Epilogue: Part 2



Taemin wakes with a startle as he suddenly hears someone is moving around his room. Through his hazy eyes, he catches a blonde man is walking around as that man seems to  cleaning up(?) his room. After several attempt to clear up his vision, he can see clearly what happen. Key is there, just finished arranging a bucket of flower in a vase.
"What are you doing?"
Hearing Taemin's voice, Key stops his movement for a second, before he continues his work as if nothing is happened. As if it is the most ntural thing he does.
"Can't you see it? I'm arranging flowers. Your room is too plain. I don't like it."
"You don't need to like my room. It's not like-"
"I bought you banana milk. Jinki hyung told me that it's your favorite."
Taemin can't say anything. He can only look at Key with suspicious look. 
"Don't worry. I already ask Dr. Do if you can drink it or not. I already have his permission."
He looks at a carton of milk Key just put on the table beside his bed before his eyes back to Key's figure that keeps moving around his room.
"I gotta go!!! I'm gonna late for school!!!"
And the next second, Key just steps out of his room. Just like that. Well, not really. As he reaches the door, he turns around to look at Taemin and smiles, before opening the door and leave. Taemin is stunned by that. He looks at the vase full of beautiful and colorful flowers.
"Just like Key..."
Taemin is stunned by his own word.
"What did I just say?"
Key is standing against the wall outside Taemin's room. His hand is right on top of his heart. He can feel it beats so fast. He knows he takes a risk on doing it. But he wants to. He needs to. Before he looses his courage to see him.
"Key? What are you doing there?"
Key is startled by that. He jumps on his spot as he hears someone calls his name.
"Jjong!!! You scares me!!! Jeez!!!"
Jonghyun is just taking Jinki for a walk, well, Jonghyun is actually pushing the wheelchair Jinki is sitting on.
"What are you doing outside that room?"
"Jjong, don't say that."
Key is almost laughing seeing how tamed Jonghyun is around Jinki. Jonghyun immediately shuts his up on Jinki's words and stands there like a scolded boy who is caught stealing a candy bar.
"Did you just see Taemin, Key?"
Key answers it with a nod. He tries to read Jinki's expression. He just feels like he needs Jinki permission to see Taemin. Jinki can only smile softly seeing how Key is hesitant on answering his question. At that day when he came inside Jinki's room crying, Jinki listened to all of Key's worries. And he also knows that Key is worried over him for not telling him that he came to Taemin's room.
"No need to worry over me, Key. I already met Taemin last night-"
"What?! Jinki-"
"- and I talked to him."
Jonghyun's shout is ignored by Jinki as he keeps looking at Key direction.
"You both need to go. Or you'll late to class."
Key is moving away from his spot. But Jonghyun suddenly sits in front of Jinki, looking right at his eyes.
"Did you really go to that- I mean Taemin's room? Why didn't you ask me to accompany you?"
Jinki smiles at Jonghyun's worried tone. He brings both o his hands and scopes both of Jonghyun's cheeks and pulls it gently closer to his face.
"Jjong, I know that you are worried. It's been a while since you back to your house and I wanted you to have a proper rest."
"I know Jinki, but-"
Jonghyun's words are cut by a peck on his lips.
"We'll talk about it later, okay. You'll be late."
Jonghyun pouts as he knows that he won't be able to defeat Jinki. He dives in to Jinki's lips, this time longer before he stands up, stucks his tongue to Jinki and runs away before Jinki manages to say anything. Key chuckles seeing his cousin's antic. He is just glad to see him happy.
"That dino. Key, aren't you going too? You'll be late if you keep spacing out like that."
Key doesn't say anything. Instead, he just giggling before kissing Jinki's cheek and runs toward Jonghyun's direction.
Jinki only shakes his head seeing both of cousin's action. But he smiles remembering how both of them have become so precious for him. He manages to add more precious friends in his heart. But, thinking about friends, he can't help but glancing Taemin's room. With a last sigh, he drives his wheelchair back into his own room.
Next day.
Taemin doesn't sleep that day. There are so much thought inside his head that prevent him from diving into his slumber, well, thought about a certain blonde actually. It disturbs him how a simple stunt Key did yesterday could make him bothered. His thought is cut short by a sound of opening door. It seems that someone tries so hard to not make any sound, which is useless, because Taemin is not even asleep. Taemin looks at Key's back, which now trying to close the door soundlessly.
Key jumps on his spot as he hears someone calls his name. He is sure that Dr. Do said there isn't any guest stayed in Taemin's room. When Key turns back, he finds Taemin is looking at him intently. The air is so awkward as Key doesn't know what to do while Taemin doesn't know what to say.
