It's Summertime!

Amityville Strikes Back

The Senior students of Songwon University just graduated. A group of the recently graduated students walked out of the campus and into a cafe near the school. They sat down at the largest table, Suho and Kris, being the eldest of the group, ordered their food for that afternoon. "We should really go in a vacation! In the States maybe..." Kris suggested. The others nodded in unison for they all agreed. The boys all came from a wealthy family. "I know a place! How about Long Island? I've been there with my parents when I'm at Middle School. It's really beautiful there. lots of beaches and most of all... lots of girls." Kai winked at the other boys and they all laughed. "So it's settled then! Long Island here we come~!" Kyungsoo announced, and they all cheered making the other customers of the cafe look at them.

The group arrived at New York sunset of the next day. Lay picked up a newspaper at the newstand and payed for it. While browsing tha papers, he found an advertisement about a house for rent. Remembering that they haven't even had a house to stay for the summer, he asked the others "Hey guys, look at this! It's for rent and it looks so cool! it's a Dutch Colonial house." showing the other guys the paper he's been reading. The boys were so fascinated by the Victorian beauty of the old house and judging by the picture, "It's just a picture for now! What will happen to us if we see it in person!" Luhan said while looking at the picture. They decided to travel to Long Island in search of the house. "What does the advertisement say? We've been driving for hours now and we still haven't found it.." Suho asked Lay. "Well it says 112 Ocean Avenue, Amityville, Long Island, New York." and as Lay finished talking, they passed a signage saying "Welcome to Amityville; Population: 9441". "How ironic, we just entered the place." Sehun said looking at the signage they have passed.

After a few minutes of driving, they reached 112 Ocean Avenue.. "Wow... SImply.. WOW." Xiumin said staring at the magnificent house in front of them. "Okay guys, the realtor will be here in a few minutes." Kris announced as they waited outside of their car. The realtor arrived and made a deal with the guys. He was really surprised that someone called him for that place. He explained about the supposed past of the house which has been a myth for there are now no living civilian that knows the true story. The boys decided to rent it with the knowledge of the dark past/myth that surrounds the house. The group entered the house and was dumbfounded by the vintage baeuty of the house. It was fully furnished with magnificent paintings hanging on the walls and the grand piano at the living room.



Author's Note


Hi Guys! I decided to come out of my comfort zone and write a somewhat spin-off to the Amityville Horror movies and books. Merging it into a true story and a fanfiction. Hope you enjoy reading! :D

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Chapter 17: I am scared ____less. Like ____ my life. Literally -.-
Chapter 19: That was creepy *shudders
I loved it <3
GeiSama #3
Chapter 18: Make sure to leave the link of the sequel here when u post it 'cause we might not be able to find it and 'cause ILOVETHETEASEROMG.
The sequel will be next month!!! ^^
? hmmm... Well I wanna try writing it ^^
kpopluva3838 #6
kpopluva3838 #7
can you continue this story?
It is so interesting!
Something like "amityville strikes back II"?