Chapter 29

At the First Place


Chapter 29


 Youngsaeng felt like a stalker while he secretly follows his younger brother, especially when Hyun joong was tagging along.


“There he is!” Hyun joong exclaimed excitedly as he saw Kyu jong come out of the dressing room.


“Yah! Not so loud hyung.” Youngsaeng said in a hushed tone, afraid of gaining much attention than they already were.


“Oh! Mr. Heo are you here to see your brother?” The director immediately recognizes him.


“Uh…” He thought of an excuse, “I’m just seeing how he is at work, please try to keep this from him.” Youngsaeng continued with his usual shy-smile.


“He’s lucky to have a concerned brother like you, kwenchana he works like a pro.” The director waved off making the two men exhale the air they were holding.


Hyun joong then repeatedly tapped Youngsaeng on the shoulder, much to the annoyance of the other.




“He’s going somewhere.” The older one pointed to the door at the other end of the filming studio.


Kyu jong felt his nerves go havoc once again as he watched the lonesome girl practice her routine. No she wasn’t a dancer. Leave it to his taste to choose someone as complicated and cold as a figure skater, an athlete. 


Leaning against the railing of the ice-cold practice studio for another film, Kyu jong found himself mesmerized by the graceful movements that turns into cool complex turns.


“You’re here again arrogant man?” He smiled at the permanent nickname she gave him.


 “And you’re still calling me that, its Kyu jong you know.” He countered, unfazed by her coldness.


“And you are trespassing again, you’re filming studio is on the other side of this building, this is room is for the staff’s of the Winter Dance only.” She replied coldly once again, ignoring him as she made another complex turn.


“Why are you so cold Miya?” Kyu jong purposely called out her name. Something that he had to find out from his coordi noona.


 “Why the hell do you know my name?” She stopped practicing and glared at him.


“I have my ways, apart from being a double for this movie; you are actually an athlete in training, as well as a student.” Kyu jong stated his warm smile unwavering, “since you don’t like being called by your name, is Owl ok? Since you don’t seem to sleep at night.”


“Now you’ve become a erted jerk.” She said with annoyance of having her previous time disturbed, “look I really need to practice so beat it.”


 Kyu jong just gave a shrug before pulling his body away from the cold railing, “See you later.” He said before walking away, whistling along as a way to keep himself calm.




“Yah! Kyu jongie’s girl is really cute.” Hyun joong commented as they ate some snacks on a burger shop a few blocks from the filming studio.


After following Kyu jong around, they found themselves peeping into the ajar door of a practice studio, the one with an indoor ice rink in it. Both of them stayed there until Kyu jong turned their way.


“You do realize that you have a girlfriend right?” Youngsaeng .


“I was just being honest, besides that girl is too young for me. My alien is enough.” The older defended as he sipped his drink.


“Ke Ke if you said something else, I’ll blackmail you.”


“You can’t be that serious right?”


“Fine. Since you accompanied me today, I’ll forget about it.”


“Alright! I was getting bored at the office anyway. Corporate things just aren’t my style.” Hyun joong complained.


“I can see that clearly.” Youngsaeng pointed at the loose red tie and unkempt white polo shirt.


“What do you think of that girl giving our Kyu jongie problems?”


“If she really is the one he likes, he’s in for some trouble.” Youngsaeng said with a knowing smile.


“Wae? Wae?” Hyun joong grew more excited when the younger one smiled.


“Coz that girl is one of my trainees before I referred her to my friend who coaches figure skaters.” Youngsaeng stated but a smirk came across his lips, “But she hates actors in general.”




“Are you sure you don’t want to know the gender of the baby?” Jun asked his passenger as he steered his car off the highway and into the street towards Kim’s apartment.


“I want it to be a surprise.”


“But I won’t know if I should buy that toy truck set or the pony one.” Jun’s whining made her chuckle.


“Yah! Babies won’t be playing until their 5th month.” She scolded, “besides you don’t have to buy stuffs, you’ve helped me enough this eight months.”


“Nah! What’s the fun in that if I can’t spoil that little bug.” Jun replied as he parked and opened the door for her.


“Who are you calling a bug?” She laughed, accepting his hand to pull her up gently. Getting on and off cars was beginning to be a burden for Kim, especially when she has a big heavy belly in front.


“Kimmy? Can we please talk?” Both stilled at the sudden figure approaching them. “Please just for a few minutes, he can even join us.” G.D. pleaded.


Kim looked at Jun, sending a non-verbal message to agree. Jun nodded, feeling happy that she decided to include him. “Arasso, come in.”


Jun guided both inside the apartment and let Kim get settled in. “I’ll go get some juice and snacks.”


“He treating you right Kimmy?” G.D. asked once Jun was out into the kitchen.


“Very. Almost all the things I need are well taken care of even before I actually need them.” Kim answered, hands automatically crossing across her bulging belly.


G.D. watched her then, regretting his mistake of leaving her alone to take care of their unborn child.


“So what’s stopping you from accepting him?” Kim was taken aback from the question, realizing that no matter what, her ex boyfriend could still read her well like before.


“I don’t know...”


