You Want Me To Do What?



Yongguk excused himself as his phone started ringing and he hopped up shuffling to the kitchen quickly, I watched his retreating body and heard short sharp muffles from the kitchen which must have been him talking. I turned to Rose and asked her if she would like something to drink to which she refused politely, I then stood and walked quietly into the kitchen wanting to get a better idea of what Bang was getting so agitated over.

‘What do you mean she won’t perform with us?’ his tone now had an underlying of anger to it making me step back slightly as to not distract or interrupt him, ‘She’s sick?’ he clicked his tongue and continued becoming increasingly mad, ‘More like she still hasn’t gotten over Himchan dumping her…’ I frowned hearing this and moved into the kitchen further, I tripped and stubbed my toe on the washing machine in the process, Bang turned around and saw me and tried not to laugh so turned his back on me again whilst I shuffled over to the kettle and hit the switch turning it on to boil. I leaned in the corner of the counter and folded my arms watching Bang’s back as he continued his conversation, ‘Yeah, I get it, if we don’t get someone to fill in her space then we can’t perform right?’ he nodded hearing the answer and sighed, ‘You guys got any ideas for any possible fill-ins?’ the kettle clicked signalling it had finished boiling but I ignored it as my frown grew deeper at the conversation that was unwrapping in front of me. Who were they talking about? Someone who was still sour over Himchan dating and leaving them…? I was pulled out of my own thoughts when I felt someone’s eyes on me, I looked up and suddenly Yongguk was standing in front of me looking down at me with the eyes I loved so much. ‘You sure Daehyun? Well yeah she can… Alright how’s about around 5pm?’ he sighed and nodded once again and hung up the phone with a hollow ‘goodbye’.

‘What was that about?’ I asked turning to grab a mug and sachet of hot chocolate from the cupboard, he let out another hearty sigh and rubbed his temples frowning,

‘That was Daehyun; he had some news for me about the next performance, the one you’ll be attending.’ I nodded grabbing the milk and pouring the boiled water into my mug adding some sugar and stirring in a little of the milk. ‘The woman who is meant to perform with us during secret love is sick and can’t perform with us.’ My face fell at the news as he put the milk away for me and waited for me to look at him again before continuing, ‘So unless we can find someone to fill in and sing with us as well as perform then well the show is cancelled… And well Daehyun had this idea that…’ he ran his hands through his hair and shook his head grunting in frustration.

‘What was Daehyun’s idea?’ I asked looking at him and sipping from my mug, he looked away for a long time before finally bringing his eyes back to my own,

‘He wants you to try out.’ I blinked staring at him blankly waiting for him to say something else for it to make any sense to me, but he didn’t and then I realised what he meant. I choked on my drink and patted my chest trying to breath, he quickly took my drink from me and held out a tissue apologetically, I took it and wiped my lips looking up at him,

‘You don’t mean he wants me to actually sing for you guys let alone sing for a whole freaking audience!’ I squeaked trying to grab hold of reality and failing. He simply nodded and the expression of guilt built on his face as he ran his hand through his hair again unable to look at me,

‘That’s exactly what I mean.’ He said solemnly reaching out to lace his fingers through mine in a form of comfort, he glanced at the clock, ‘4:27pm… We should start heading over there now.’ I swallowed and nodded pulling him with me to the lounge to tell Rose we were going out,

‘Rose… I’ll be back soon I gotta go to Bang’s house for a little while okay?’ she looked up from the TV and nodded at me waving,

‘Good luck.’ She said simply. I threw on a jacket and headed out the door with Yongguk close as he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me in for further comfort.

‘What did Rose mean by ‘good luck’?’ he asked kissing the top of my head as we walked to his house. I cocked my head to the side thinking, good luck… My eyes widened as I realised what she had meant, I was going to Bang’s house and he lived with his band members… Which meant Zelo was there, which meant I would see him and who knows what the hell was going to happen. Bang squeezed my hand waiting for an answer; I coughed and simply said,

‘Oh she just meant good luck in a house full of guys who act like kids.’ He laughed and my shoulders slumped in a slither of relief. 

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PandaBo09 #1
Chapter 35: Waaaaaa~~~ it's sooo good!!!!! I love this story sooo much~ your writing skills are through the roof!! Can't wait for the next chapter :DD
Chapter 35: I just recently got my wifi and electricity running because of the hurricane and now I have a new chapter from this fic :) (and no school tomorrow either :D )
I'll be sad when the story is over, but I just started reading your shinee and ukiss fics. Which are both awesome. Your writing skills have improved... I feel so weird and y typing that. Only for you lol
Anyway, good luck with the closing chapters!
Chapter 34: You're back just in time for b.a.p's comeback :D (even though I can't really call it a comeback since they released a mini album a month or so back. TS needs to give these boys a break...)
The reuniting scene was/is good. I think it's fitting how Youngguk will be the last to see Serena again.
I'll be waiting for your next update when you get around to it. Don't feel like you have to rush to please your subscribers :)
Chapter 33: Youngnam made an appearance :D I like his portrayal in this fic - He's nice and sweet. I feel like a lot of other stories make him too y.
I'm sad that the story's about to end. But I guess that it's a good way to finish and you've written it well. (I sound so sappy lol)
But seriously, good luck in the closing chapters! And I'll be waiting for any new stories if you get around to it. :)
PandaBo09 #5
what just happened?! wow, drama drama drama!! ^^ can't wait to read more!! you write amazingly well!!! :)
The ending was awesome! :D
No but seriously, I didn't see it coming. Man Zelo's got some balls.
Glad to see that you're back. Hope your vacation was good, and I can't wait for the next update.
I hope Serena doesn't mess up... And yay for aff being normal again :D
Don't get down on yourself, I liked the ending (:
And yeah aff has been kinda annoying the past few days. But i'm not the one trying to upload something.
Aw! Poor Yongguk! Good job by the way! You don't know how happy I was to see this updated after a long day at work. haha Update soon~ Can't wait for more!^^
no! don't end the chapter like that! what happened? i want to know! update soon plz!!!