Author's Ramblings


Ayy guise~ Cutie watermelon here -w- Ahahah kidding. Anyway. Yeah, that's the story. I know it didn't make sense, and there are probably a million errors in there but that's the best my brain managed to summon four hours after I was supposed to be asleep. And UGH GASDHJDVCHJDHJ it looked waaaaay longer on my phone =.= I hope the ishness didn't kill you guys and you're all still alive and- Okay maybe not alive and well, but alive at least. I don't know where this is going. Why am I still here. I'm gonna go take a nap guys. Bye~ And guys, I know it's supposed to be an SM fic but I couldn't help the Mir Engrish at the end. I'm sorry ;AAA; Oh, and 10 points to the one who can spot the Harry Potter joke-reference-thingy. Love you all <3

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Chapter 1: Omg I want moreeeee
BaekChaYun #2
*slams fist on table* NOW THIS IS QUALITY CONTENT. MORE!
Chapter 1: Is it okay to be creepy and comment on this REALLY late? Meh, oh well. THIS WAS HILARIOUS! BAHAHAHA. Oh yes, and the Harry Potter reference? I think I got it:
D.A. That was the acronym for Dumbledore's Army! :D
Sorry, I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan!
Hopefully you don't think I'm crazy for commenting this late! I will leave now to prevent further creepiness LOL~
Re-read this. Crap, it's still funny! 8'D
pamperedcat #5
Lol, well, at least you tried~ For that I give you a cookie :3
MigukSaram #6
I was wondering if it was the how does he know my name but I guess not xD
pamperedcat #7
Ahahah waaay too early there buddy -w- But go ahead, tell me what you think it is owo
MigukSaram #8
OH! I might have gotten it this time if we're going way back to the Sorcerer's stone lol
MigukSaram #9
Really? I swear that happened. Now I have to search for it again xD
pamperedcat #10
-shakes head and smiles- Nope~ Good try though OwO