'Goodnight Joongie!'

❊ Line in the Sand • 'More Than Just Friends' ❊


♦ Jaejoong’s P.O.V 


Yunho bit down on his lip; a sight that definitely did not help the growing tent in my pants.

“Ahh Jae..” He moaned. His lips looked sore and red from biting so hard.

My breath caught in the back of my throat making it impossible to make a sound; my body seemed to have shut down to the point where I couldn’t even feel myself blushing. I thought Yunho would stop once he realised I could see him, but he just kept going.

And he kept going faster.

The harsh jolts of his hand movements caused his body to jerk upwards and the thin bed-sheet (my worst enemy, it seemed) to slide gently away from him and onto the floor.

Yunho was - in full glory – on the bed; right in front of me.

Not only that. Yunho was .. To me.. Right in my face. Or at least, the deprived, y thoughts creeping into my head wished he was in my face.

It felt like I was about to explode. My own stabbed painfully at the zipper of my jeans, but I could do nothing about it. My body simply refused to move.. But even if it had allowed me – I could never actually imagine allowing myself to release in front of Yunho.

Although.. I had also never imagined that he would release in front of me.

All of a sudden Yunho let out a strangled gasp, eyes rolling into the back of his head and chest convulsing sharply.

“Jaejoong!” I heard him scream out, harshly.

It was a beautiful sight to behold – watching as he burst out all over his and sweaty chest. And it seemed, from my dazed perspective that his lasted for ages. Streams of hot liquid overflowed and trickled down Yunho’s side, staining the bed.

Yunho’s free hand came to scoop up a handful of his seed, coating his fingers thoroughly whilst the other remained nursing his now softening manhood.

He smirked as he brought his soiled hand to his lips; painfully lapping up his own mess.

And then..

He stopped.

He chuckled and rolled over. As if I was never here.


What the ?!

All that.. And then he just ignores me? What the is he doing?

it’ I thought. Huffing in my own disbelief and rushing off to the bathroom.

Yunho had created more than just a little problem in my trousers and now it was my turn to deal with it.

“Goodnight Joongie!” I heard him snicker as I slammed the bathroom door behind me.



I woke up the next morning (or at least, I think it was the morning), fly un-done and face down on the tiled bathroom floor. How the hell I got here, I don’t know..

Come to think of it, I can’t really remember anything that happened last night after I left Key at the bar.

But judging from the hangover I’ve got, I think it would be safe to say that I certainly drank a lot. Seriously, it feels like I had a head-on collision with a tank.. Twice.

It took a while, but I eventually managed to drag myself to my feet; making sure along the way to zip up my jeans and make myself decent. Oddly, my clothes didn’t smell too much of alcohol.. More like sweat.. But I really couldn’t be bothered to have a shower in this state. The running water would only irritate my headache and Yunho’s seen me like this before, so he won’t mind.

, Yunho.

Didn’t something happen with him last night?.. I can’t remember.

I could feel my feet dragging across the wooden floor of our hallway, all the way to the kitchen. I could hear some rustling around in there, which means Yunho’s up; and since he has lectures today, that means its still morning.

‘Great!’ I thought. ‘Haven’t missed breakfast.’

I still had a weird feeling that I’d said or done something, drunkenly, to Yunho last night; but since I can’t remember there doesn’t seem to be any point in dwelling on it.

We’ll just eat breakfast and pretend like nothing happened. Happy husband and wife.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Yunho chirped as I brushed open the door. Normally I’d love to hear his teasing voice, but right now it felt like someone was punching me in the back of the head whenever something made a noise. So needless to say I was a bit cranky. “Was the bathroom floor comfy?” He mocked.

I rolled my eyes, sliding into the nearest chair and slumping head first onto the kitchen table.

Yunho had obviously been busy cooking and there were plates and bowls lined on the table with cereals and toast. The obvious hangover cure. But to be honest, I was more interested in sleeping off my headache than feeding it.

“What do you think?” I groaned, hearing how hoarse my voice sounded.

“A bit moody this morning?” He jibed, sliding a scalding hot cup of coffee my way.

“Thanks.” I mumbled, glaring at him.

Yunho just chuckled and went back to preparing his food.

I let out a throaty groan, trying to rub the sleep out of my heavy eyes. “Ugh.. I can’t remember what I did last night..” I whined.

