Opposite Attracts


Qindao High School
Cheerful, out-going and talkative; these are the things you can describe me. There’s still many more though. Being the only Korean in a Chinese school seems to be a tough challenge for me. But before we even move here in China, I already learned the language since it is required in school.
To start, my name is Lee ____, 17 years of age. I lived in Korea for 17 years and I’ve never left a friend behind until now. I left them crying for days as well as for me. My cheerful attitude seemed to fade when I got here in China. But in my new school – Qindao High School, I met two friends who were always desperate in love. It’s not my forte – love, but for the sake of having cool and fun friends like them, I felt like I was home.
One fine day in Qindao High School… I met someone I never thought I’d live to see.
“Annyeong _____!” My friend Mei Mei greeted.
“You’re getting better with my language.” I told her with a laugh.
“I didn’t want you to own our language, you know.” She also laughed.
“Oh, she’d been practicing Korean, hoping she’d get chosen as a transfer student with a Korean student.” Xiao Man said.
“Transfer student? You mean, a Korean? Oh, yes! Soon, I’m not the only Korean here!” 
“Well, that would be fun for you. But you as the only Korean is enough.” Xiao Man said.
“Thanks. But Mei Mei, why do you want to be a transfer student so much anyway?” I asked.
“Her goal is not to study Korean.” Xiao Man answered. “She’d rather study a Korean boy.”
“Ohh. Well, if you’d get chosen, you might want to live there.” I said.
“Really?” Mei Mei turned her interests on.
“There are lots of cute guys in my hometown.”
“It’s gonna be priceless!”
It’s always fun being with my Chinese friends but sometimes, I don’t feel very welcome. There are girls who think I’m going to steal their popularity. There are guys who always pick on me. But there is this guy who always looks angry and its making me feel like I did something wrong to make him mad. And now he’s walking towards us, I couldn’t stop myself in avoiding him. I turned my back and ran away.
My friends found me cowering in fear inside the bathroom.
“What’s wrong ____?” Mei Mei said with her cute voice.
“That guy… he scares me.” I said with my shivering voice.
“Oh, Zitao? He’s always like that.” Xiao Man said with contentment.
“Since the first day of school? I mean, what’s wrong with him?”
“Zitao is always mysterious. No one knows who he really is.” Mei Mei said patting my back.
Zitao? That’s his name?”
“People call him Tao for short.” Xiao Man added. “No one knows anything about him; where he lives, what his parents do or what he does after school. He likes to be very secretive. He doesn’t want to be the center of attention. He likes to be alone.”
“That’s so sad. Doesn’t he have friends?” I asked.
“There was.” Mei Mei said with a smile. “His name is Luhan but he already moved somewhere. So, yeah he’s all alone.”
“Yes, Luhan. The cheerful guy. You two might even be friends.” Xiao Man added. “I’ve seen Tao laughing with him once. But now, you can barely see him smile.”
“I assure you, he won’t hurt you.” Mei Mei said. “He may be a little bit scary, but he’s okay. Really.”
“Okay.” I sighed deeply.
And I thought I’d be comfortable from now on. But during class, that Zitao had been staring at me the entire time. I couldn’t concentrate and the Chinese I’m hearing are all gibberish now. I was sweating and almost shaking. My back felt cold as if he’s blowing wind at me with his eyes. Finally, the bell rang. I ran out of the room and went to my next class with Xiao Man.
“Slow down, Korea.” Xiao Man tried to calm me down. “What?”
“I’m telling you, I can’t help it! That Zitao guy had been staring at me the whole time.”
“Yes! I feel so…” I shivered instead.
“He’d never stare at anyone before.”
Xiao Man said it like the curse’s on me. I felt so depressed for a moment, thinking what I should do.
“Don’t worry. He’s only staring but if he touches you, tell us okay? If he hurt you, we’ll tell the principal.”
“Thank you. I don’t know what I’ll do without you guys.”
For the rest of the day, all I’ve been thinking is that guy, Tao. He really scares me and he makes me nervous. I never even approached him. What’s wrong with him?
My terrifying week continued and I noticed that Tao was never around. I’ve never seen him in days which are kinda cool because for once, no one had laid their eyes on me for a while. A part of me feels confused because I may be the reason why he’s not here. I always avoided him so maybe he chose to stay away. Or maybe he changed schools already. 
“You seem a little happy today, ____.” Mei Mei noticed.
“You think so?” I laughed. “I just feel… free.”
“That guy. Tao. I never see him around. It’s been a week.”
“He’s absent?” Xiao Man asked.
“I guess.” I smiled, and then a little frown drew on my face. I wonder why he wasn’t around. Somehow, I felt kind of guilty.
Next day, I sat in my seat with a smile. I was greeted by my Chinese classmates, and I spotted him! Tao is back and he’s seated there on the back, staring at me again with his cold stare. My heart was racing and I felt like the curse was back on again. I hid myself with my hair. I felt scared a little back there. Seriously, I was dying. And yet, a little part of me is still wondering why he wasn’t around.
After school
“My mom called and she needs me right now. I have to leave early! Sorry.” Mei Mei said and left the right after the bell rang.
“Oh,well.” Xiao Man sighed. “Got tons of work for school.” (Xiao Man is a student council member)
“I guess I can’t even go with you. So sorry.” Xiao Man said.
“Wow, you guys are so busy.” I just said.
“I’m sorry. I know you want to discuss things about Tao.”
“Nah, it’s okay. Once I get home, I can forget him and his deadly stares.” 
Xiao Man stared at me pitifully.
“You know, he interests me staring at you.”
“He’s never stared at anyone like he did with you and I think… he likes you.” Xiao Man said. I almost went crazy with that.
“What? That scary guy likes me? There’s no way in hell he’ll think of liking me!” I scoffed.
“I don’t know. Guys like him – secretive and all, you never know what runs in their minds.” Xiao Man chuckled as we get to their office while I was following her with a lot of burden on top of my head.
Sometimes, Xiao Man can be really creepy and weird.
“Anyway, don’t let it bother you. Maybe he’s just fooling around. You know, you’re Korean and all; pretty and attractive.” Xiao Man finally left with a teasing smirk, but hugged before she left.
Attractive? Me? 
I felt flattered but somehow, this attractiveness is dangerous. My head’s getting dizzy and I better get home before anything bad happens.
*hope that was fine. The 2nd chapter will be really good so i hope you'll look forward to it. :))
enjoy! :D
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anna_marie016 #1
Chapter 2: Waah tao oppa is so cool!!!! I wonder who will be the Korean exchange student. I hope it’s from exo k kekekeke1!!!!!! Hope to read another update soon….
Yayyy I found another good story about tao
awww > u < way too sweet! ahahaha
I can't wait for an update! <3
UP. DATE. *_*
New Reader here!!
me likey your story.. as well as tao xDD
BTW update soon^^
Samona #6
Liking this story.:D
I love Tao.
His stares are always so intense and he doesn't even be trying >.<