a few dreams gone slightly rotten


Jonghyun is beginning to fear that him and Key don't quite fit like the puzzle pieces he had dreamed of.


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Ah, I loved this.

This portrays more of a realistic love than the prequel? It's like the adult version of their childhood love, and what you say is true. Love isn't always sparkles and rainbows.
It hurt to see them arguing, and I felt my heart kinda breaking when Jonghyun left ;n; But the fact that they like each other so much and that Jonghyun's willing to go back made me /so/ happy. It's nice to see a story that's so real. Their love isn't perfect, but it's strong.
I also like how there's not a clear ending and leaves it hinging on a half hopeful edge. It completes the story.

I'm so glad that you went with this more hopeful tone at the end than the original ;w; I don't think my heart could handle such pain.

also, I can't the get the image of Key angrily waving a foundation brush out of my head now...
sequel? :O
I like it :D