Yunho turned around and smirked at me. He had that mischievous look that told me I should definitely be remembering something.

“What?” I asked.

Yunho shrugged with a smile; sliding into the seat opposite me.

“Nothing..” He said, smugly. “Did you sleep well last night?” He raised an eyebrow suggestively.

“I.. Uh..”

That smirk.

So.. That thing about Yunho being .. That wasn’t a dream? It wasn’t just a drunken fantasy? My throat dried and my eyes widened; looking at his smug grin, it was like he was taunting me. I didn’t actually think that what I saw last night was actually real.. But I remember that smirk. It wasn’t just in my head after all!

But then.. Why is he acting so weird and nice? He’s not that open about his uality.

I think I was staring at him, because he was staring right back at me. He swirled his coffee mug in his hand, placing it down and grinning through his perfect teeth.

He knew exactly what I was thinking.

He was mocking me.

What the hell, Yunho?!

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He said, triumphantly.

“Wh-- .. Wha--?”.. I stuttered.

Yunho giggled. Standing up, he slid around the table and threw on his jacket. I almost flinched when he neared me, placing a hand on my shoulder and leaning down to my level.

“I slept really well.” He whispered into my ear, making me shudder.

And then.. He snapped up, straightening himself up and acting as if nothing had happened.

“I’m off to my lectures now Joongie.” He smiled. “Take it easy with that hangover. Some of the guys are coming over later, so you need to be all rested up.” - He was being his usual doting self again. It was weird.

“O-oh..” I replied, still stuttering. “Sure.. I’ll probably go for a run to clear my head.” - I forced a smile.

“Good.” He said, walking past me and ruffling my hair in the process. “See you later Jae. Take good care of yourself while I’m gone.”

I rolled my eyes as he disappeared out the door; and when he was gone, I slumped back down onto the table.

What the is happening?



Eventually I decided to make good on my own advice and go for a jog around the campus. It had been a few hours since Yunho had left me in our dorm and that combined with the sharp, fresh afternoon air; my headache was all but gone. I could think straight, finally. And now that I could, I was almost 100% convinced that what I’d witnessed last night was not a dream. I remember it too vividly and clearly for it to be something in my imagination.

And Yunho clearly remembers that it happened. So why would he act so normally this morning?

I stopped jogging for a moment to catch my breath and think. My chest heaved as I bent forward to stretch and I could only sigh when I noticed my bottled water was pretty much empty.

I could feel the sun beginning to set, noticing how it seemed to burn more intensely on the exposed skin of my arms and legs; the T-shirt was mine, but the shorts were Yunho’s - they were too small for him, but they were a little baggy on me, which allowed for better air-conditioning .. Down there.. When I took a run.

I’d barely got a chance to unscramble the tangled mess of thoughts streaming through my head when I heard a voice - calling my name - that I really didn’t want to hear right now.

“Jaejoong?” The voice asked - somewhere close by and behind me.

“..Hi Gikwang.” I said, not even having to turn around.

Of course at some point I had to turn around, and I was pretty shocked when I did.

Gikwang looked pretty stunning, to be honest. I mean, he always was handsome, but he looked a lot different to how he usually looks. Usually he dresses.. Not like a nerd.. But, really smart. You know, suits and shirts, that kind of thing. His hair is always perfectly combed and flat, but still good to look at.

But now.. The smart, sweet, nerdy Gikwang is gone. Instead, his hair looks tousled and wavy and he’s wearing a baggy leather jacket with the sleeves cut off. And I never really noticed just how big his arms were.. I definitely prefer this look.

“Looking a bit sweaty, Jae. And I told you, you can call me Kiki.” He jibed. “Feeling hot?” He placed the back of his hand on my forehead and smiled, before pulling back.

“I.. Umm..” I stuttered. “J-just jogging.” I replied. “You look nice.” I tried to compliment as we turned to walk.

Gikwang looked like he was about to burst with pride.

“You think?” He gawked. “I thought I’d try something a bit different for tonight.” He said.

“Tonight?” I asked, frowning.

“Yeah.. Yunho’s thing? He didn’t tell you?” He asked.

“Oh right.. Yeah he said he was inviting some friends over.” I smiled, sweeping the fringe of my hair away from my face. “I didn’t even know you two were that close.” I commented.

