SUMMER BREEZE 2 - Love Was Made for Us


Siwon got to his car.

KAT:                       Siwon-sshi! Take this with you..(handed a lunch bag) I bet Yoona will be hungry when she wakes up..

SIWON:                  thank you..

SUNNY:                (wave from the door) take care, we’ll see you tomorrow..

SIWON:                  ok! bye…

                Then Siwon drove off, when he got to the hospital the others said their goodbyes too and leave. Siwon walk them through the door and waved goodbye. Siwon sat on the chair in the corner of the room and leaned his back against the wall, looking at the sleeping form of Yoona through the moonlight room is enough for him to see that Yoona is sleeping peacefully. Unable to sleep Siwon got up and walk towards the window and look up at the now clear sky. Startled that Yoona made a sound and called out his name, is enough to turn his head and look at her. Unable to move Siwon was pinned where he was looking at sleeping Yoona. Does she having nightmares? And why call my name? Questions are floating on Siwons head, exhausted of the very long day he went back to the chair and closed his eyes trying to sleep.

Morning sun hit Siwons face and he opens his eyes only to see that the others are there.

TIFFANY:              did we wake you? (concerned)

SIWON:                  ahmm, not at all.

Jessica and the others are beside Yoona looking and touching her face..

KIM:                      here we brought something to eat..

SIWON:                thank you..where are the others?

SOOYOUNG:      at the car, they said they let us have our time..(looking at Yoona)

SIWON:                 so you’re really are leaving…

BRYAN:                 we have too, sorry..

SIWON:                 I understand..

JESSICA:               Siwon-sshi, please take extra good care of her..

SIWON:                 don’t worry I will..

SUNNY:                we will be going too..

SIWON:                 you too?

HYOYEON:           we left the babies with our husband, and we’re worried about Taeyeon and Seohyun too..

JESSICA:               I besides she’s ok now, (caressing Yoona’s hair) and you’re with her so.. we know that you’ll protect her..

SOOYOUNG:      don’t worry about the house we stuff a lot of foods for you so you’ll have all you need for days until Yoona is up for travelling.

SIWON:                   thank you..

Leeteuk knock on the door.

LEETEUK:             sorry to interrupt but we have to be going now..

SHEENA:              I’ll go ahead..Siwon.(bow)

SOOYOUNG:      yes, we’ll be there in a minute..

Then Leeteuk, Sheena and the others left the room.

HYOYEON:           Siwon, I know that this going to be hard, especially Yoona doesn’t know you – for now. But, if something strange happen to her, please let us know..

SIWON:                  yes, I will, don’t worry.

TIFFANY:              come on, we need to go now..

SUNNY:                 (kiss Yoona’s forehead) bye, Yoona please get well soon.

Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Jessica and Tiffany also kissed Yoona’s forehead before leaving the room. Siwon walked them through the hospital lobby, and there the others are waiting in the cars and van.

HEECHUL:            Siwon, we’ll leave Yoona to you..

SIWON:                 yes, careful on driving..

KANG-IN:            we will..bye bye, give us a call if you need anything..

SIWON:               yes I will..

The others wave goodbye to Siwon, Siwon followed the cars until they were gone out of his site and went back to the room, when he returned Yoona wake up.

SIWON:               (went to Yoona’s side) ow, Yoona finally, how are you feeling?

                Yoona fight the warm feeling on her eyes, her tears were about to fall when she saw Siwon and how worried he looks. Now that her memories ar e all back, now seeing the man she love not only in this lifetime but in the past gives her the urge to hug him tight but the wound that he made on her heart keeps reminding her about pain she feels because of his betrayal. Yoona could only look at the man she loves but couldn’t touch him.

                Siwon was so happy that Yoona’s awake but something was different , the Yoona from yesterday is different from the Yoona now who is in front of him, but seeing her eyes went red because of tears that was forcing to get out from her eyes his doubt was change into worry.

SIWON:                  (touch her face) hey..(soft voice) are you ok? is something hurting?

YOONA:               (wipe her face as if tears already falling from her eyes) i…i…I’m fine, I’m just glad that I’m here now..

Yoona couldn’t hold back the tears that were forcing its way out, she covered her face and cried.

