SUMMER BREEZE 2 - Love Was Made for Us



Yoona was at the ambulance she was so cold and sleepy by she could hear Yuri calling out her name she slightly open her  but she could only see light, then she visions came to her.

YURI:     what’s happening to her? (frantic) Yoona?! Yoona!

PARAMEDICS:   vitals are getting weak, she’s having convulsion.

Yoona could only hear Yuri’s voice fading and fading until she couldn’t hear anything and then her eyes shut close. The she hear a voice..her own voice saying..

“You need to remember…remember..remember your…promise”

Then the voice faded and flashes of her memory came to her all at once.

YURI:                     ow, GOD! Yoona?? Yoona!

PARAMEDICS:   vitals are down; we need to give her a shock.

The paramedics are reviving Yoona, she could her Yuri’s cry fading and fading until she couldn’t hear her cry anymore.


Yoona’s PAST LIFE..

Goddess CHoYun-Ae, Yoona’s name in her past life which mean CHO for Beautiful, YUN for Blossom and AE for Love.

 ChoYun-Ae could see her sisters form were she’s standing at the top of the mountain where deities, nymphs, Gods and Goddess or any mythical creatures are living, the place where sister used to be home, until they fall in love with mortals. It’s a great taboo or a great crime to fall in love with mortals many of them almost died because of falling in love with mortals. Elder Chang-Ho came to her side, he was there guardian. His name Chang -Ho came from the meaning of Intelligent (CHANG) and goodness (HO).

ELDER CHANG-HO:          Goddess, you’re watching them again..(sad voice)

GODDESS CHOYUN-AE: I just can’t help not looking at them (looking down) they seem….happy (sad).

ELDER CHANG-HO:          yes, it’s because they love each other, You see Goddess we are not allowed to love at all even our own kind and especially mortals, love is the greatest power one could ever have even for mortals, but love could also be a poison in ones heart.

Goddess Choyun-Ae could only listen for what the Elder told her and left her standing all alone.  Then her eyes diverted to a young man who’s practicing wooden sword fight inside the walls of his house. Loneliness filled her heart as she watch the young handsome man fight and win against his opponent. His a charming, handsome and kind hearted young man, she secretly watch him whenever she has a chance not even her sister knew about what she was feeling until they all give up their places and went to live with the man they love.  She and her sisters know the punishment for breaking the law but she couldn’t bear to see her sisters lose their happiness.

HEAD GUARDIAN:           Goddess ChoYun-Ae you’re aware that your sisters broke the scared law and deserves great punishment. Falling with a mortals may cause our kinds destruction.

Goddess ChoYun-Ae could only held her head up  meeting their scrutinizing stare.

GODDESS:           yes, me and my sisters are well aware of the rules.

COUNCIL 1:         Goddess (calm voice) then you’re aware what will going to happen to your sisters..

COUNCIL 2:         They will be brought back here and shall be punished and be cast to the Hidden Forest where they should be forever be atoned for their crime.

Everyone in the great hall made and agonizing sound, Goddess ChonYun-Ae and her sisters where considered treasures of the Mythical Mountain for them to break the scared law is a huge crime.

GODDESS CHONYUN-AE:              please..(the Goddess plead) please, take my life instead.

Everyone gasp of what the Goddess said, offering once life is a high payment for a crime.

HEAD GUARDIAN:                           (shock) Goddesss….are you going mad? Offer your life for the crime of you sister?

COUNCILOR 3:                   Goddess, you know we can’t take you life you’re the next to take the responsibilities of a highest deity..

GODDESS CHOYUN-AE: for my sister sake I’m willing to offer my life, (cry)

COUNCILOR 2:                   but Goddess, we can’t risk your life..

GODDESS CHONYUN-AE:              seems like I have to fight you to agree with me..(made a fighting pose)

Everyone know enough that the 9 sisters are the best on everything, and Goddess CHONYU-AE besides her undeniable beauty was a fierce fighter.

HEAD GUARDIAN:           we can see that you’re willing, for you to ask for a fight. Very well..

The head guardian stands and without cast his powers on Choyun-Ae light envelope her as she was lifted into the air starting to vanish, she saw Elder Chang-ho tears falling from his eyes as he watch her disappear.

“ELDER, thank you for everything please watch them for me?” then she looks above..” My love, in this life I may have sacrifices my life to save my sisters, but I promise we’ll meet again..i promise..” as soon as she finished her vow, like a start that died she glowed then vanished in thin air and the air was filled with glowing dust. Everyone who witnesses the death of the Goddess cried and mourned in her demise. Her sister, knew what became of the Goddess they mourned for her and vowed to help her with her oath. The young man whom the Goddess dear so much, felt like part of his heart died and never loved anyone. The 8 sisters were punished by mortality and memories of the Mythical Mountain and Goddess ChonYun-Ae where erased from them.

                A soon as Yoona remembered her life as Goddess ChonYun-Ae, she showed herself to her.

GODDESS :          Yoona… (smile)

YOONA:               I’m you?

GODDESS:           and you are me.. (smile)  you  should wake up now..his waiting..

YOONA:               his waiting?? Who??

GODDESS:           the man we love, the man I vowed to meet again through you…

Then as a comes like a wind she disappear in front of her then fragments of her memories came all back to her ,from the day she was born, attended schools , the coffee, the day she met Siwon and the day she had an accident everything she forgot came to her all at once.



Sorry if this chapter is short..

even though i'm in the office i couldn't stop thinking what to write next..^^

i end up writing the outline of the chapter on a paper..hehe

little sad here, only few are leaving their comments, now i wonder if my stories are ..=(

well i may be at some errors! hehe


thanks anyway guys for reading!!!!mwah!

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Yoona-chingu #1
Chapter 46: Nice chapter!
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Lament #3
Randomshipper sure let's meet up sometime i miss you guys too,
well about the next story,well there is quit a change in it...hehhe
ItsmeJuly #4
Chapter 46: Thanks cuz you writing the amazing fanfics....
Lament #5
sorry guys to cut this story short..i was planning to have this up to 60 chapter or more but because i couldn't update as fast as i want so i decide to finished it rather than leaving it hanging.

i promise to do well on the other stories..hope you won't get tired reading my fics..can't thank you enough for reading the SB 1 & 2. Thank you...
ItsmeJuly #6
Chapter 45: End??
Not now.... I want see YoonWon to be married...!!
Pleasee 1 more chapter...
novamp #7
Chapter 45: This is the end?
Please make a wedding for them,and Yunhee go to the town
ItsmeJuly #8
Chapter 43: Author nim update again pleaseee....I'm CURIOUS...
Kyaaaaaaa...what happend??
Chapter 43: author-nim update soon please...
i'm being curious what will happen next..huhu