


Watching him on stage was practically a religious experience for Kibum. 


The hum of the crowd’s voices died off as the lights flickered and the sound of heavy boots against the wooden stage resounded throughout the cramped room. 


His every move calculated but smooth in a way that should be illegal. 


A disarmingly beautiful smile graced his face, giving off an air of carefree confidence that screamed both “approachable” and “unattainable” at the same time.  


The way he commanded the stage was enthralling.




The silence was suffocating as the room collectively held their breath as he grasped the mike stand firmly. 


His perfect figure was both soft and obviously firm and sheathed in clothes that were specifically designed to make fans drool in the most literal way. 


But that wasn’t what had Kibum so hypnotized by his very presence. 


No, the moment Kibum lived for was when those pouty lips parted for the first time against that microphone. 


The sound of his voice sent shivers down Kibum’s spine. 


Not even the angels could compete with that voice. 


Kibum closed his eyes and smiled; in that moment he swore he experienced nirvana. 


Who needs faith when you can have music?



Short and random and probably riddled with an alarming amount of grammar errors for such a short piece of text.

But I wrote it like 15 minutes ago.

So whatever.

I don't love it, but I just needed to write something...

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Chapter 1: Beautifully written <3
Sicaluvschocolate #2
Holy ____ that was awesome
Cute ^_^ but Onew? Smooth? o_O hahaha XD made me laugh. But nice short fic ^_^
I was actually eating fried chicken while I read this XD
I could imagine myself in place of Key. Because Onew's voice makes the shivers run down on my spine. Really. I'm Onew biased for a reason, kekekeke! But seriously, I loved this!