Seeing Yoona crying is all could take to make Siwon hurt as if his heart was stab by millions of needles. Siwon hugged her as if trying to make the pain on his heart go away. Yoona give in on Siwons’ arm letting her mix emotions out she hugged him in return and cried on his chest while he caress her back up and down to calm her down, being in that cool dark forest alone in the storm really give her a scare.

SIWON:                    shhhh (soft voice) it’s alright now,, you’re safe,please don’t cry  or your exhaust yourself again.. You’re fine now, I’m here.

“You’re fine now…I’m here……I’m here…..I’m here…” The words keep on echoing in Yoona’s head, yes his really here now, with her. But why couldn’t she just let herself give in totally. Yoona untangle herself on Siwons’ arm and wipe her tears away.

YOONA:               (sat straight but heads down) thank you..

SIWON:                 (he was setting in front of her in the bedside and then look at her) alright, by the way the others and the Solshi are here not too long ago..and eomeonie and abeoji was worried sick..

Yoona look at Siwon as if she saw a ghost. “did he said Eomeonie and  a..abeoji?”

SIWON:                 (thought that Yoona was shock because the Solshi are here) ahmm,  they just left when you woke up, they have too return because of the babies and Seohyun and Taeyeon.

YOONA:               (like a snap was awaken when hearing the 2 solshi name) (worried) ow I see,  it’s ok don’t worry..(touch her head)

SIWON:                (worried Siwon lean closer to her and touch her head) is your head hurts? I’m just going to call the nurse.. (about to stand)

YOONA:               (reach out and touch his hand) ahmm, no..i’m fine it’s just a mild hurt nothing to worry..

Siwon look at his hand Yoona notice where he was looking and with the expression of curiosity and shock written all over his face Yoona let go of his hand as if she got burned.

YOONA:               I’m fine…

Yoona bow down and then her stomach growl, Siwon gave a grim after hearing Yoona’s stmoch.

SIWON:                ow right, you haven’t eating since yesterday, (walk towards the side table where the girls left the lunch box) let’s eat the girls left us this before they went; you need to eat so you’ll have your strength back.

YOONA:               i think I can’t eat..

SIWON:                at least you should try, I know that you’re taste buds are not in the condition because you’re sick but at least have something in your’s growling like an alligator.. (smile)

Yoona blush, after another growling came from her stomach, Siwon sat again in front of her holding a tray and place in on the bed table.

SIWON:                here..(feeding Yoona)

YOONA:               it’s ok I can eat alone..

SIWON:               come on just eat..

Yoona look at him for a moment then eat up, she only had 4 spoonful before give up eating.

YOONA:               I can’t anymore.. (turn away)

SIWON:             ok, here have a drink.

Siwon is taken a good care of her that only made her heart ache so much. Siwon touch her forehead.

SIWON:                there you’re fever gown down now, the doctor said that you can be discharge today.

YOONA:               really? Thank God being here makes me sick even more..

SIWON:                 ok, how about you lie down first, and have a rest for a while I’ll just check on the bills.

Siwon tuck Yoona in the bed then kiss her forehead, Yoona felt a sudden volt of electricity on her body when Siwon’s lips touch her forehead but she keeps her expression.

SIWON:                   we’ll be out of here in no time, so sleep for the moment.

Yoona closed her eyes and fall to sleep again. Siwon came back after paying the bill, he went to the window to fix the curtain when he heard Yoona call his name, he turn to her and went closer.

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Yoona-chingu #1
Chapter 46: Nice chapter!
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Lament #3
Randomshipper sure let's meet up sometime i miss you guys too,
well about the next story,well there is quit a change in it...hehhe
ItsmeJuly #4
Chapter 46: Thanks cuz you writing the amazing fanfics....
Lament #5
sorry guys to cut this story short..i was planning to have this up to 60 chapter or more but because i couldn't update as fast as i want so i decide to finished it rather than leaving it hanging.

i promise to do well on the other stories..hope you won't get tired reading my fics..can't thank you enough for reading the SB 1 & 2. Thank you...
ItsmeJuly #6
Chapter 45: End??
Not now.... I want see YoonWon to be married...!!
Pleasee 1 more chapter...
novamp #7
Chapter 45: This is the end?
Please make a wedding for them,and Yunhee go to the town
ItsmeJuly #8
Chapter 43: Author nim update again pleaseee....I'm CURIOUS...
Kyaaaaaaa...what happend??
Chapter 43: author-nim update soon please...
i'm being curious what will happen next..huhu