
Amityville Strikes Back

It was a dark and stormy night, the boys are sound asleep and all we can hear is the ticking of the grandfather clock. A dark shadow passed by the sewing room and down to the living room.


*huh? What was that?* Suho thought. He was roused by a loud bang somewhere in the second floor. He got up, opened the door the took a peek at the hall. No one was there and not one of the doors are open. He scratched his head as he walk down the hall and go down the stairs to check it out. He scanned the whole first floor but the only living thing there is Kai's dog. He decided to go back to their room and sleep again. But as he was getting on the bed, he remembered something. "Kai's dog.... Kai's dog...Where is Chen's dog? That creepy dog. aish~" Suho told himself but ignored the matter. He closed his eyes hoping to drift off back to sleep but another bothering thing happened. Suho heard something that sounds like a German marching band tuning up or what sounds like a clock radio playing not quite on frequency. Suho groaned and got up again. he went downstairs but the sound disappeared. He climbed upstairs but the sound came up again so he climbed down and the sound cease. He got tired of coming back up and down so he just ignored the sound. As he was climbing up, he passed by the old portrait of the original owner of the house. Its eyes was bright red and was smiling mischievously. The eyes followed Suho as he climbs upstairs.

Suho entered the room to find a disturbing and shocking image. He found Kai floating 2 feet above the bed still sleeping. He looked at the floating figure with fear. Kai floated back down to the bed as if nothing happened. Suho was so bothered b what he saw that he can't go to sleep so he ran out of the house and into the river bank where he sat there. He fell asleep and was woken up by the bright sunlight. Suho got up and walked back to the house where the others are eating their breakfast. as soon as he entered the house, Sehun approuached him and said "Hyung~ where have you been? we've been looking all over the house for you!". "Sorry Sehunnie~ I was at the riverbank. I didn't notice that I fell asleep there. Don't worry. I'm here now." Suho answered the young boy and put his arms around the boy. As soon as they enter the dining area, Suho noticed Kai. There was something wrong with him... And he found it. "Kai..." Suho called out. Kai looked up at him. "are those... red welts?" He asked. kai's eyes widened at the sight of the red spots on his arms. Kai panicked and scratched the red spots. The boys restrained him and put cream in it. But the red spots multiplied.

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Chapter 17: I am scared ____less. Like ____ my life. Literally -.-
Chapter 19: That was creepy *shudders
I loved it <3
GeiSama #3
Chapter 18: Make sure to leave the link of the sequel here when u post it 'cause we might not be able to find it and 'cause ILOVETHETEASEROMG.
The sequel will be next month!!! ^^
? hmmm... Well I wanna try writing it ^^
kpopluva3838 #6
kpopluva3838 #7
can you continue this story?
It is so interesting!
Something like "amityville strikes back II"?