Save Mommy, Stop Santa!



Mi-Young is starting to fall asleep, her hand automatically reaching out for Tamtam, her favorite purple bunny plushy.  
“Tamtam?” she sits upright on her bed and began looking for Tamtam under the pillows, the blanket.  But Tamtam’s not there.
After she climbed down her bed, Mi-Young looked for Tamtam in her room.  She even peeked under the bed.  Still, she didn’t see Tamtam. Tears are already welling in her eyes.  She couldn’t sleep without Tamtam at her side.
Mi-Young decided to go down and ask for help.  She carefully climbed down the stairs.  Her face breaks into a smile, seeing Tamtam lying on the floor by a corner, behind the couch. She had just run over to where Tamtam is, Jiyong and Dara appeared.
Too happy for having found Tamtam, Mi-Young is instantly lost in her own little world.  She kept hugging and kissing the doll.  When she stood up, her eyes grew big, opens.  She couldn’t believe what she’s seeing. It’s Santa!  
The excitement she felt however died, her little mouth forming a pout. Santa’s playing with her mommy.  Like how her daddy does.
Mi-Young was surprised even more with what she sees next.  Her mommy is being carried away by Santa, after they kissed!
"Santa's bad. He's kissing my mommy!" Tears fall off from Mi-Young’s big, brown eyes.  She follows the two, unnoticed.
The following morning, Mi-Young sits at the table for breakfast.  Her eyes kept darting over to where Jiyong is seated.  
“Baby, are you feeling sick?”  Dara touches the little girl’s forehead to check, when she noticed that Mi-Young barely touched the food on her plate, and there is a sad look on her face.
“I’m ok mommy”
Dara teases Mi-Young “You better eat or Santa won’t come to give you presents”
Reluctantly, Mi-Young follows.  Not because of what Dara says, more of she is a very sweet child who always follow what she’s being told.
After breakfast Dara and the twins, see Jiyong go off for work.  About to slide inside the awaiting car, Jiyong was stopped by Mi-Young.
Jiyong catches the little girl in his arms, who came running to him “Mi-Young ah?”
“You still my daddy?”
“Of course, I’ll always be your daddy princess.”
The little girl looked on him earnestly as if she’s searching the truth in his words.
“I love you daddy” Mi-Young gives him a kiss on his cheek, before burying her face in his neck, as she tried to hug him as tightly as she could.
“I love you too, Mi-Young ah” A gentle smile appears on his face.  But he still looked on at Dara questioningly.  Dara just shrugs her shoulders as she takes Mi-Young from him.
“Bye daddy” Min-Kyung says with an impish grin just like his dad.
The three wave as they watch Jiyong's car drive off.
Later in the afternoon, the twins are inside the playroom with Dara.  Min-Kyung is happily playing with his trucks and cars, while Mi-Young sits quietly at a table for her tea party set.  
Dara suddenly feels sick. “I’ll just go to the bathroom.”
“Ok mommy” Min-Kyung chirps in happily.
Dara runs and arrives in the bathroom just in time.  She’s now splashing cold water and has rinsed , after emptying the contents of her stomach over the bowl.  She was staring at her own reflection, when a thought enters her mind. She began to count.
To confirm, she goes to the medicine cabinet and retrieves a box.  
A few minutes later, Dara stands over by the sink, waiting for a white wand to show the result.  Once the ten minutes is up, with a shaking hand, she picks up the stick. 
Her heart is hammering hard inside her chest. Eyes closed, she takes in one deep breath to calm her nerves.
This is it
She slowly opens her eyes.  Her lips stretch into a bright smile as she sees two pink lines.
Meanwhile back in the playroom, Mi-Young walks over to where her brother is playing.
“Oppa” Clutching Tamtam tightly to her chest “Will Santa be our new daddy?”
“Daddy is our daddy.”
“Last night I saw Santa.” 
Min-Kyung raises his gaze from the toys he’s playing with and looks at Mi-Young.
“You did?” Amazement in Min-Kyung’s face.
Her lower lip starts quivering Min-Young nods her head. 
“I don’t like him no more…. He’s bad.”
Min-Kyung frowns hearing Mi-Young “Santa’s not bad.”
“He is!”
“He’s bad….H-he kiss…mommy” Mi-Young starts to cry.
“Santa kiss mommy?”
Another small nod from Mi-Young then between her sobs, she says “Santa wants to take mommy”
“No! He can't take mommy!”
“I want daddy to be our daddy.”
Min-Kyung is now standing up, gives his sister a hug. 
“Don’t cry Mi-Young.”  And in a firmer voice, he tells Mi-Young “Daddy will still be our daddy”
“How?” Mi-Young’s sniffling dwindled down, feeling much better after hearing from her oppa that their daddy will still be their daddy, and not Santa.
“We’ll stop Santa!”
Min-Kyung walks to the shelves where their art supplies are kept, and took some papers and a box of crayons.  Later, the twins have their heads bent over the table, a serious look on their faces.  As they start to plot their plan against one enemy, Santa!

I've also finished this one...posted the last chapter yesterday...LOL
will post the last two chapters in a bit... hehehehe..currently writing a critter
it won't let me sleep unless i write it down.....
are welcome and appreciated

as always for reading
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Vayn229 #1
Chapter 5: Thanks authornim...cute story...💕
Chapter 5: Nice story authornim about how adorable this family♥️
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 5: Oh how cute ^_^
Iminthezone #4
Chapter 4: Best / cute thanks for sharing your story.
Chapter 4: kyeopta aigooo... :)
Chapter 5: so cute. i want twins now :)
Chapter 4: they're so adorable . kyeopta ♥
peppiwelsh1 #9
Chapter 5: Cute lil Dara and lil Ji.
mihyun84 #10
Chapter 4: this is so cute!!