Keep Your Head Down

Rising Sun

Jae-Hwa gasped. It took her a moment to identify all of the members but she did eventually get it. Yunho was the one bleeding all over her couch. Changmin was sitting next to Yunho, bandaging the wound. Junsu was standing guard by the door, tense and ready, and Yoochun was rushing back and forth fetching things for Changmin. That left only one. Jaejoong. Kim Jaejoong was holding a gun to her head. She shuddered at the thought. He shoved the barrel into her temple harder, implying that if she wanted to live she would cease moving. He twisted the barrel while pushing--forcing her to sit in a conveniently placed chair behind her. Junsu looked around the room and shrugged at the unseen man shoving the cold circular metal of a gun into Jae-Hwa's head. She could feel Jaejoong shift behind her, and Junsu walked over and grabbed Yunho's pants off of the coffee table. Junsu brought the pants over and tied Jae-Hwa's hands together behind the chair with them. She could still feel the warm blood seeping around her wrists and now dripping down her fingertips.

She shook her head, still unable to believe this all. Jaejoong who had stepped away, came back and shoved the gun into her head. She winced.

"Don't move," he hissed.

"C-c-calm down," Yunho gasped from the couch, "Sh-she helped us, re-re-remember?:

Jaejoong grunted and moved away from Hwa once more. The four members tended to Yunho as needed. He cringed and occasionally yelped, but was alright soon.

After that, it was time to deal with Hwa. Changmin dragged her chair to the center of the room so that Yunho could see too from his spot on the couch. The boys peered at her for a bit before speaking.

"I say we kill her," Jaejoong states flatly.

"What?!" Yunho coughs.

"Uh that seems a bit unreasonable," Changmin mutters.

"Junho?" Jaejoong asks.

" we shouldn't kill her."

"If she knows about us, she is a threat." Jaejoong says sternly.

"Dude, she saved our lives," Changmin responds.

Jaejoong drew his gun and pointed at Hwa.

"I say, she dies, and that's final."

"No, for once, wh-what you say is n-n-not final," Yunho managed, still not recovered entirely from his wound.

Junsu pulled the gun from Jaejoong's clutches and slid it into Yunho's hands. Jaejoong's face dropped, clearly very hurt, then turned to anger. He rushed out the door and slammed it behind him like a little kid throwing a tantrum. DBSK looked unsure if they had made the right decision. Hwa's breath caught in her chest. She was no longer safe.

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milkycouplesaranghae #1
Chapter 1: GGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH DBSK!!!...hehe ok maybe a little over excited but this is just too awesome. I lov the plot...please update soon^^
Niraipi #2
omgs please update soon!!! *_*