Youre eyes were watery. Sungjong patted yout back gently. "But why? i didn't do anything to harm you guys. i just wanted to help your friend." you said in a slow voice. teras started to running down from your cheecks.

Sunggyu shooked his head. "I'm sorry. i know that you doesn't heve any intention to hurt us. But, im just sorry. I can't help you." he stood up and walked away from the grand room.

you burst out crying. Sungjong still patted your back and whispered  any words that he know that can helped to spirited up you again. The others felt sympathised for you. sungjong just can't watch you cried anymore. he your face gently. "Kim-ah. Don't cry anymore.." he begged.

"How can i stayed with you guys. i even didn't know who ypu are!" you burst out you anger. Sungjong sighed. Still patted your back and your face.

you've cried for about thirty minutes. your eyes were red and swollen. your hair was totally a mess. now, your the one who looked like a vampire. Sungjong sighed, "Noona, your crying too much. now, look at your face you look like a vampire!" (actually,Sungjong was joked.)

You gave sungjong a death glared. "Look at yourself first before you say that to the other!" you snapped angrily at him.

Sungjong's expression suddenly turned dark. his heart was aching after hearing those words. he swallowed roughly and said, his eyes were forming a pool of tears. "No-noona, i know that youre angry. But please, dont fired out your anger to anyone else! just shout at that stupid old book!" with that, Sungjong dissapeard between the purpulish smoke.

The four of them just sighed and looked at you. Sungyeol come closer to you and pinched your wet cheecks. "Aigoo. Kim-ah. Don't cry anymore. You look ugly when you're cry."

You couldn't hold back your tears anymore. Now, you feel bad because you had hurt Sungjong's heart. And you didn'y do it on purpose. you doesn't even mean to it. "Sungyeol oppa, why i'm so stupid? i'm very-very stupid!" you exclaimed and hugged Sungyeol's shoulder thightly.

"Shuh.. stop crying please.." Sungyeol asked while your face and hair gently. After ten minutes you completly stopped crying. Now, you can accept the fate that now you will be leaving with 7 VAMPIRES under a same roof.

Dongwoo come closer to you and handed you with two plastic bags. "Here is your uniforms. You can changed it now. Sungyeol will show you your new room."

Sungyeol smiled. "Come on!" He handed his hand out at you. you grabbed his hand. Just in a second, both of you were standing in front of a door. "Woh!" you mumbled. "Are we just teleported?" you asked. Sungyeol nodded with a big grin. "Cool!" you exclaimed. "Alright-alright. Done with those shock face." Sungyeol poked your nose playfully. You blushed like crazy! "Kekekekeke! You look cute when you blushed. Now go get in and change your cloth Kim Min Ah." Sungyeol demanded. You pouted. "What ever! Go. Don't peek me while i'm changing!" you warned and stepped inside your new room.

Your new room was three times bigger than your old room. the wall was white in colour and the bed sheet was black in colour. there were three doors in your room. The first one was to the bathroom. The second one was to the balcony. And the third one was to the kitchen and laundry palce. there also a cupboard and make up mirror in your new room.

Sungyeol smiled. "I know that you will like this room." he made his way through the coridor to his room.

You thanked to him from far and changed into your new uniforms. your uniform was marron and black in colour. they looked very elegant in your eyes. But the unform doesn't have any skirts. They had changed it to the black legging. you don't know why but, sincerely you lived it because youre not very interested in wearing a skirt.

Once you've done changing, you sneaked out to the kitchen. you wanted to say sorry to Sungjong. So, you decided to bake a cake for him. you know that youre a good baker and you can bake alsort of pastries.

The kitchen was so big.. there were so many electrical things that you can used. you opened the refrigerator and sighed. you only can find three eggs, a butter and a pack of red liquid a.k.a BLOOD. then, you opened the cabinet. you sighed in relief when you saw a pack of flour, a pack of sugar and other things that you will need to baked a cake.

You started your work. Then you stopped. you didn't sure what you want to put in the mixture. theres no chocolate chip or fruit flavourers. then, you decided to put in the blood that he finds in the refrigerator. when you opened the pack you was about to faint from it's smell. you poured it quickly in the bowl and quickly throw away the packe.

After thirty minutes, you put in the mixture into the oven. the colour of the mixture was red. as red as blood. you wait about fifteen minutes. then, the cake was done. you took it and heade out tu Sungjong's room. You can reconize their rooms easily because they had hanged down their names infront of the door.

When youre at Sungjong's door. you knocked. the door flew opened. you doesn't see any singns of Sungjong. you peeked in and saw Sungjong was lying on the bed. he buried his face between the pillows. you can heard the soft crying voice that came from Sungjong. you felt guilty to make him cry like that. you putted the cake on his study desk and approached his bed slowly.

"Sungjong-ah~" you called.

"Go! Go away! i know that you hate me! you hate us!" Sungjong screamed and shoved his hand on the air. he still buried his face under the pillows.

Now, you felt even more guilty. "Sungjong-ah. i'm sorry. i'm really-really sorry. i didn't meant to raised my voice at you. just.." you can't say another words when Sungjong hugged you tightly. you can't helped but smiled. "I know that you will felt guilty towards me." Sungjong whispered in your ears.

"Mianhae Sungjaong-ah~" Sungjong nodded. "It's alright. I've forgive you earlier." then, his small nose twitched. "Hey, i smell blood" you smiled and handed him the cake that had you baked. "Woah~"Sungjong exclaimed and made the 'o' shaped mouth. "You baked?" he asked in disbelief. you nod. "You put blood in it?!" You grinned, ears to ears and nos again.

Sungjong took a big chunk of the cake and eat it. "Gosh! this was so.. Good!" he exclaimed with his mouth full of cakes.

You giggled. "I'm happy if you like it. i didn't know what should i add in it. then, i discovered a pack of blood inthe refrigerator. i just poured it in."

"Hei, Noona! Hyungs should try this to!" Sungjong said and grabbed the plate and ran out from his bedroom. you sighed ang giggled happily. "Maybe they were not as bad as i thought?" you mumbled slowly and walked away from Sungjong's bedroom to find him.

"Yah, Lee Sungjong. Wait for me!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A\N: How was it? failed? YEs it was! i agreed . this was totally a fail. *embrassed*

You, know i've been a little naughty writer, i juat make myungsoo showed at the beggining of the story. kekekeke! Mian.

i thought that i want to make it as one shot but i couldn't. heheheehee. well, there were many grammar and spelling mistakes. Sorry. its 5.24 am now. *yawn* bye~~

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Chapter 2: it's the end already..
got no more ideas left.. T.T
let myungsoo,, be gone!!
oh my.. i'm so gonna get killed by his fans! >_<
kyuhyunie99 #2
Chapter 2: interesting story kim. next chapter please~ hahaha. and don't forget to put myungsoo..
thank you dear.. <3 searchin for extra ideas right now.. :)
marshmelow011 #4
Chapter 2: I really like your story please update fast :)
xiaohope #5
Chapter 2: Nice story but the story can be more longer
i'll try to make it longer.. thnx 4 reading.. i'm happy u guys enjoyed it. ^_^
Chapter 2: Waaahhh !! Make it LONG !!!!!!
OMG. you got the point to continue the story!
it's becomes interesting from the beginning. :D
kellen_1825 #9
Chapter 2: Ahhhhhh make it a LONG story okay i love it. I love sungyeol here and also sungjong so cute update soon please!!!! ASAP!!! Hehe
Chapter 2: Make a long history of this, is very interesting!!!