A Heated Dance



‘So we’re gonna pull names out of a hat to decide who partners up with who?’ Daehyun asked looking up from the pieces of paper he was writing on, we nodded and watched as he let the pieces fall into the hat, Daehyun already said he’d sit this one out since there were seven of us and his predicted headache had arrived. Jong Up, becoming ever eager, was the first to walk over to Daehyun and pick out a name; he unrolled the scrap of paper and smiled reading out the name,

‘Himchan hyung.’ He beamed at the older male who walked over to him and smacked his palm against his in a high-five, Bang smiled and winked at me showing he was sure we’d be partnered up together, I looked over at the maknae who only looked a tiny bit disappointed Jong Up wasn’t his partner but that was soon replaced by a smirk as he saw me looking at him. I sneered at him and watched as Youngjae took his turn to pull out a piece of paper, unravelling it he shrugged,

‘Bang hyung, time to show these losers how it’s done.’ He said taking his spot beside the older male who gave him a quick smile before looking down at me with an apologetic smile, I sighed and smiled back as best I could,

‘So that leaves Zelo and Serena. Now that everyone is paired up what do you guys want to dance to?’ Daehyun asked yawning; I gave Bang one last smile before standing next to Zelo who wrapped and arm around my waist and brushed his fingers against my hips secretively. I glared at him in a silent warning but he just ignored it and answered his hyung,

‘How’s Mirotic by TVXQ?’ he asked innocently, oh god no… Not that song! It was so freaking ual and Zelo knew it, argh! Stupid maknae! One of his slender fingers brushed under my shirt slightly and feathered across my skin, I stiffened at the touch only to make him chuckle and nod at Youngjae, ‘What are you gonna dance to hyung?’ Youngjae glanced at the man next to him and shrugged,

‘Well you know how much I like Man Man Ha Ni…’ Yongguk’s laugh boomed in the room setting us all off as he patted the blonde a little too hard on his back,

‘And what about you two?’ Daehyun asked nodding to the last pair,

‘How’s about Hello by SHINee?’ Jong Up asked looking at Himchan, trust him to pick such a sweet song, I smiled and felt Zelo stiffen and a sneer curl his lip, god what was his problem now? I shrugged it off as well as his touch as I folded my arms whilst Himchan answered his friend,

‘Sure, not hard to dance to although I thought you wanted a hard beating song…’ Himchan said rubbing the back of his head, Jong Up simply shrugged and looked at Daehyun,

‘Right, so that’s Mirotic, Man Man Ha Ni and Hello, are you going to go in that order?’ the masked male asked, I spoke up,

‘Would you mind if we went in reverse order so Zelo and I went last?’ I had no intention of going first in front of these guys again and none of them objected, I walked over to Bang and grabbed his hand lacing my fingers through his as we sat down in the chairs beside Daehyun, Zelo bit his lip to suppress a hiss and forced a smile as he smiled sweetly at Youngjae and looped his arm through the elder boy’s and practically skipped to another set of chairs, Himchan and Jong Up took their places in the middle of the room and whispered quickly to each other before facing their well built backs to us. The playful beat started and so did the two men’s synchronized dancing as they turned around, reaching their arms out and clicking their fingers they tapped their right foot over their left twice before placing their hands in an upside-down triangle shape just below where their bellybuttons would be whilst lifting and dropping their shoulders and looking to the left just like SHINee do in their music video. All the while they sang along to the sweet song with smiles on their faces as if they were singing it to a lover, Himchan’s hair bobbed slightly with each movement whilst Jong Up’s smile grew amazingly wider with every moment they continued, I found myself smiling as I leaned into Yongguk and hummed to the catchy tune popping in a ‘hello hello’ every now and then with the song. The song ended with Jong Up smiling and facing the window as he pretended to think about a girl he liked, Himchan on the other hand was on his knees in front of us and holding out a imaginary bouquet towards me, a wide smile was planted on his lips as he winked at me and sang the last lines with his partner,