"Umm... I'll just~ ugh~ I'll just go..."
"Don't!!! Umm. I mean you can stay if you want."
Taemin looks away to the window, the only escape that he has as he can feel his cheeks is heating up. Sensing the more awkward situation, Key immediately busies himself with cleaning up Taemin's room, even though there is nothing to clean after all.
"Stop it Key, just sit."
Key is still continuing his activity and moving around the room. And it annoys Taemin seeing Key moving around his room. It makes his head hurt.
"Key!!! Just sit!!! Please!!!"
Key is startled as he hears Taemin's shout. Defeated, he immediately sits on the chair, the one near the window, which is far enough from Taemin. Key keeps looking down to his lap, playing with his own fingers as he doesn't know what to do. Taemin unconsciously smiles at this. But when he realized what he just did, he frowns. Why did he smile? He observes Key's figure quietly. Once, twice he catches Key's sneaking eyes that tries to look up, but immediately look down when both of theirs meet.
"Don't you have school?"
"Hmm... But there are plenty times before the bell's ring. Beside, this place is not that far from school..."
They spend 10 minutes in silence with Taemin openly observes Key, while Key is trying hard to avoid Taemin's eyes. Inside his head, Key is cursing himself. Why can't he say anything? It's not the usual himself for being shy and all. But then again he is never him since he met Taemin. Key lets out along sigh which catches Taemin's attention.
"What are you thinking about?"
Key looks up and meets Taemin's eyes this time and takes his whole energy to not dive back down from them. But before Key's alarm is ringing.
"Oh!!! I gotta go. See you tomorrow!!!"
Without waiting Taemin's answer, Key immediately dazzles out of the room and only stops his run when a nurse giving him a dirty look.
Taemin is left thinking again. He tries to understand the fond feeling when he knows that Key is gonna be there again tomorrow.
"Am I moved by his presence?"
A week later and Taemin is getting better. There is a sudden hope, Dr. Do said it as miracle, that the muscles in Taemin's feet show a static development and start to heal themselves. Key couldn't get any happier hearing the news. He often found Taemin looking at his feet with sorrow, looking at the TV and seeing some kpop idol dancing to their song. Jinki had told Key once that Taemin's dream is to be a dancer. And in Key's opinion, Taemin would make a great if not the best dancer he has ever met. Jinki is also getting better even though he is not permitted to go home yet. Not yet until his grandpa is sure that his beloved grandson is as healthy as a human could be.
This morning, just like the usual, Key is wondering around Taemin's room. He tries to find anything to be fixed, or readjust, not that there are any. Taemin's eyes keep following the blond's movement. And as if Key can feels the stare, he turns around and faces Taemin.
Taemin bites his tongue, trying so hard to form a proper sentence. He knows that it is at the tip of his tongue, yet whether he is hesitant or afraid, he can't voice it. Taemin sighs in frustration, hitting the side of his bed as he decides that it's not the right time. Not in this condition when he knows that Key is late for his school. Key is shrugging seeing Taemin's frustration. He is used to after a week attending him and seeing how the young man can be so frustrated by himself. Jut like a girl in period. Key snorts at his thought. Yup. Definitely like that. Taemin is booring a hole at the back of Key's head, knowing that the blond's snort is caused by him.
"Taemin, stop staring. It's creepy you-"
"You're late."
Key's confusion makes Taemin rools his eyes.
"School. It's 8 now."
"What!!! Shoot me!!! Why don't you remind me earlier?! I'm so doomed!! Today we have a math test the first thing in the morning, which is, OMG HAS ALREADY STARTED 15 MINUTES BEFORE!!!"
Key is moving franticly around the room, panicking as he tries to find his belonging, which actually seated neatly on the desk just beside Taemin's bed. It takes 5 minutes before Key finally spots his back and he immediately glaring dagger at Taemin's direction for not telling him that his back is indeed in a meter distance from him. Taemin just shrugs as if it's not his fault that Key couldn't locate that huge bag (which the content is so mysterious to Taemin). In a mean time Key has reached the knob of the door when Taemin calls his name with an urgency voice.
Key instantly turns around.
"Tomorrow. Do you have time?"
Key looks at Taemin in confusion. It's not like he won't be here tomorrow as Key has told Taemin that he will be here every single day until he is released. And tomorrow is saturday, means no school.
"Could you- Would you accompany me somewhere?"
Key's answer is way too fast and excited for Key's liking. Then again, any Taemin's related is making Ke excited, especially of it's Taemin who ask him first.
