
Truths and Lies


Kai whispered in your ear. "Vampires..."
Your eyes widen. You shot up, out of your seat. "YOU'RE WHAT?!"
Kris glared at Kai. "Way to go, Kai. I calm her down now you get her freaked out," he said.
"She was going to freak out even if she found out without anyone telling her!" Kai said.
You frowned. "Is there anything else that you guys have been hiding from me?"
Everyone exchanged glances with each other. "Nope." "Nu-uh." "Don't think so." And they all scurried away, leaving you and Kris alone.

You pouted. *They're lying. As always.* You turned to look at Kris. He had his famous poker face on. "They're lying aren't they?" you asked. Kris said nothing but shrugged. You eyed him.
He looked at you and sighed. "I know you just found out that I'm a vampire, doesn't mean you can stare at this," he gestured at his face, "all day." He bent down to reach your eye level, his face was only inches away from you. "Or are you still freaking out?" he asked.
You glared at him and pushed his face away with your hand. He grinned and chuckled. "FYI, you're face isn't that pretty. No matter how many girls follow you. And I'm saying this as a friend," you said.
Kris rolled his eyes. "Jaehyung is more handsome than I am?"
You looked at your friend. "N-no... I mean, yes!" you said, and looked away.

Kris shook his head. "Do you want to go home or not?"
"Are you going to fly us home? I still feel sick when you took me here," you said.
"Fine, we'll go by feet. But it's a long walk. Don't bother asking me to carry you. I already carried you enough today," he said. The both of you left.

"Aish. Why are you so heavy?!" Kris exclaimed. "I thought you were on a diet!"
"That was 2 years ago!" you said.
Kris sighed. "Did you gain 300 pounds when you were with Jaehyung then?!" He looked back at you. "And I thought I said that I wasn't going to carry you, why am I?!"
"Who knows. You must probably love me so much that you'll carry me anywhere!" you said with a smile.
"Watch what you're saying or else, I'll drop you," Kris threaten. You instantly shut your mouth. "Better," he said with a smirk.

You looked at him. "But you're a vampire! Aren't vampires suppose to be strong?!" You poked his biceps. "You're so squishy!" you joked. Without a warning, Kris dropped you. You landed on the cold pavement. "OW!" You glared at the giant in front of you.
"I told you so," he turned and walked away. You pouted. "And only an hour until we get home," he said. He turned around and saw you still sitting on the ground. He sighed and walked back to you. "Instead of walking home for the next hour, how about I fly you home? It'll only take 20 minutes," he said and held out his hand.
You looked at him and sighed. "Fine," you said and took his hand.

Within minutes the both of you were in the sky. You were clinging onto Kris's arm, eyes shut. Kris looked at you and chuckled. "There's nothing to be afraid of," he said.
"Says the vampire!" you said. "I might fall down!"
Kris sighed and shook his head. "It's not like I'm going to let go of you. Now open your eyes and loosen up on the grip. My arm's getting numb," he said. You did as he told.

You gazed in awe at the setting sun before you. The sky was in all colors. Clear skies, no clouds in sight. "Do all vampires fly?" you asked Kris.
Kris stayed silent for a while. "I'm the only vampire that can fly... None of the others can."
You looked at him. "So, you guys are like the 'special' vampires?" you asked.
"I guess you could say that... But don't you dare tell anyone that we are!"

"Then what's Kai's power?" you asked.
Kris looked at you. "Kai's? He has the power to teleport."
"Teleport? He comes in handy."
"What? Flying isn't good enough?" Kris looked at you and raised his eyebrow.
You stuck your tongue at him. "I said nothing." You suddenly gasped. Kris looked at you. "I want ice cream! Let's go get some!" you said.
Kris gave you a weird look. "What are you?! 5?!"

"Here you go!" you handed Kris a strawberry ice cream cone.
Kris looked at you and took the ice cream. "Can we leave now?" You shook your head and sat down. Kris sighed and sat down beside you.

You looked at Kris. "Do vampires have enemies?" you asked.
Kris looked at you. "Enemies?" You nodded. Kris shifted in his seat. "Few... But I wouldn't call them as enemies... We don't want war," Kris said.
"Aren't vampires suppose to drink human blood?" you asked.
Kris coughed and looked at you. "What are we? Dracula and Twilight?" Kris sighed and shook his head. "We do. But we don't have to drink human blood..."
"What?! How can you guys live without blood?!"

Kris threw you a glare. "We're not like Dracula or Twilight. Haven't I said that? It's an option for us if we want to drink blood. But we eat, drink, and live normally like humans do. Stop believing those stupid myths in the book that you read. Now anymore questions, human?"
"Yes," you said. "What are your powers?"

Kris sighed. "Well you already know mine and Kai's... D.O is Earth. Don't be around him. He uses his powers too much. Baekhyun is Light. Comes in handy when there's a power outage. Sehun is Wind. Don't be around him as well. Luhan is Telepathy. He can move things around without touching things. So if you feel as if you're off the ground, blame Luhan. Not gravity. Lay is Healing. Not as useful as the others, but it comes in handy when there's a war or something." He continued to name all of the powers.

You ran inside your apartment. "I will never fly anywhere with you!" you said to Kris.
"What? It was just a stupid cloud! Besides, I didn't let go of you! Even if I did, you'd fall into the cloud," Kris said.
"It's a cloud! Not cotton candy that will save you from a fall!"
Kai looked at the both of you. "Seems like you two had a fun time," he joked.
You pointed at Kris and looked at Kai. "He almost dropped me!"
"It was your fault for flailing your arms around!" Kris argued.

Kai sighed. "Guy, just drop it!" Kai exclaimed. He exhaled when you both stopped arguing. "Look, it was cute and funny when you were both teens. Now you're adults. Stop arguing," Kai said and went to his room.
You glared at Kris who had his poker face on. You suddenly gasped. "If Kai's a vampire, then how am I human?" you asked, even confused with what you were asking.
Kris looked at you. "What?"

Early update. 8D I wrote half of this last night. >< I'll try to update again later! IF people in roleplays stop distracting me. XD
I still don't know what I'm writing. -o-''

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Sorry. No update today. xD Lazy!


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Chapter 26: I'm off to the sequel the then!
Chapter 19: Oooh daaamn hahaha
Chapter 12: Hahaha she took it better then I thought!
Chapter 6: How can they show them the amulet and not explain everything?!
Chapter 4: This is so exiting! So far so good!
Chapter 1: Aaaw Kai is so cute!
MaryryxD #7
Chapter 26: Oh wow the ending was quite and hell Kris is so cheesy hahaha. Nice story author-nim (x
MaryryxD #8
Chapter 11: "Kris hyung broke Seulmi noona!" Oh gosh sehun's just so cute i kennot- xD
Hey the foreword sounds like city of bones.... :)
Joyce_Exotic91 #10
Chapter 26: Omg
Kris is so cheesy
I love the whole story
more thumbs up from the reader name joyce
author -nim I salute you fir this