‘This might be destiny, Hello Hello.’  I laughed and clapped at the same time whilst the two moved together and bowed laughing, Himchan lapping up all the glory and praise,

‘Thank you, thank you.’ He bowed making us laugh harder. Daehyun spoke after we had finally calmed down,

‘Mm not bad you two, too sweet for my liking and Jong Up was reminding me of Taemin way too much with his cuteness…’ we broke out into another round of laughter and Daehyun even chuckled behind his black mask before continuing, ‘Next is Youngjae and Yongguk, hop to it.’ He said nudging Bang’s shoulder, Bang stood and pecked me on the cheek before whispering in my ear,

‘Rose told me you liked Soohyun…’ I blushed as he mentioned the idols name and immediately saw Soohyun’s handsome face flash behind my eyelids, ‘And that you especially liked him in this song, something about wanting to touch his abs through his netted vest?’ my cheeks blazed as the words Bang spoke were true, Soohyun wore a black netted top and I don’t know what it was about it but it made me hazy whenever I saw it, Bang felt the heat from my face radiating against his own as he continued, ‘I see it’s true then, alright I’ll just have to show you how much better at it I am than him.’ He pulled his lips away along with his body and strode over to the middle of the room and started murmuring something to Youngjae who nodded compliantly. I sank into my chair and puffed my cheeks out trying to calm down and failing, I saw Zelo move out of the corner of my eye to claim the seat beside me but was stopped short when Himchan straddled the chair instead, Himchan give the maknae a warning glare before running a hand through his blonde hair and turned to look at me smiling,

‘So you liked it?’ he asked me quietly whilst Bang and Youngjae set up, Daehyun was mumbling something to Jong Up who was taking large gulps from his bottle of water, I turned my attention back to my friend and smiled nodding,

‘I didn’t know you could be so sweet.’ I laughed and punched his arm playfully, I grimaced when my hand came back laced with a little sweat, it was his turn to laugh as he pulled me into a tight hug making me squirm and Zelo hiss under his breath. Himchan let go of me as the music started and we both watched as Bang and Youngjae rocked their bodies around in a circle, it was obvious Bang was going to follow the exact dance moves of my bias from U-Kiss and I couldn’t help it when a smile played across my lips, meanwhile Youngjae took control of the main vocal parts, it was strange how he reminded me of Kevin with the way he sang his words so passionately but it made me enjoy their performance all the more. Bang surprised me when he also sang Soohyun’s part, his voice surprisingly fitting to the song,

‘I’m going crazy because of you girl.’ He looked straight at me when he sang sending shivers down my spine, Daehyun rolled his eyes,

‘Please god don’t let him take off his shirt.’ He grumbled and Himchan laughed quietly,

‘I don’t think he will; he’ll be saving that for later…’ Himchan said suggestively and raised an eyebrow at me, I had long tuned them out and was completely focused on Bang, on further inspection I took in his outfit, tight black jeans with studs and spikes down the sides of the legs that shined whenever the light caught them accompanied with a extremely tight wife beater that was white, his toned arms were now on display as he shrugged off his jacket and threw it across the room before manoeuvring effortlessly back into the routine. My mind slipped even further as I imagined him in Soohyun’s outfit from the music video, a deep red tinged my cheeks as Bang splayed his fingers over his hips and bent backwards in a circle before hopping slightly and crossing his feet over whilst moving his head in a circular motion with his hands on either side of his head. Each time Bang would clench his fist over his heart the material would rise up exposing a slither of his toned abs and his body now glistened slightly from being laced with sweat,

'Am I that insignificant to you? Is love that easy for you? Is our memory that insignificant? Is everything just that easy for you?’ Youngjae and Bang sang in unison as they strode right up to us before spinning around and raising their right hands before lowering them with their heads, the music finished and once again clapping filled the room, except for Zelo of course.