Seeing the nod in Taemin's head mkes Key smiles. He immediately reminds himself that he is indeed very late for school and continue his way to school. Taemin fishes out his phone and immediately send a message to that person.
Minho is standing outside Jinki's room. Through a small window, he peeks inside and sees Jinki is still sleeping. But to his surprise, he sees Jonghyun in there. Jonghyun is supposed to be at school now. It seems the boy decides to ditch school and Minho bets Jinki doesn't even aware that his lover is now sitting beside him, looking at his sleeping form in admiration, hand on his hair combing it with such a care. It takes a blind man to not realize the sickeningly sweet aura oozing out of the picture. And Minho couldn't help but imagine it was him instead of Jonghyun. It was him sitting beside Jinki and cares him with love. It's true that he decided to let Jinki go, as he himself didn't have any right to be by Jinki's side. It just that love and he couldn't just erase the feeling he has for Jinki, well he even wonder if he will one day. The feeling is rooting too deep it hurts for him to stay any longer to see the one he loves is will never be his. And he doesn't believe himself to be around Jinki too long. He is afraid that his healthy mind will corrupt and turn him into another 'Taemin'. Jinki doesn't need that and Minho will assure it himself that he won't do that to Jinki, again. That's why he decide to leave to Manchester. Siwon manages to get a hold on one of prestigious football academy, which is also the house of MU club and gets Minho to join there. Minho has been begging to Siwon for awhile. And now his flight is just two days away. He has packed his thing, saying goodbye to his family back to his hometown. What is left for him to do is meeting Jinki and saying goodbye to him, or so he thought. Now here he is, standing miserably right in front of the door, hand on the knob but doesn't move a muscle, as he is looking at the affectionate moment before his eyes.
"You look like a cursed-into-stone frog standing there Minho."
Taemin, seated on his wheelchair while Dr. Do is pushing behind him, is looking at Minho mockingly. He knows what Minho is looking at. He is aware of it. Minho just rolls his eyes. He doesn't need to see who the intruder is to recognize the person.
"Go away Lee Taemin."
"If you can't stand it, don't see it. I start to think you're a masochist now seeing how you enjoy being hurt by your feeling."
"At least I'm not a psychopath like someone who was insanely kidnapping their supposed to be bestfriend."
Taemin chuckles at Minho's words. It's true though. That's Taemin's condition. Kyungsoo who hears the conversation is getting interested. And his doctor status aside, Kyungsoo is just another young lad who happens to have a too brilliant brain that managed to land him his position at such age and however books appeals him, gossips excites him more. Blame the nurses for filling the supposedly innocent man into gossip addict.
"I'm leaving for UK."
Taemin is not surprised hearing the news. He knows Minho's passion.
"Finally. I just wondered when will you go just this morning."
Minho is now turning around and facing Taemin. Even though the uncomfortable feeling is still there inside Minho's heart, he can't dismiss the thought that Taemin was once a friend. One sick-in-the-head friend, yes, but a friend nonetheless.
"How are you coping out?"
"Still alive as you see."
Minho hums on that answer.
"And getting better. I'm getting better, Minho."
Seeing the sincere smile on Taemin's face influence him to smile too. It's been awhile since Minho last saw Taemin's beautiful smile and heck the boy can smile like an angel.
Inside the room, Jonghyun can faintly hears people talking just outside the door. Afraid Jinki would wake up from that, he stands up to see what happen. How surprised he is when he not only finds Minho, but also Taemin outside the door.
"Oh, hey Jonghyun."
Minho can easily say hello to Jonghyun, but Taemin's jaw is tightened seeing the figure. Jonghyun's eye linger on Taemin's form across him. Since Jinki and Taemin were hospitalized, not even once Jonghyun took a peek on Taemin's room. And now seeing the said person in front of him, stirs his emotion. Anger, hatred, loath, you name it. Without he realizes, Jonghyun's body is moving forward ready to jump on Taemin in rage. It takes Minho's and Kyungsoo's power to hold him back.
"Jonghyun shii!!! Please restrain yourself!!! This is hospital!!!"
Kyungsoo's words ring on Jonghyun's ear. He struggles himself out of the two men's grip and breathes harshly on his spot. After calming down, with his eyes still lock on Taemin's spot.
"Sorry. My body is an automatic when it senses a monster around."
Jonghyun's sarcastic voice chills Kyungsoo's nape. He had known Jonghyun for a week and it's the first time Jonghyun shows that kind of expression. If stare could kill, Taemn would lay soulless on the floor.
"Come on gentlemen, if you want to continue at least do that inside a room, Taemin's room. We don't want to wake Jinki up, now do we?"