“Look Kimmy it’s about time you grab what you want.” He said as he approached her, taking her hands into his as he kneeled down in front of her. “I know the pain I caused you won’t go away with a simple sorry. I was blind to choose another girl than you, but I guess it’s all for the best. That guy there is more worthy of you than me.”


Kim’s eyes started to water upon hearing those words. Who would have thought that all this while, she only needed a proper closure of their relationship, a proper apology for hurting her.


“I’m not asking to be with you again, but please at least let the child know that I’m his biological father, let me at least atone my mistake through our child.”


“N-neh…I’ll gladly share our child, komawo…komawo…” was all Kim said as emotions flooded her, the reason for not accepting Jun’s feelings finally unclouded and was clear to her.


“Is everything alright here?” Jun’s voice disrupted their relationship. Totally misunderstanding the situation, the way the two was too close to each other.


“Nothing Jjun, he was just asking for forgiveness.” Kim hastily wiped her tears as G.D. went back to his seat.


Jun just nodded before setting down the juice and snacks he prepared. “What did you need to talk about?”


“I came here to ask for my rights as the father of the baby.”


“I see, you’re the biological father so of course you have the right, as long as it’s okay with Kim.” Jun answered a bit dry before he turned to Kim, eyes asking for her answer.


“kwenchana…” She briefly answered. Not knowing that it sent a different message to Jun.




Jungmin who was usually calm and above his emotions was currently at the edge of his temper, it had been exactly one week since he started in finding ways to get his boys on track. Youngsaeng and Hyun joong was doing okay, but it was Kyu jong and Jun who was giving him the headache, plus a certain namja that kept pestering his mind.


“Boss, Mr. Heo is here to see you.” His assistant, Lee knocked on his door.


“Let him in.” He replied with a tired sigh, knowing too well what was about to come.


“You look terrible.” He heard a childish comment as he turned around to meet his client.


“Same with you, I’m guessing the issue with Kyu jong is keeping you awake.” Jungmin countered as he gestured for his client to seat down.


“As we have agreed, everything is moving accordingly but I am here for a different reason.”


Jungmin took note of the serious face that Kyu jong’s father had, this was the real Mr. Heo, not the front that he always have with his two sons. “Go on and shoot.”


“How are you coping?” This hit another temper nerve in Jungmin’s muscles knowing too well that his client was talking about the news about his family resurfacing.


“You don’t need to worry about that, let them say what they want. I don’t care.”


Kyu jong’s father observed him for a few minutes before finally speaking. “Child, you have endured so much for your family, for my children.” He spoke as he stood up and went over to Jungmin who was hanging his head low, more probably trying hard not to snap. “It is time to take that burden off your shoulders, you are not alone anymore.”


“That’s it, just cry.” He continued when the boy burst out sobbing, taking the lonesome boy into his arms like what he would have done to any of his sons. “You’ve done well my child, you’ve done well.”


“I’m so tired of being alone…” Jungmin whispered between sobs.


“You can choose to be not alone. Let others take care of you too.”


“I can’t...”


“Yes you do silly child. You can.”


“I can’t…I’m not strong enough yet…I’m not strong enough to protect them…”


“You don’t have to be strong child, all you need to do is be yourself.”


“The Jungmin I was before is no longer here…”


“That child is still there somewhere…all you need to do is find it once again.”

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kyurosy #1
Chapter 42: Thankyu for the fanfic I truly enjoyed it.
hottypixie501 #2
It was such lovely story^.^ I loved it.
Sequel please?? :))
Beautiful. First SS501 story ^^
<3 i loved this story even though i stayed a quiet reader as you posted this on quainte and didn't really express how much i liked it
UNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! DON"T SAY THAT!! I'LL BE SAD IF YOU'RE LIKE THAT! hahaha. :))))))))))) you are really good. REALLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY!! ^_____________________________^
WAAAAAAAH THIS IS SO AWESOME. I'M GONNA CRY. the ending is just perfect~~~~ gonna re-read this once in a while <3 well done ^^
princetongirl818 #8
Hello, <br />
I just finished reading your story. I've read all your previous stories as well and I think your a really good writer. Your writing reads very fluiently. I always enjoy reading your stories very much and I can't wait to read your next one.<br />
Greetings<br />
@amyra961: ThanKyu ^^ I wasn't really expecting for my readers to like it...<br />
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@143prince: waaahhh thank you for saying that I'm good even though I am still far from being a true writer...keke I always have a lot of mistakes in my updates... XD<br />
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@KisaLee: Don't cry dongsaeng least unnie has a new fic... ^^<br />
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@ss501kyusaeng: Proud of Jungmin? what way?...keke<br />
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@Mai: Aigoo I thought you already knew of the 'you' tag here in AFF...its automatic... I made it that way with the intention of thanking whoever reads it without the bunch of names beside them...mianhe ^^ Yah! Just get married already! <br />
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@Meggie: I really don't know...i just thought it would be so Jungmin to have a wedding outside normal traditions of others...keke XD <br />
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@perturbacion: Cause you are one of my readers...all my readers are precious to me ^^ <br />
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@Mech Unnie: WAEYO??~~~~ Just let it go...let it go~~ keke XD
mecheko #10
can i just not comment...don't want to let it go just yet...<br />
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@Mai, i noticed the thank you thingy already...hehehehe