‘Mm… Your dancing was timed perfectly to each other’s but Bang hyung put me off with his… “iness”?’ we laughed loudly as Bang’s face flushed slightly whilst he walked over to us and picked up a water bottle, he tilted his head back and parted his lips letting the water flow and fill his mouth, Himchan waved a hand in front of my face making me snap out of my fantasy and causing me to blush further,

‘Serena? Daehyun asked if you were ready.’ Himchan chuckled at my blushing cheeks, no doubt able to tell what I was thinking; I nodded and stood from my chair so quickly I nearly knocked it over. Zelo was already waiting for me in the middle of the room as I walked over to him hesitantly, he pulled off his oversized cardigan and threw it haphazardly across the room to reveal a ripped black t-shirt underneath, he too was wearing jeans but these were crimson red and seemed impossibly tight, he stomped his heel on the floor twice making his converses squeak a little before doing the same with his other foot. He finally looked at me and spoke quietly,

‘We’re going to dance a little differently, you ever done ballroom dancing before?’ the question threw me off a little but I nodded,

‘Once or twice, I know the basics steps, why?’ he reached behind me and felt the clip at the back of my head which was holding my damp auburn locks up before nodding to himself and pulling his hand away, I frowned and raised an eyebrow at him but he just continued,

‘Good, I wasn’t kidding when I said I wanted to put you through your paces earlier Serena, follow my lead and don’t forget to act too.’

‘Act…?’ he nodded at Daehyun to start the music when I was suddenly spun across the room to get into my starting position, I glared at him but was met with a typical smirk, eight beats sounded and Zelo suddenly sprang forward towards the others singing to the song, just like Bang he too surprised me with how well he could sing along with his usual rapping. He waggled a finger behind his back signalling for me to come closer to him, I obliged and slinked over to him remembering the music video and the appeal it oozed, I dragged a hand down Zelo’s torso whilst I stood behind him and raked my nails back up his shirt causing him to shiver, he reached behind him and grabbed my thigh and draped it over his leg before swinging me around effortlessly and clamping a hand on my waist whilst the other entrapped my hand in his. He pushed his hips against mine telling me to step back, his feet mirrored mine as we danced in a frenzy whilst he sang, I wrenched myself away from his needing hands and circled him,

‘You want me, you’ve fallen for me, you’re crazy over me, you can’t escape I got you- Under my skin, you want me, you’ve fallen for me, you’re crazy over me, you’re my slave, I got you under my skin.’ He sang seductively whilst tilting his head back and closing his eyes, I lifted my hand and trailed it across his throat and spun away just before he could grab hold of me again. Zelo was actually a pretty good actor, he visibly ground his teeth when I escaped and turned his head sharply back to our viewers before jumping up and landing with his legs parted whilst leaning back, he looked to his right straight at me whilst I sauntered over to him once again, my step faltered only a little as he sang the next lyrics, ‘Together with one time’s kiss. The day is fresh- a strong pull. The second kiss, your heart felt hot and about to explode.’ I stood behind him and gasped slightly when he reached around to pull my body into his back, I could just see the smirk on his face as he heard my reaction, well I wasn’t just going to have him use me, I s my arms around him and clenched fistfuls of his torn shirt, ‘Yeah, I got you! You know you got it! Yeah, come on! Come on! I got you- Under my skin.’ He tilted his head back again and his hips out with each ‘come on!’  as the song started coming to a close, I trailed my fingertips across his throat once more only this time to have my wrists grabbed hold of and used to swing me around him and brought to my knees facing our audience whilst Zelo crouched down behind me, he brought his hand down to my face before lifting my chin with his thumb and forefinger making me look at Bang, he used his other hand to pull out the clip from my hair and tangled his fingers in my auburn waves bring his nose down slightly to smell my hair, ‘You want me, you’ve fallen for me, you’re crazy over me, you’re my slave, I got you under my skin…’ he finished whilst murmuring in my ear. I looked over at Himchan who was glancing nervously at Bang to see if he had noticed just how into the song Zelo was, but it seemed the older male was just impressed by our performance and noticed nothing more, I sighed in relief when Zelo let go of me and helped me up. Daehyun, Jong Up and Youngjae were all clapping with the same look of awe on their faces, Bang stood up and walked over to me pulling me into a tight hug forcing Zelo to move away a little, I could sense the jealousy radiating off of Zelo but also from Yongguk, he held me impossibly close and only released me a little when Daehyun piped in,

