Time Flies When You're Having Fun



‘So you’re 16?’ Zelo asked me. I nodded and glanced up at him. ‘Mmm that’s only one year between us whilst six for you and hyung. You sure you don’t want me?’ he joked teasingly. He continued in a casual and sweet tone, ‘It’d seem he really likes you, never seen him like that before, not over a girl at least.’ He looked up at the night sky and looked unbelievably adorable, I wanted to wrap him up in my arms and tuck him into bed. I shook my head trying to throw away such irrational thoughts. ‘You don’t believe me?’ Zelo asked seeing me shake my head.

‘No, well yes, I really have no clue.’ My shoulders slumped and I pulled up my hood embarrassed and confused. He chuckled pulling me closer into him for comfort, his body was warm even through the layers of clothing he wore and I found myself leaning into him slightly, sheltering away from the nights crisp air. I heard the smile in his voice before I saw it,

‘You’re adorable.’ He said simply, I’m adorable? Me? This was coming from a 15 year old who still had dimples. ‘Hyung seems set on having you… Oh here’s my place. Actually what time is it?’ he asked stretching an arm out to read his watch. ‘Ah! 11:47pm? Hyung is gonna be maaaaaaaaaad.’ He sighed running his hand through his blonde curls.

‘What?!’ I asked with panic starting to rise in my voice. ‘How can it be that late already? My house is at least another forty-five minute walk from here.’ I groaned looking in the direction of my house. ‘I’ve gotta text Rose and tell her I’ll be home late.’ I whipped out my mobile and started bashing the buttons furiously as I typed a text to my friend telling her I’d be home ASAP.

‘I’m sorry, it’s my entire fault,’ Zelo said looking down at me with huge sad eyes that matched the night’s sky in depth as well as darkness. ‘You must be starving too, I’m such an idiot.’ He sighed again smacking his forehead with his palm; the thoughts of wanting to tuck him into bed again came swimming back into my mind. ‘Let me make it up to you, come inside, we have plenty of room for you to sleep and I’m sure hyung has already made dinner.’ I opened my mouth to protest but his smile cut me off, ‘Don’t worry about there not being enough either, hyung always makes too much for me, says I need it to grow.’ He laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into him once again as he led us up the small stairs to the door of his house. ‘I don’t know how much more I’m meant to grow seeing as how tall and big I am now but hey, that’s my hyung for you.’ I couldn’t help smiling as he spoke and followed him inside to a house much nicer than my own. A spiral staircase stood off to my right and soft leather furniture was dotted all over the house, each one filled with plush cushions. Zelo grabbed my hand and lead me into the kitchen flicking some switches as we walked turning on dim and soft lights so we could see.

‘Zelo, this is where you live?’ I asked gawking at everything like a kid, which was ironic seeing as I was older than him. He placed his forefinger under my chin closing my mouth softly.

‘You’ll catch flies.’ He chortled turning from me and opened the humongous fridge. ‘I don’t just live here with Bang, there’s more of us too, hence the space and size of everything.’ He said casually as he took out a plate of what looked like pizza. My stomach growled, he laughed. ‘Here.’ He said taking my hand again and leading me to the sofa, when I just stood there he laughed quietly and picked me up with ease and sat me down on the soft pillows and leather. ‘Ya, don’t tell me I’m going have to feed you too.’ I shook my head as he brought over the plate of warmed up pizza and set it down in front of me, biting into his own piece he studied me with wide and thoughtful eyes that made me feel I was looking into the night’s sky once again.

‘What is it?’ I asked feeling self conscious, tugging at my hood. Before he had time to answer I felt my phone vibrate and quickly stood up reading the caller id’s as Rose’s number, ‘I’ll be two secs.’ I said to Zelo making my way over to a window and sitting on the ledge just out of the maknae’s view. ‘Hey Rose, yeah I’m fine, I’ll be staying over at a friend’s tonight kay? I promise I’ll explain everything tomorrow, sleep well and keep safe.’ I hung up the phone and puffed out my cheeks running a hand through my fringe as I looked out into the night. Standing up I turned without looking and smacked into something, something firm and wet. ‘Ouch’ I rubbed my forehead.

‘Serena?’ Bang’s voice sounded. 

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PandaBo09 #1
Chapter 35: Waaaaaa~~~ it's sooo good!!!!! I love this story sooo much~ your writing skills are through the roof!! Can't wait for the next chapter :DD
Chapter 35: I just recently got my wifi and electricity running because of the hurricane and now I have a new chapter from this fic :) (and no school tomorrow either :D )
I'll be sad when the story is over, but I just started reading your shinee and ukiss fics. Which are both awesome. Your writing skills have improved... I feel so weird and y typing that. Only for you lol
Anyway, good luck with the closing chapters!
Chapter 34: You're back just in time for b.a.p's comeback :D (even though I can't really call it a comeback since they released a mini album a month or so back. TS needs to give these boys a break...)
The reuniting scene was/is good. I think it's fitting how Youngguk will be the last to see Serena again.
I'll be waiting for your next update when you get around to it. Don't feel like you have to rush to please your subscribers :)
Chapter 33: Youngnam made an appearance :D I like his portrayal in this fic - He's nice and sweet. I feel like a lot of other stories make him too y.
I'm sad that the story's about to end. But I guess that it's a good way to finish and you've written it well. (I sound so sappy lol)
But seriously, good luck in the closing chapters! And I'll be waiting for any new stories if you get around to it. :)
PandaBo09 #5
what just happened?! wow, drama drama drama!! ^^ can't wait to read more!! you write amazingly well!!! :)
The ending was awesome! :D
No but seriously, I didn't see it coming. Man Zelo's got some balls.
Glad to see that you're back. Hope your vacation was good, and I can't wait for the next update.
I hope Serena doesn't mess up... And yay for aff being normal again :D
Don't get down on yourself, I liked the ending (:
And yeah aff has been kinda annoying the past few days. But i'm not the one trying to upload something.
Aw! Poor Yongguk! Good job by the way! You don't know how happy I was to see this updated after a long day at work. haha Update soon~ Can't wait for more!^^
no! don't end the chapter like that! what happened? i want to know! update soon plz!!!