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Nothing, But a Mask


The ice cold wind was surely breezy tonight. You zipped up your jacket and walked down the streets. You were walking through the park when a group of boys approached you.

“Well well well, what do we have here? You cold little ice princess?” Taesung, the leader, snickered at you. His behind followers burst into laughter because he was so-called-funny. You glared at them.

“Well you don’t seem to be so hot yourself because if you were, you wouldn’t be wearing an enormously large overcoat,” you half smirked.Taesung raised his fist to punch you but you stopped him.

“Do you consider yourself a gentleman? Because if you were you wouldn’t raise a fist to a girl,” you snickered. You walked away purposely bumping shoulders with him and then ran to the bus stop. You took one last glance at the dumbfounded Taesung before skipping happily on to the bus before he could catch you. Back at Taesung, he still  had his jaw hanging until one of his followers snapped his fingers. Taesung shook his head before glaring at the bus you were riding.

You flicked on the light switch, dimly lighting your dark apartment. Sighing, you dropped your bag down onto the floor. Your eyes wandered around the room before falling onto a framed photo of you and your parents. You picked up the framed photo and began to cry.

“Why? WHY?! Why did you leave me all alone in this world?!” you wailed. Neighbors were slamming on the wall signalling you to shut up. Your cries quieted down and suddenly a look of determination and fierceness as on your face. You walked over to the mirror before deciding.

“I’m gonna change myself. Not from the crybaby I am, but to a icy, cold mysterious schoolgirl,” you declared. You grabbed your bag and headed toward a hair salon. You slammed open the doors causing employees and customers to flinch.

“I’m here for a new haircut and makeover! Hurry up!” you ordered. The boss stumbled out of his office rubbing his ears as anger washed his face. He was looking to see who screamed, but a look of fear quickly replaced his anger. The boss ran back into his office as you were about to get the haircut.

“Miss, what would you like your hairstyle to be?”

“I’m gonna be a cold person from now on so take it from there yourself,” you snapped back at her. Frightened, she immediately began to cut your hair.

After about an hour, everything was finished. You dyed your hair ash brown, cut it shoulder-length and got side bangs. You paid the cashier the amount of money before strutting out of the salon. Next, you headed toward the clothing store. You grabbed your necessary clothing and ran back to your apartment. You gazed at the old photo of yourself.

“I’m not the same anymore, and I never will be.”
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please update soon!! XD
Huh...very straightforward. I wonder what happened to her family that made her so determined to change. update soon~
Sounds interesting :DD
I wonder what will happen next?
Hehe looking forward to it :)