‘I think it’s obvious who the winners are.’ He said and nodded towards Zelo who glanced at me and smirked, the others nodded in agreement and started grabbing their stuff, everyone looked fairly exhausted and hungry especially after Zelo’s stomach growled. ‘You guys want to go out to grab a bite to eat?’ Daehyun asked opening the door and letting us pass,

‘Sure, I could go for the French one we saw when we arrived.’ Jong Up said his lips, Youngjae shrugged and Himchan nodded in mutual agreement,

‘I think I’ll be heading home with Serena.’ Yongguk suddenly said, we were outside now and everyone turned to look at me, all six pair of orbs watched me, it was a little unnerving to say the least, I parted my lips to speak,

‘I’ll go home with Bang, you guys go eat since I know how hungry guys can get.’ I smiled and they chuckled, Bang wrapped an arm around my waist and nodded to the others before turning and heading home, I could feel a familiar pair of eyes staring intently at the back of my head before Bang distracted me and leaned down to whisper in my ear as we walked,

‘Finally we’re alone…’ 


Hey guys! This chapter is especially long to celebrate B.A.P's newest single 'Goodbye', If you haven't checked it out yet I suggest you do so asap, as usual it's totally amazing and mind blowing and I cannot wait for them to release the rest of the album! Daehyun's vocals are dreamy and perfect! Zelo's rapping is so totally awesome too! Love them so so so much... They also released a small video explaining some of the story behind the much loved and adorable Matoki's check it out as well! Enjoy this chapter and tell me what you guys think, once again sorry for the late update but I really hope it was worth the wait ^w^ 

Saranghae! ~ <3

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PandaBo09 #1
Chapter 35: Waaaaaa~~~ it's sooo good!!!!! I love this story sooo much~ your writing skills are through the roof!! Can't wait for the next chapter :DD
Chapter 35: I just recently got my wifi and electricity running because of the hurricane and now I have a new chapter from this fic :) (and no school tomorrow either :D )
I'll be sad when the story is over, but I just started reading your shinee and ukiss fics. Which are both awesome. Your writing skills have improved... I feel so weird and y typing that. Only for you lol
Anyway, good luck with the closing chapters!
Chapter 34: You're back just in time for b.a.p's comeback :D (even though I can't really call it a comeback since they released a mini album a month or so back. TS needs to give these boys a break...)
The reuniting scene was/is good. I think it's fitting how Youngguk will be the last to see Serena again.
I'll be waiting for your next update when you get around to it. Don't feel like you have to rush to please your subscribers :)
Chapter 33: Youngnam made an appearance :D I like his portrayal in this fic - He's nice and sweet. I feel like a lot of other stories make him too y.
I'm sad that the story's about to end. But I guess that it's a good way to finish and you've written it well. (I sound so sappy lol)
But seriously, good luck in the closing chapters! And I'll be waiting for any new stories if you get around to it. :)
PandaBo09 #5
what just happened?! wow, drama drama drama!! ^^ can't wait to read more!! you write amazingly well!!! :)
The ending was awesome! :D
No but seriously, I didn't see it coming. Man Zelo's got some balls.
Glad to see that you're back. Hope your vacation was good, and I can't wait for the next update.
I hope Serena doesn't mess up... And yay for aff being normal again :D
Don't get down on yourself, I liked the ending (:
And yeah aff has been kinda annoying the past few days. But i'm not the one trying to upload something.
Aw! Poor Yongguk! Good job by the way! You don't know how happy I was to see this updated after a long day at work. haha Update soon~ Can't wait for more!^^
no! don't end the chapter like that! what happened? i want to know! update soon plz!!!