It's a wonder how Kyungsoo manages to drags Jonghyun, Minho and Taemin inside the room. After securely pushing them inside he closes the door and stays outside. It's enough for him to intrude.
"I just hope the lads won't kill eachother. Ahh.. Kids these days."
"I would believe it if you say you're 40 now Kyungsoo, hearing the way you talk."
Nurse Jung says as she passes by. And Kyungsoo can only rolls his eyes at that statement.
Back inside the room,  the three of them stand awkwardly. Minho who can't stand the air decides to break the ice.
"Okay. Let's get it over. Jonghyun, I confess I still love Jinki, no I won't do anything, and no I can't forget him. Taemin I hate you for life for hurting Jinki, no I won't ever forgive you for that, but yes you're still my friend. Oh and I will fly to Manchester in two days by the way, spend a good 3 years and if I'm lucky will be scouted by any professional football club and have career there. Let's just hope I find someone as attractive as Jinki so I will settle down even though I doubt I will ever able to forget Jinki and you, Jonghyun, better pray for good so Jinki won't fall for my awesomeness later. Now what are you saying?"
Taemin and Jonghyun are surprised with Minho's outburst. They never hear Minho talks so much words in one time and it's kind of weird to witness it now.
"Hoaaah. You're scary, talking so much like that, Minho."
"Minho hyung. I'm older than you Taemin."
Taemin shrugs his shoulders. Jonghyun tightens his jaw, as he is snapped out of his awe and look at Taemin. Minho's confession can wait. He has something to be done with the youngest.
"Stay away from Jinki. If you ever lay even just a finger on a piece of Jinki's hair, you're a dead meat."
"And why should I listen to you?"
"You should be thankful Jinki ask me to not kill you, you-"
"Heh.. Just like a dog. So loyal to your owner."
"Yes, I am a loyal person. Not like an EX bestfriend that backstab their own friend!!!"
Minho can just let out a long breath. His head gets dizzy hearing Taemin's and Jonghyun's words that seem at each other throat.
"You know what? You're lucky Jinki still want to talk to your not-so-sorry face after everything you dis to him. Yet you still can say you care about it? Huh bull!! If you care about him, you let him be happy!!!"
After his last sentence, Jonghyun immediately flies out of the room. He just don't want to be in the same room as Taemin. He is sick of that boy and how stupid the way his brain work. At a side, Minho can only shake his head as he witnesses what happen. It will never be pleasant, Jonghyun and Taemin will never be on each other good side. Minho decides that it's his time to go. With a lat glance toward Taemin, he turns his heels and walks out of the room.
"Hmm.. Those two idiots' problem aside, now let's figure out how to courage myself to meet Jinki."
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Masquerade ch 22 is up!!!


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Zimmy02 #1
Chapter 36: thank you so much for this story! I love this story so much
I like the plot and the characters of this story, specially jinki!
thank you again for this great story
Chapter 36: hi.. did i ever comment on this story? no? fml. i must have forgotten to do that -_- i've been reading this story again and again.. anyways. the story is so awesome, i legit cried when onho broke up and when jinki rejects taemin (politely) T_T ah poor boys. thank you for the story!
Chapter 36: bows to author-nim util my heads touches my feet thank you for this bitter sweet fic
waah waah waah this is all that came from my mouth initially
Chapter 36: You're really a great writer..
Can't wait to hear more from you chingu ^^
Keep writing especially for Jongyu..
My bias is Onew and yet I adore Jongyu so much!
Yes you make my feeling mixed up but wonderful..keep it up!
Chapter 36: This was such a great story!!xD
The ending was so adorable!! Lovey dovey JongYu and the troll Minho!!xD
Aww I sort of feel bad for Tae baby and key!!
Keep up the good work author-nim!!^^
pradiv1819 #6
Chapter 36: wow...i loved t...so mny twists nd turns...superb...
jinkiesa #7
Chapter 36: this is ssoooooo cool...
i love this story so much...
and i love you for making this story...
thank you si much for this story...

cant wait for your another masterpiece
Chapter 36: Oh my i cried at the last part of taemin's message.. i hope that time will come soon, yeah? I love how you make them all have their happy endings (well, except minho but i think he would find another jinki -onew?- there)

Thank you soo much for bringing this story to us, it's been a fun reading from you^^
renchop #9
Chapter 36: Woah this is the end? Curious on how's between taekey doing now~ spin off maybe for them?._.
Chapter 36: awwww it ended.... i loveeeeeeddd ending......cutieee jongyuuuu and naughty minhoooo.... i hope teakey will find their own happiness soon<3<3<3