Chapter 2

Diary of SYN

Yo!  Yatsu, here!  \^0^/

So, yeah.  Today is the Dongsaeng selection. It begins at the first bell and we announce our decision during the lunch period.   I’m not too worried about it.  Quite the opposite, actually.  I am SUPER excited to get to pick my dongsaeng, but I’m even more excited to see how the boys fight over who gets to be Noelani’s.  Whoever wins not only becomes her dongsaeng, but also the prince of her fanclub!  Ha ha!  There is always a lot of competition when it comes to her and this year shouldn’t be any exception! 




SYN walked out of Noelani’s  room and into the waiting throng of boys.  They all stumbled over each other trying to reach Noelani’s side.  Some had flowers, others had chocolates, others had gift bags containing who knows what. 

“Noona!  Noona!”  they all shouted, trying to get her attention.  She smiled, waving to them all. 

“Hey boys!”  She blew a kiss around the room and the boys sighed.  She giggled.

“Noona,” came a voice from behind them.  It was Kiseop, the boy she’d selected last year.  The crowd parted for him and he walked up, holding out his hand to Noelani.  She placed her hand in his and he raised it to his lips for a gentle kiss.

“She’s not breathing,” Yatsumi whispered to Seol, and they shared an amused smile.

“Seop,” Noelani said breathlessly. 

Kiseop smiled.  “I’m here to walk you to class, Princess.  Unless you have another in mind already.”

Noelani shook her head.  “No.  No one.”  Kiseop’s smile widened and he drew her arm threw his, leading her through the crowd.  Over her shoulder Noelani called to her friends.  “See you two at lunch!”

“Ladies,” two voices said in unison.  Yatsumi and Seol turned around to see Luhan and Ukwon approaching them. 

Ukwon lifted Yatsumi by the waist and spun her around.  He leaned in to give her a kiss and she dodged him.  “Yah!  I’m saving myself, remember?  My lips are only for Rain!”  He pouted and she pinched his cheeks until he couldn’t help but smile.  “There he is!”  She shouted triumphantly,  hooking her arm through his.

Luhan walked up and took both of Seol’s hands in his, leaning back to look at her.  “Wow, Noona!  What a transformation.”  He leaned in to kiss her cheek, then whispered in her ear.  “I have a feeling you’re going to have to beat the boys off this year.”

Seol blushed and lightly punched Luhan’s shoulder.  “Don’t be silly.”  Like the previous two, she linked her arm through Luhan’s.  “Shall we?”  Luhan covered her hand with his and they followed behind Yatsumi and Ukwon.


Kiseop led Noelani to her seat in her homeroom class, bowed and left with the promise to her to lunch later.  Her desk was covered in trinkets of affection different boys had left to sway her decision later.  She smiled and looked at each one.

Many of the gifts were the usual chocolates or cards containing words of affection they’d written for her.  She lifted the lid off a small box to reveal a pair of soft, red gloves.  There was a note that read “To warm the hands of the princess who warms our hearts- Kwangmin & Youngmin.”  She felt the gloves and sighed happily.  It would be nice to have twins this year. . .Boys, why must you make this so difficult for your noona?


Seol waved happily as Luhan left her in her own homeroom.  She walked to her seat, which was beside the window, one seat up from the back row.  She sat down, like usual only to remember she was wearing a dress, and a short dress at that.  Seol wiggled, pulling her skirt down to cover as much of her legs as possible.  I miss my jeans, she thought. 

“Later,” a male voice said from outside the classroom.  It was Yonghwa.  He and Seol had been classmates and friends for longer than she could remember. 

“Hi,” Seol said with a shy wave, then quickly returned her hand to keeping her skirt pulled down.  

“Hey, Seol,” Yonghwa replied, taking his seat behind her.  She sat completely upright with her hands under the desk.  Very proper, and very un-Seol-like, he thought, then noticed her predicament.    He shrugged out of his jacket and stood, handing it to her.  “Here, use this.”  He motioned with a flick of his eyes to her barely covered legs.

She lowered her head in a gesture of gratitude, blushing.  “Thank you,” she said, and placed his jacket over her legs. 


Eunhyuk was already there when Yatsumi got to her classroom.  He was sitting in his seat on the backrow with his feet propped up on his desk.  “Yo, Yatsu,” he said, and made a saluting motion as she came to sit beside him.

“Hey, Hyukie,” she replied and saluted in return.  They both smiled, knowing they were complete nerds.

“How’s the selection going?”

“Same as usual.  Seol and I don’t have to worry about it until lunch time. But you should have seen the amount of boys waiting for Noelani this year!”


Yatsumi made a pfft sound.  “As if.  I only need one man, and he’s worth 50!”  Hyukie chuckled as she referenced Rain, yet again.  “I’m just looking forward to the lunchtime entertainment.” 


I'm working on the 3rd chapter right now!  It will be up soon.  ^o^

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