The Luhan Diaries (Poltergeist Activities) Part 3

Amityville Strikes Back

Sehun recovered from the traumatic experience wih the help of a few psychiatrists in the hospital. They admit, it was difficult because Sehun was resisting. Sehun would start screaming and flailing around kicking the people around him. THAT made it difficult. After many hours of therapy, Sehun was discharged but he went to Kyungsoo's room. The others was there waiting for him to come and for Kyungsoo to wake up. "Oh good. you're here." Kris said. "Are you okay now?" Kai asked Sehun with a worried look. Sehun walked up and sat next to Kai then hugged the older boy, "yes hyung." he answered. The boys didn't wanna talk about the house until Kyungsoo wakes up. Kyungsoo's wounds are getting better and better each minute but the scars remain perfect. The once perfect skin is now scarred with four circles.


That time, Kyungsoo woke up. The boys were so happy that they filed on the bed. Xiumin and Chen being small boys, sat on the bed. Everyone was so happy that Kyungsoo is fine now. The boys asked what happened to him and Kyungsoo answered "All I remember is that I was running to you guys then I stumbled on that freaking China lion and then here I am.". Just as they suspected. It was the house's fault. It's always the house's fault! They started discussing some matters about the house AND Luhan. The boy is still missing and they can't leave the house without him. And then something happened...


The flower vase on the bedside table floated and darted across the room and into the wall. Everything was floating and smashing around. The boys didn't have a choice but to leave the room. But they're wrong. As they run on the hall, the lights flickered and  sparks flew every where. Peope were running and pushing just to get out of the place. "He found us!" Sehun shouted. "Who found us?" Kris shouted as they run down the stairs. the elevators are stuck so the patients, visitors, nurses and doctors need to use the stairs. Unfortunately for the boys, they are in the 6th floor while the others are already descending the stairs of the 3rd or 4th floor. "Katchem found us!" Kyungsoo answered "and unfortunately, he also have Luhan!" he continued. They reached the main door and got outside before the hospital caught fire and gas tanks started to blow.




In some dark place...


Luhan shifted position. His back hurts and the room feels so small. It was so dark that he can't see anything. Then a light came. It's as if a door was opened. And that's right. The door to the dark room opened and the Hooded figure came into Luhan's sight. A sick smile formed into the rotting face of the figure and Luhan out.




Who's Katchem? I'll tell you soon ;)

Luhan's location? It's a secret for now. Unless you can guess.

How did Sehun know about Katchem? You'll see. :D

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Chapter 17: I am scared ____less. Like ____ my life. Literally -.-
Chapter 19: That was creepy *shudders
I loved it <3
GeiSama #3
Chapter 18: Make sure to leave the link of the sequel here when u post it 'cause we might not be able to find it and 'cause ILOVETHETEASEROMG.
The sequel will be next month!!! ^^
? hmmm... Well I wanna try writing it ^^
kpopluva3838 #6
kpopluva3838 #7
can you continue this story?
It is so interesting!
Something like "amityville strikes back II"?