Chapter 2: Hoya


It was the summer holiday before Howon entering sixth grade.

Howon scowled when Woohyun missed the ball for the 'he can't even count' times. He knew that practicing throw and catch with Woohyun is a bad idea as the other boy really had no talent in baseball at all. But what can he do, their mothers are good friends and they live next to each others, him ditching Woohyun for a wall would end up with him being criticized by his mother, his older sister, Jieun, who started to feel bugged with Woohyun's lack of sense of personal space (little did she know he used to have a crush on her) and his grandmother who likes to have her daily nap in peace. Hoya actually was pretty fond of Woohyun, if only he wasn't such a terrible thrower.

'I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'll get the ball!!' Howon sat on the grass while Woohyun ran after the ball.

'Do you want to play something else?' Asked him when Woohyun came back with the ball.

Woohyun grinned, 'how about karaoke in my house?' Woohyun's dad had just bought this karaoke machine and Woohyun was addicted to it. He handed the ball to Howon and sat beside him.

Howon thought for a while before turned his face to Woohyun. 'I don't really mind, only two of us?'

Woohyun smiled widely that Howon started to think that he's been waiting for this, 'why don't you meet my new friend.'




Woohyun and Howon arrived in front of Woohyun's new friend's house. The house has beautiful small garden, a bit bigger than Woohyun's and Howon's and looks well maintained.

Hoya had been in this neighbourhood before when his baseball team had winning celebration and farewell party for the seniors at Myungsoo's house. They played video games and had a great dinner prepared by the volunteering parents. Howon wondered if he will meet his seniors in middle school's baseball club again.

Woohyun knocked the gate and not long after that someone came out and opened the gate. A kid who look at least two years younger than them came out and smiled to them. The kid had big brown eyes and radiating gentle smile that made Howon and Woohyun smiled back unknowingly.

'Hello, can I know who you are looking for?'

Woohyun answered, 'is Sunggyu inside?'

'Oh, I'm sorry, please come inside I will call him.'

The kid led them to the living room and then ran to upstairs; but stopped halfway and ran back to them.

'I'm sorry but can I know your name? And oh I shouldn't just let you two in but you two look nice and around my brother's age, so I don't think you two are bad guys. You are my brother's friend, right?'

Woohyun and Howon laughed and the kid pouted and looked very embarassed.

It was Hoya who stopped laughing first, 'Woohyun here is your brother's friend and I'm Howon, nice to meet you.'

'Nice to meet you too, Howon, Woohyun, I'm calling my brother now then!' and disappeared to the second floor.

Not long after that Sunggyu came downstairs with his sister.

'Hi Woohyun! What bring you here? Oh hi...'

'Howon', Howon shaked Sunggyu's hand, 'Woohyun told me that you just moved here last month?'

'Yeah, our parents just got remarried,' he exchanged glance with his sister and smiled.

Woohyun approached the girl and gave his hand, 'oh, so you are Sunggyu's step-sister? Can I know what's your name?'

Sunggyu laughed loudly and back hugged his sister, 'it's okay Sungjong, it means you look really cute.'

Sungjong looked very embarassed, his face was all red, Howon found it adorable.

'But I just cut my hair! And don't laugh you thought I'm a girl for the first two months!'

'But we just had dinner together during that two-'

'Don't hug me!!' He broke Sunggyu's hug and glared at confused Woohyun and Howon.

'My name is Sungjong! I'm 10 years old and I'm a boy!!'

After Woohyun and Howon had apologized and Sunggyu made him his favorite hot chocolate (even though it was summer), Sungjong smiled and forgave them all. Woohyun then invited them to his house for the karaoke and spent three hours until they were all hungry and had to go home for dinner. 

The karaoke then somehow became their holiday routine, usually Woohyun called Sunggyu and Howon to come and Sunggyu bring Sungjong. Woohyun and Hoya got addicted singing DJ Doc's songs while Sunggyu and Sungjong were singing old songs that are apparently their parents' favorite, or Sunggyu singing some rock band songs. Sungjong has high pitched voice and the three older boys made him singing girlgroup's songs and even though he never admitted it, Howon can tell that Sungjong actually liked it.

Howon didn't practice much during that holiday until Myungsoo asked him to train together. Myungsoo told him that his throws weren't as strong as usually, but somehow Howon didn't mind it at all.

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Chapter 2: Oh this was so adorable! Sungjonggie was just too cute!
Hehe Grandpa Gyu is actually being treated quite well while they're young. XD
I cannot imagine Myungsoo playing baseball XD
Hoya and Woohyun are really funny when Woohyun messes up and Hoya silently complains xD
When will Sungyeol show up? :3
Minnea #2
haha I don't understand!!! It said you updated but then ch. 2 is the last one. :( haha. Author-nim!!! haha
I'll wait patiently!!!
hahahah sungjong was very cute getting mad at being called a girl! and well the rest were cute too!
heh update~ ^^
Minnea #4
hahaha Sungjong is so cute!! haha still looks like a girl. Poor Howon and Woohyun haha got yelled at. Karaoke with them seems fun. GrandpaGyu singing old songs is funny. hahaha
Author-nim fighting!!! Really good story!!!!