



"Tao?" He looked up and met Wu Fan strong gaze. He saw immediately that there was something bugging him, so he smiled softly and took his hand. "What's wrong?" He murmured as Wu Fan sat next to him. He rested his head on Tao's shoulder and sighed softly. It was clear that something was wrong; thanks to what happened a few days before, their relationship changed and Tao could feel that he could understand better the half-dragon.

"Chanyeol talked with me…" He mumbled. "About a mating season." Tao blinked, confused, as Wu Fan started to explain. "When this season starts… uh, I get urges." He took a deep breath and played with the sheets of the bed. "Chanyeol said that practically I'll be for a whole month. It's a bad thing… If you'll be around me."

Tao just scoffed. "It doesn't sound that bad to me." Wu Fan looked at him, surprised. "Of course it's a problem! Because Chanyeol said that if I won't do anything I'll get violent. But the only one I have in this world it's you…" The younger man hummed and kissed his forehead.

"It's confusing." He admitted. "He doesn't know much about this mating thing, am I right? It's normal for a grown man to have needs… In this case, of ual nature." Continued Tao with a light blush on his cheeks. "Did he say when it will start?" Wu Fan nodded. "He said in a few months. He mentioned something… he said that I can enter a… drunken state. I don't know what it means."

Tao sighed softly and gasped when the taller man touched the skin under his shirt. He felt cold, yet warm; he loved that feeling and he relaxed under his hands. "It means you won't understand perfectly what it will happen. You might do stupid things… Or maybe you won't react at anything. You will probably try to get what you want, even if I don't approve."
His words were slurred as he turned his head and let Wu Fan kiss the skin on his neck. He sighed again, this time for the pleasure, when his lover softly bit him and started and lapping the new light red marks that had appeared. "Just like that time…" He mumbled, caressing his back. "… When we were kissing… But you were so focused and you didn't want to stop…"

Wu Fan hummed and backed a little; a second later he was already kissing Tao on his lips, his hands wandering on his body, his heart beating fast only for him. The younger man kissed him back and let himself fall on the bed.

"Chanyeol is right." Whispered Wu Fan as they parted. "It's like being drunk… These kisses are never enough for me." Tao stared at him, slightly surprised. He gasped when the other man caressed slowly his tights and hold back a small moan. "I can't help but want more and more." Wu Fan mumbled.

Tao opened his mouth to talk, but his lover stopped him. "I haven't finished talking… I want to discuss about something I was thinking of since yesterday." He nodded, now curious, and watched Wu Fan as he lied next to him. "My powers are starting to appear and they are reacting to my feelings and to my mind… But I need to train to be stronger. I want to protect you."

Wu Fan took a deep breath. "There's something I need to know, thought… I want to go to my old home and see what happened there. I need explanations… I need a real past." Tao caressed his cheek and smiled. "I understand." He murmured. "I'll come with you. I won't leave you alone." The taller man closed his eyes and smiled softly. "Thank you."


Tao and Wu Fan couldn't run away all alone. They weren't ready to live and travel without any help; they couldn't drive, they didn't know where to go, they didn't know how to survive. That's why they asked for help to Sehun and Luhan, that were more or less in their same situation.

"You must be crazy to start a journey when we all know there's a bunch of people that want you two…" Luhan muttered while frowning. "But after all, they want me, too. What are you planning to do?" Wu Fan glanced at Tao and started explaining. "I want to visit my village where I lived for a few years, but I need to get stronger, too."

Sehun hummed, but Luhan scoffed. "You won't get anywhere without someone that can help you… Chanyeol and Baekhyun are the only ones that can control your reactions! Of course Tao can, too… but what if he gets injured and you can do nothing but watch him dying?"

Wu Fan got immediately angry at his words. "I won't let him die! Never! He's my own life!" He shouted while grabbing Luhan's shirt. The young man hissed and grabbed his wrist, staring at him with fury in his eyes. "He might be your life, but you are nothing if you can't control your emotion and your powers! What can a mighty dragon do, when it's just a mere baby that can't even fly?!"

Wu Fan backed away; Luhan spoke the truth… He couldn't protect Tao, and yet he wanted to bring him in his useless journey. He looked away, ashamed of himself and of his stupid ideas. He thought that Luhan sensed his feelings and decided to stopped talking, but he was wrong.

"Your mate isn't even that reliable! Of course, you told us what happened between you two, but what about his past? It doesn't seem that he thinks of Sehun and the others as his family, or he would have told them what happened to him in his past!" Tao froze, suddenly all of his doubts returned as he glanced at Luhan's suspicious look.

Wu Fan immediately put his arm around his waist and glared at Luhan. "Stop it." Sehun mumbled, surprising them. "I trust Tao. I don't care about the past." He stared at the black-haired man and smiled softly. "Everyone has a secret. Even I have one." Tao returned the smile, a bit reassured by what he said. "Thank you, Sehun… I appreciate your words."

Luhan frowned, but stopped talking and sighed slightly. Wu Fan growled and tightened his arm around Tao. "I don't understand what do you expect… We never asked you anything! But I got your point… you're right, I can't start a journey, not when I'm so weak." Tao looked at him, a bit worried, but he didn't struggle as Wu Fan turned around and tugged him away from the couple. "Thank you." The taller man muttered, his tone low.


