghyun!!
auroramikaela #2
Chapter 32: I just found this's lovely and i finish reading just now... and i saw my name.....kkkkkk
Toirubira #4
Chapter 15: What happened to the morning-after pill? And how come she can check whether she's pregnant or not a few hours after? XD
Happy 1 year anniversary on this story^-^ this was the first fanfic I read and it was the best one ever and I hope you make more fanfics like this.
BommieLuv #6
Chapter 32: i'm confused about topbom >.< they are bro and sis ? or gf and bf? thanks for this nice story please update
YGSMent #7
Chapter 1: I like the skydragon moment!! Huaaaaa!!
Chapter 32: sweet sweet!!! and the end is so funny!!!

thanks for this fic! i really enjoyed it! ;D
Chapter 32: aigoo~ you can't just borrow a seunghyun-ah. lol

nice story authornim! ^.^
merna8 #10
Chapter 32: Omg, that was seriously amazing! What an amazing job <3