Chapter 1 It's Me

Dreams Do Come True

January 20, 2011

Dear Diary,

      Another day has passed, I am now in my room reminiscing what happened this day. As usual, we made lots of fun,

 playing our favorite game, the Left 4 Dead..Talking about our crushes, the SHINee.. Sharing our thoughts and dreams

with each other, that someday, after we graduated, we achieve our goals in life.. This day is fine but one thing

bothered me..I've read a lot of stories about Shinee being a gay, and I'm upset about it.. I can't accept that my Taemin is gay..

Well, It's a fictional story, no need to worry about...But I can't help it..! Aish..!! maybe I'm tired..I need to sleep now.. Maybe

I'll be fine tomorrow, just maybe..goodnight my sweet Taemin..! sleep tight..! I love you..! Goodnight too my diary...

                                                                                                                                      Love Lots,


        My name is Christine, 17 years old, living in Philippines..I am first year college at University of Saint la Salle,

taking up computer science...

        Like any teenager, my life is not boring..I have lots of friends and I did stuffs that a teenager always do..But

unlike others, I am not favor of engaging myself in a thing called though these days are modern.. Maybe

is the last thing I would do.. I promised that I will give myself to my husband on our first night.. And I always hope

that it is my Taemin... My love of my life...

       My day is already complete whenever I see even his picture.. I don't know why I love him.. Others told me "ei..!

wake up..! you're drowned in your fantasy again...LIve in reality, not in fantasy..!" or they will say " It's not love, It,s

infatuation..!" But I know myself.. It is maybe a fantasy to dream about him but it is not an infatuation....

        When I saw him in the music video of their second album, the Lucifer, my heart skipped a beat.. I feel like the

world stopped.. And it was only me and him...

        Eversince, I always watch him danced and listen to his voice... I dreamed that one day, he will see me even if 

I am in the middle of the crowd...Proposing a marrige anywhere even if it is not in a romantic date...And I always

foresee that he is carrying our fist born baby...

        I always stay late at night just dreaming about him...Thinking until my conciousness gone and fall asleep...


this kinda boring...

but I'm hoping that you will, still, like it guyzzz.... =)

this is all for now..maybe I'll update tomorrow...gotta go to sleep..



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hahaha. christine gid yah? Hopesss na lang bla!!!
dongsaeng ah?...wala ka na di nag update ao??..haha..wai pa kami gane ka gwa,,si xanxan palang...hhahahahahaha..
yunheebee #3
is it a coincidence that's my names Christine and I want to marry Lee Taemin o.o
brownleafhopper #4
wow... pangarap ko din pangarap nya..<br />
<br />
update soon
wwheehee~~ AAHHH!! You're making me remember the days when we dream of shinee!! Haha!! Update soon, honey!!! ^^
-xMomo #6
Omo love it :D updatesoon
-xMomo #7
Update soon ! Kyaaaa love chapter 1 alot !