
“Destiny? How cliché!”



You fell asleep, waiting for the message which you know will never be returned, especially not after the person figured out that you weren’t his friend Bacon.

It was already 5:30 in the morning and the sun was just about to rise when your alarm clock rang, waking you up. You sat up on the side of your bed, did a little stretching and reached for your phone. When you looked at it, it was still the same, no reply.

To be honest, even though you were texting with a complete stranger, you felt kind of sad but that wasn’t new to you, considering half of your life’s a mess.

You placed your phone back on top of the night desk and went on with your morning routines. It was Monday which means you have school. After saying goodbye to your grandma, you got your stuff and headed to school.

The moment you arrived school, people started to give you a cold shoulder so you hid your face under your long bangs. That did not work at all because you received more death glares than before.

You remembered how this bullying started. Back when you were in middle school up until now you would walk sluggish with your shoulder hunched and your face covered with your bangs, and to make it worst you knew how to read tarot cards. You never knew those things would make you farther away from your goal because if you did, you wouldn’t have done it in the first place.

At first, no one really cared to point out your weirdness. That was until Yiseul, the pretty new student at that time came and became your seat mate. She was so scared of you that she cried and asked the teacher for a new seat. Since then, the students started to call you witch and spread false gossips about you.


It was already lunch time and as usual, you went to the canteen to buy your food. You shifted your head from side to side, searching for a vacant seat. You finally found an empty table and as you came near it, you realized that the reason why it was empty was the presence of the trash can beside it.

You hesitated at first but since there were no empty tables left, you gave in.

Unfortunately, someone tripped you before you can even come near the table, making your food scatter on the floor. You looked up and saw Yiseul.

 She was the one who tripped you.

“Watch it, you witch!” Yiseul barked at you, trying to wipe the food stains on her designer shoes.

You stood up and bowed at her over and over, asking for forgiveness even though you knew she tripped you on purpose.

”I am so sorry!” You tried to help her wipe of the stains on her shoes. Instead of accepting your apology, she let out an annoyed chuckle and started to pour her cup of rice pudding on your head.

Everyone was now looking at you, laughing. You couldn’t take it anymore so you ran outside the canteen and went to the rooftop. While running up the stairs your disturbing ring tone rang. You picked it up and continued to run to the rooftop.

You were in desperate need for a breather or else you were going to collapse.

Because there were tears which were making your vision blurry, you did not notice that you bumped someone who was just about to exit from the rooftop’s door until you fall on the floor, landing on your .

 “Ouch.” You looked up and saw a tall guy rubbing his chest.

“Here, let me help you.” He stretched out his hand, offering help but you declined his offer, grabbed your cellphone and continued to run to the rooftop. He sighed and picked up his phone which also went flying after the accident.

“Okay, no help from me.” You heard him comment before he continued to go down the stairs.

He placed his phone inside his pocket and after a while he heard a baby laughing. He searched where the sound was coming from and realized the phone in his pocket was making it. “This isn’t my phone.”

He opened the phone and answered the call. “Hello, Sae Rin this is your grandma.”

Saerin? She must be the girl from awhile ago.

“Um, no this is Chanyeol. Your granddaughter and I accidently switched phones.” Chanyeol answered, embarrassed of what happened.

“Ha ha ha ha ha. You’re so cute, dear. It’s not just an accident! It’s more than than.” Your grandma replied, making Chanyeol confused. What is she trying to say? Chanyeol thought while scratching his head.


You were on one side of the rooftop, hugging your legs and as usual dazing off. “Ah! Grandma’s call.” You remembered your grandma told you she was going to call you this morning.

You brought out your phone and opened it. The wall paper on the phone was different with yours. It has two guys smiling and it kind of remind you of someone but you don’t have the time to remember because your phone was missing.


“Neh halmuni, I’ll tell her.” Chanyeol said and hung up. He has been talking to your grandma for 5 minutes and he decided to bring your phone back to you.

Before hanging up the phone he accidentally pressed the received messages and almost fell on the stairs with shock and amusement. So she was the one who received the messages which were meant for Baekhyun…

Chanyeol opened the door and bumped into you once again. “Do you enjoy bumping into people?” He asked. You were about to run but chanyeol grabbed your wrist and showed you your phone.

“My phone. Ah! This might be your phone.” You grabbed the phone from your pocket and gave it to him.

“Here’s your phone and your grandma told me to tell you to buy bread before you go home.” Chanyeol said which startled you.

“You talked to my grandma?” He nodded.

“She told me a lot of things that I never thought I would hear in five minutes.” Chanyeol gave you a genuine smile before leaving you there, flabbergasted.



AngiieQii- Thanks for your comment! :) Yeah... I noticed that too but I'm too lazy to change it now. T_T I hope this chappy isn't so draggy though :) Thanks for reading! <3

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SoOzy-1 #1
Aahh , this is so cute .. Nice I like it ^^'
littlemiss10 #2
Ahhhhh its so cuteeeeeeeeee:)))
- fans oneself -
Thanks for the awesome fanfic!
waaaaaa~! Thanks for this beautiful update! Though I'm still, a bit, confused... I thought Saerin thinks that Baekhyun is Happy Virus. But in this chappie it sounds like she knew that Chanyeol is Happy Virus? Hee~y hehe.

Anyway!!! LOVE the BaekYeol moment! Aiigolaay~ He "BIT Yeollie's neck"!!! OTP overload!!! Hehe...

*Pardon my spazzing*
aiigolay! Looks like there'll be a misunderstanding as to who Happy Virus really is.

I agree with @aliceinoz why isn't he curious with Saerin's reaction? Or even suspicious? Hehe. Just asking ^^~

OhMy~ why the sudden cold treatment from Yeollie. Ecxited for the next updaaaate!!!
littlemiss10 #5
Chanyeol why did you yiseul? Saerin is sad. wait baek is happy virus? Thanks for the update!
littlemiss10 #6
aww so cute;) thanks for the update!
t__yeon #7
I would think Baekhyun would be confused as to why she's so calm about her "boyfriend" kissing his girlfriend..
Shocks~! The story line is awesome. Please update as soon as you can ^^~ 'coz I'm really, very, curious! hehe. ^^~
kyuyeon14 #9
Waa it's to tweet
Update soon hehe
Ooooooka~~y 1st chapter and I'm subscribing~! So far so good! Hehe. Okay off to reading now. Gotta catch up! ^^~