"Why is Luhan like that?" Tao asked just when they returned to their bedroom. Wu Fan shrugged. "I think he's just jealous. We kiss, we hug… Luhan has decided to wait for Sehun, but his patience his running out. That's it." Tao hummed, but he didn't look satisfied with the explanation.

The other man sighed and sat on the bed. "You don't have to worry for him… I'm sure Sehun likes him anyway, maybe his feelings will change." Tao nodded and smiled sadly. "It's just… this mating season will be difficult for everyone. Plus, there's Kyungsoo, too. We're a group of people who are used to problems that aren't normal, but he isn't."

Wu Fan chuckled slightly and took his hand; he kissed it and then he intertwined their fingers together. "I think Jong In will have fun with him… He was the one who brought him here, so Kyungsoo is his responsibility." Tao sat next to him and hugged Wu Fan. "I think they will be great friends."

The taller man kissed him slowly and as they parted he looked at him. "I'm glad I have you, Tao." He mumbled. The younger man chuckled and rested his head on his shoulder. "Luhan might be older than the both of us, but in his heart he's still a child. He doesn't know what is real life, and his mind works in a different way."

Tao looked at him, surprised. "Older than us? But I understand… Living inside the laboratories has changed everything. I wonder what happened when he was a child, but I'm sure they treated him well… He was far too important for the experiments, am I right?" Wu Fan nodded. That was true, he was too important… but what about the failed subjects?
Was his sister still alive? He didn't remember seeing her in those years, the last time was just before the starts of the experiments. He didn't need to see her to know that her life, now, would be ruined. Even if he was dead… Yes, he was sure she passed horrible moments, just like he did. He hoped she resisted the tortures and the various tests, because he wanted to see her once again, and maybe hug her like he used to do.

"Wu Fan?" Tao called him, seeing that he was thinking of something sad. The young man just sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm tired of being weak." The other chuckled slightly. "I could say the same thing, but I'm sure we'll get stronger." Wu Fan took his hand and intertwined their fingers once again, without saying a thing anymore. Tao glanced at him; he didn't like that he was clearly feeling sad, but he didn't know what to do… Because he understood that he was thinking of his past. He couldn't erase it, he hated, too, feeling that weak.

He nuzzled his nose against Wu Fan's neck; he sighed and kissed him, hoping that he was enough in order to forget temporarily those dark memories. "I love you." Tao mumbled. "I love you so much. You changed me… for good. We will free each other from our pasts, and then we'll live peaceful lives, far from chaos and grief."

Wu Fan hugged him tightly. "I'll be the stronger… And I'll protect you. Our family won't need to worry anymore, I will destroy anyone who tries to harm you or them. I'll start tomorrow… I won't have a day where I won't train; I want to leave in a month, we don't have time. Killers don't wait for you to recover from an attack."

Tao gulped and let out a trembling breath. He was scared, but he knew that it was just the beginning of their dangerous days, where they had to create their own destiny and alter their own way to the future.



I'm sorry, I had a lot to do past week... school started and I have homeworks and tests, this is my last year and I have to concentrate.
This doesn't mean I won't update! ^O^
Did you like this chapter? Leave me a review :3
I was sooo happy! You left so many comments in these days! T^T

Also, check out my tumblr and Experiment KR0611S, a wonderful fic based on Kris' past here in Horizon. :3

Also, I'm sorry to everyone who unsubscribed. I'm writing this both for me and my readers; 
I want to improve, but this doesn't mean everyone will like this fic ^-^; However, I won't change anything (read as: the pairings)!
If you don't like what is happening, feel free to say it; I might like your ideas, after all I listened to you for the pairings. ^O^

seonri9095: Who knows? *^* It might happen something bad! D: Is it long enough, now? :3

pripri: LOL glad you understood XD

laylika: During mating season... rated things happen. XD

morrastar: Yes! <3

jackiev1229: I'm so happy, too! *O*

sherilyntheeurasian: Maybe, who knows...! D:

shikalila: No, don't cry! T^T Sorry, Luhan is older! ^^;

erverosa: I promise there will be a happy ending~! *O*


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Thank you!
I want to thank everyone who is subscribing to this fic, I'm glad there are people still reading this! *O*


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Chapter 34: ohmYGOD!!!!!! TRYING NOT TO CRY HERE!!!!
I legit went and rushed through reading this!!!!!
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Great job!!!! This is an amazing piece of art!☺
Chapter 3: This reminds me of tokyo ghoul... ._. i'm only on chap 3. sorry if i missed anything!!
inevitablefluff #3
Chapter 34: I JUST LOVE THIS FIC! Read it all in one sitting and it is now 4am but it was worth it ^^ Though there were some hardships in way when my internet got cut off and i was only halfway through the fic so i was internally and mentally swearing at my screen.

Anyway, really love this story and you're such a great author!~
Ladyghai #5
Chapter 34: this is one of th3 hell of a story! this is r3ally amazing! I love how your imagination works! you did a great job authornim! thabk you for this amazing story! your amazing authornim! :) I'm happy everyone finally found their happiness! :)
Eshinco #6
Chapter 34: Omo you are a genius I totally love your story keke
Chapter 34: this fic is the definition of beautiful <3 you are really wonderful author xD love this story so much
Chapter 7: O.O i thought baekhyun can't talk?