Gikwang returned the smile. “We’re not really.” He admitted. “But I was there when Yunho invited Dongwoon, so I guess he was just being polite. Although he seemed pretty eager for me to come.”

“He did?” I sighed. This was probably another one of Yunho’s ways of setting me up with someone.

We rounded a corner under the shade of a tree, circling around the steps of a building and towards mine and Yunho’s dorm.

Gikwang nodded, frowning a little as if he were confused.

This was probably the longest that Gikwang and I had ever talked in person - without me rejecting him of course. And I hate to admit it, but it didn’t really feel that awkward. He was smiling a lot, which put me at ease, even if he looked like a superstar and I looked like a pile of sweaty clothes on legs.

“How is Dongwoon, by the way?” I asked. Dongwoon used to go to the same school as Yunho and I, although we were both a year older. I was never close to him, but Yunho sort of was; and when we found out he’d come to the same college as us, we naturally went out our way to make better friends with him. Still, Yunho saw him a lot more than I did because they played basketball together; I only ever really saw him fleetingly when I went out to jog.

“He’s good.” Gikwang sighed. It looked like he was a little upset by the mention of his roommate’s name.

“Everything ok?” I asked, placing a hand on his - unexpectedly muscular - shoulder and smiling at him reassuringly. I had no idea what the hell I was doing, especially since he wasn’t my boyfriend and I had turned him down so many times, but suddenly I felt the urge to be closer to him.

He wasn’t being his normal jock-ish self - probably because we were alone - and I actually really liked him.

“Yeah I’m good. Just a little tired, you know?” He smiled, weakly.

“Want to sit down?” I asked, pulling him to a nearby low wall.

“Guess I don’t have a choice.” He chuckled as I patted the seat beside me.

We sat in silence for a moment; I didn’t exactly know what I wanted to achieve from taking some time out, although it gave me a chance to properly rest after my run. We exchanged a few smiles during the silence, but still it didn’t feel awkward.

Maybe I should give him a chance after all.. Especially if Yunho is starting to play around with me. I still remembered what Key had said last night; I can’t wait around for him forever.

Gikwang leant to rest his head on my shoulder.

“Ahh don’t do that! Your hair..” I whined.

Gikwang just chuckled a little bit and pouted.

“You’re so cute, Joongie.” He whispered taking my hand in his and toying with our fingers. It flustered me having him be so forward. Not to mention, being called ‘cute’ by someone younger than you was pretty embarrassing.

“You’re calling me Joongie now?” - Somehow it felt different to how Yunho said it.

“As long as you call me Kiki.” He grinned up at me.

I sighed, somehow relieved. I really should give Gikwang a chance. He’s so sweet when it’s just the two of us, and he seems to really want to give us a try.

“Joongie?” He asked, hesitantly. The same tone that he always uses when he asks me this question. I knew exactly where this was going.

“Yeah Kiki?” I replied. He smiled when he heard his nickname and squeezed my hand.

“What’s the real reason why you won’t give me a chance?”

I sighed. I guess.. There really wasn’t a good reason.

“I don’t know..” I replied, looking into his big brown eyes. He really is beautiful. “I don’t really have one.”

He frowned.

“Does that mean that you don’t like me then? You don’t want to be with me, because of me?” He pouted, furrowing his brow even more. He lifted his head off my shoulder and looked at me properly; my face heating up and tinting pink.

“No Kiki.. I do like you.. I really like you--”

“--So what’s the problem?” He interrupted.

I shrugged, unable to give him a straight answer.

“Is it because of Yunho?” He asked after a moment of silence. My throat felt like it was being stabbed and my mouth dried up. I shook my head stiffly, but even I knew it wasn’t convincing.

It was Gikwang’s turn to sigh and it made my chest pang with guilt to hear him. It was all I could do to avoid eye contact.

“Jaejoong, look at me.” He demanded, quietly - raising his hand to softly pull my chin towards him.

His hand felt warm against my cheek and it felt good to nuzzle into. Other than Yunho, it had been a long time since anyone had touched me so lovingly and so gently. Gikwang was serious when he confessed his feelings to me.

I closed my eyes, still not wanting to look into his.

“Open them.” He whispered.

When I finally did open them, his face was much closer to mine than I had anticipated.

