Chapter 2

Can You Melt The Ice?


Eunji walked down the busy street, ignoring the whistles the lecherous men produced. Some even tried to make a move on her but all she did was lift head, glared at the men with her cold grey eyes and they left her alone.


As she continued on her way, she heard a familiar giggle that sounded beside her.

She turned her head and allowed her eyes to fall on a petite but rather charming girl.

‘Oh, she was the one that approached me last week… she had said something about being friends and inviting me to a party of hers… Never mind it’s not like it’s important anyway.’

She decided to shift her eyes towards her companions instead. Another pretty girl and a boy. They laughing heartily at something, probably a joke the boy had cracked.

She remembered seeing the boy somewhere before, maybe it was at school or at some other place. Eunji paused in her step for a moment to think but after deciding that it was not her business to care about others, she resumed her pace.

It was about time she returned home. To her huge mansion that sat promptly on a hill at a quiet area of the city.


“Good evening, My Lady. Your dinner have been prepared, your schedule for the rest of the day will be briefed to you after your meal. Please enjoy your meal.”

The butler had awaited her arrival at the steps leading to the house. He had not missed a beat to fall in step with Eunji as he spoke and unloaded her bag and jacket from her.

Eunji just nodded her as an acknowledgement towards her butler’s statements. She had not slowed down as she was swept to the dining area by her other servants that took over from the butler.

There was not a minute spared to rest as she was pushed into a timetable assigned to her everyday right after she set her foot into the house.

That was why she had chosen to walk home instead of taking the transportation that her parents had offered. She knew that if she had taken the car home, she would reach the cursed place faster and will have more activities slotted in.

The only time she could sit down and rest is during dinner and her bedtime.

She sat alone at the end of the long table. Facing no one on the other end, just air. Her servants and the butler stood at in the dining area, outlining the shape of the wall on her right side. All of them had their heads bowed, refusing to look anywhere except for their shiny, well-polished shoes.

Too obedient…’  

Eunji thought as she observed the maids. The only one in the people that served her that would speak up is the butler. He would have made a good friend if he had not been so annoying. She always wished the maids could have even a little of a rebellious streak in them. That would spark some kind of entertainment that she will kindly enjoy.

But no, not a single one of them even dared to look her in the eye.

For some reason, thinking about the cowardice of her subordinates, somehow managed to anger her. She stood up abruptly, pushing the chair to fall with a muffled thud against the carpeted floor.

The dining area had been so silent before, that the thud made most of the servants jump.

Observing the startled looks that were splashed on the faces of the maids, made the rage in Eunji boil even more. She stormed out of the room and made her way towards one of the many deserted areas of the mansion, hoping no one would find her.

The one thought that keep running through her mind, flashing like neon lights were,

'Are everyone in the world cowards? They are so afraid that not one of them are able to talk to me like a normal human being?!'   

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