Stories of them

Our Last Kiss

(Sejun's POV)

Again. I fell to the ground hard. 

" You can stop now, dear. " My mom said worriedly, but i didn't stop. I stood up slowly, leaning against the railing beside me. My legs felt shaky and weak, as if they were going to collapse any minute. I took a deep, shaky breathe. Doctor Yim came in; shocked to see me still there. 

" Mr. Kang, you can stop now. It's only drain your energy. You should rest. " 

" Gwenchanayo. " I said, but i wasn't okay. I fell to the ground again. Dr. Yim was right- I could feel energy draining out of my body. My mom guided me to the wheelchair slowly. She pushed me back to my room, and helped me to lie on bed. 

" You should have stop earlier. You look like you're going to faint. " My mom said, tears welling up in her eyes. 

" Umma, I'm okay. I'll get over this. I won't die of this disease like hyung. " I reassured her. My hyung died of the same disease- the Lou Geurig disease- years ago when I was only five. He was nine at that time. My mom started to weep softly, and i patted her back to comfort her. Suddenly, her phone rang, so she blew her nose and went out to answer. I looked out of the window and watched as the boys and girls played under the snow. They were building snowmen, making snowballs and throwing it at each other. 

* Why is God so unfair to my family? * I thought sadly. * Last time was hyung, and now, me... Why does he want to make my umma and appa sad? Wae?! * I clenched my fist. 

* I won't die of this. * I told myself. * I can get over this. *

At least, i hoped i could. 


(Minyoung's POV)

Finally. I graduated my high school. Everyone who was in 3rd grade of my high school celebrated. I felt really happy, but a bit sad at the same time. I couldn't meet my friends so often anymore. Assembly started, and the principle congratulated us. He told us to be good people with kind hearts. Then it was prize-giving time. Mr Jeong, out principle, called my name for the Seoul University scholarship. I felt really proud and happy as i walked up the stage.

We shook hands and just before I go, he said, " You have a bright future, girl. Follow your heart. "

I was a bit confused, but i smiled and went down the stage. My mom waved at me. I smiled at her. Assembly finished soon, and my friends and I gathered around. Tears formed in my eyes. I couldn't believe that i was going to separate from my friends whom i've known for so long. As the bell rang, we all said our goodbyes and exchanged phone numbers and email addresses. My mom was waiting for me, talking on the phone. I walked further away from her because her tone was serious so i guessed she needed some privacy. I went to the field, admiring the snow that was falling from the sky. It's so pretty....

" Minyoung. " I turned around.

" Minho. You didn't go yet? " He was standing in front of me, hiding something behind his back.

" I need to talk to you. " He said shyly.

" Well, you are talking to me now. What is it about? " I asked. Minho looked nervous. He knelt to the ground and pulled out roses.

" I love you, Minyoung. Will you be my girlfriend? "



First chapter up~! :D This is BFstar here~~ I hoped you enjoyed this chapter that my friend wrote? Hehe. :3 She's a pretty one. xD 

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That's so cute how they're both blushing xD
I'm really enjoying the story ^^
emmamaria99 #2
Hurry and post Chapter 1 i can't wait! :D
can i read it? hihihihi