I could feel his hot breath ghosting across my jaw line; I could smell his manly cologne as it burnt my nostrils, I could see every little detail about his face - the thickness of his plump lips, the dimples of his cheeks and the flawless skin that connected it all.

Gikwang’s eyes darted about, seemingly examining me just as closely. I blushed feeling him so close and watching his Adam’s apple bob up and down.

“I’m sorry, Joongie.” He whispered, cupping my face.

“For what?” I asked.


He closed his eyes and placed his second hand on my jaw, pulling me closer.

And then I felt his lips brush against mine and my eyes fluttered shut once more.

Gikwang’s lips were soft and inviting; his kiss was a sure mix of gentleness and animal need. It had been a long time since anyone had kissed me like this. I felt him drag his tongue along my bottom lip after a few chaste moments and it was all I could do to allow him entrance. Soon his tongue danced over my own, completely dominating my mouth.

It seemed like I had really been frustrating him all this time, and now he was releasing it all into our kiss.

“Kiki..” I think I moaned as he pulled away. I’m not quite sure. My mind wasn’t exactly thinking straight at this point.

“I’m sorry, Joongie.” He whispered as he lightly connected our foreheads.

“I’m sorry too, Kiki. I shouldn’t have said no to you.” I confessed with a hooded smile; something that caused his already beautiful face to light up like the sun.

“You mean?.. You’re saying yes now?” He asked, disbelievingly cutely.

I nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder; his arm coming to rest around mine.

“Thank you, Jaejoong. I promise I won’t let you down.” He swore. Although it may have been a few empty words, they meant a lot nonetheless. I’d been screwed over in just about every relationship up till now, and it was reassuring to hear him make that promise.

“Me too.” I replied, grinning from ear to ear.

I had almost forgotten how ridiculous I looked in my sweaty clothes and it was a wonder that Gikwang could even stand to be this close to me, let alone share our first kiss. I had to chuckle at that.

“Jaejoong?” I heard another voice; definitely not Gikwang’s coming from behind us.

This time, the voice sounded angry, yet familiar.

I turned around with my stupid grin, although it immediately fell from my face when I made eye-contact with the origin of the angry voice.

Yunho stood, eyes blazing, a short distance from Gikwang and I. And from the looks of it, he’d been stood there for a while; it looked like he was about to snap the mobile phone in his hand and I could see red marks where he’d been gripping it so tightly.

“Y-Yun--” I stuttered.

It felt like my heart was about to sink out of my chest.





Hi guys! So so so sorry for a massively late update. It's been nearly a month and that's kind of inexcusable. However, everything in my life that had prevented me from providing for you is pretty much on it's way to being put right. So I can get back into a regular updating routine. :)

Really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Although I have a feeling I may have massively offended both Yunjae and Kiwoon shippers. But don't worry! This story is most definitely Yunjae - you can interperet that however you like. :3 trololol

That said, I'm kind of curious to find out your guys opinion on who you prefer: Yunho or Gikwang? Like, which one would you prefer to see Jaejoong with at this point, and why? I really want to know! ^.^

Btw, in case you were wondering, I imagined that Gikwang looked like this (click the link to see)

In other news.. I reached 200 total subscribers today WOO! *celebratory T.O.P dance*

Thank you so much to everyone who has subscribed to one of my stories! I appreciate and love every single one of you.




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Chapter 3: Auther shi!! Wat happenes next?? Were are u?? I miss u and ur ff :) come back plz!! Been so long since u last updated
Chapter 3: Auther shi!! Wat happenes next?? Were are u?? I miss u and ur ff :) come back plz!! Been so long since u last updated
CandySui #3
Chapter 1: Please come back to this story it had so much potential!!
Chapter 4: Nice story~ i hope you will update it
keep writing <3
CandySui #5
Chapter 4: Where have you gone author?! Please don't abandon this fic! It's great! I'll give you a cookie?!
i miss this fics so much...... please come back author-nnim...
bellecassies #7
so ____ing good!! am going to subscribe it! :) update soon ne? :)
Shinjirutgxq5 #8
OHMYGOD THIS IS SOOOOOO GOOOOOODDD!!! Pls tell me you will update this sooon!!!
skullboy #9
hmm..this is a good chapter..haha..so what will happen next?will yunjae be together?because i hope so..