You made it worst

This plan is stupid

[A/n] I’m sorry there’s three of the same person but he’s a key so you won’t get confused.

Key: The stylist and cousin

Kibum: from Shinee

Gwiboon: Taemin’s personally stylist              

3rd POV~

                Key had a lot on his hand today. He had to make the finishing touching on his latest clothing line, he had to calm Taemin down because he’s been crying ever since he got in the car, and he has to get Onew ready for his date tonight which was harder than he thought.

“I can’t wear yellow” Onew claimed. “One I’ll be the brightest person there and two yellow looks horrible on me” Key rolled his eyes “You look good in anything but you refuse to wear anything” he glared at the younger boy. “I want to look good because I know Minho is going to be snooping around” he said looking through Key’s closet. Key sat on the bed and sighed “This is stupid; I thought you guys were done after the whole marriage thing?”

“Well after Kibum to me what’s between Sunny and Minho, I pretty much forgave him but doesn’t mean I can’t have payback” he said pulling out a shirt. “Teenagers are so confusing” said Key shaking his head. “Hyung I’m going to need your tightest pants”

-At the Kim’s house-

“Is Jonghyun still in his room?” Mrs. Kim asked. Junghee nodded yes with a worried look on her face. “I’ve never seen him so broken up about a girl before it’s really sad” she said walking towards his room. “It’s creepy to me” said Junghee. “Is he going to be like this forever? I can’t take it. He doesn’t react to my mean comments at all and he lets me borrow whatever I want” she pulled out Jonghyun’s cell phone. “He gave me his cell phone. HIS CELL PHONE! This thing is his life” she said shaking it around in her umma’s face. Mrs. Kim lowered her daughter’s hand “I know this is getting bad he even started drawing again look” she handed Junghee a piece of paper. “Wow I didn’t think it could get worst” said Junghee.

They both stopped at the door and Mrs. Kim knocked. “Jjongie can we come in?” no answer. Junghee opened the door “It’s unlocked” they both went in. Jonghyun was just lying on the bed holding a picture frame. “Come on oppa, get up” Junghee said jumping on the bed. Jonghyun then got off the bed laid down on the floor. “Jjongie get off the floor and get yourself together” said Mrs. Kim. “I’m nothing without Taeyeon” he said turning over with his face on the floor. “Oppa don’t be stupid” said Junghee getting off the bed and sat next to him. “You’re Kim Jonghyun” she said turning him on his back. “All guys want to be you and all the girls want you”

“Taeyeon doesn’t want me” he said as he started to turn over again but Junghee stopped him. “Come on is she really that special?” Jonghyun popped up and glared at his little sister “Are you out of your mind? She is the most perfect thing ever! Her eyes are perfect, is perfect, her voice sounds like angels are singing, she has the best personality in the world” he put the picture frame in Junghee’s face. “You can’t look at her and say that’s she’s not perfect” Junghee took the picture frame from him and looked at the picture. Her eyes widen “Where did you get this picture?”  She asked. “I found it at Key’s house, don’t worry I didn’t steal it I took a picture so I can blow it up later” he said happily getting the picture back and hugging it. “Taeyeon is a boy in that picture” she stated. “Well duh, Taeyeon is a guy” he said. “What you knew?”

“Do you guys really take me for an idiot, don’t answer that” he said glaring at Junghee and she slowly closed . “I thought her just likes to do the whole cross dressing thing. It’s kind of big thing in Japan, which I found out the hard way” he said shivering at the thought. “Wait a second; you’re okay with Taeyeon being a guy?” Jonghyun nodded. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because you’re a guy and usually freak out knowing that the girl they like is a guy” said Mrs. Kim. “Only if they’re straight, I could care less” he said. “I knew he swings both ways that explains Donghae always blushing so hard when he leaves this room” said Junghee. “Shut up that was only once” Jonghyun said starting the blush. “I bet you bottomed” said his umma. “Oh my God we didn’t even go that far” said Jonghyun covering his cheeks with his hands and they became redder. Junghee and Mrs. Kim started laughing and Jonghyun joined in but stopped so after looking down at the photo again. “It’s doesn’t matter now, I don’t want to be with anyone else if they’re not Taeyeon” he said hugging the picture frame and going back down.

“And we were so close” said Junghee. “How about I get you some ice cream Jjongie, well that make you feel better?” asked Mrs. Kim. “Taeyeon loved ice cream” and then he started to quietly sob again. “Umma you’re making it worst”

-In front of Key’s apartment-

Kibum was about to knock on the door until his phone rang. “OPPA OPPA YEOBOSEYO? OPPA OPPA~” he pulled the phone away from his ear and rubbed it. “Yah Gwiboon, stop yelling” he said and it was quiet for a second until she started yelling again. “OMG GIVE THE PHONE TO ONEW I HAVE TO TELL THAT MINJUNG IS BLACK MAILING TAEYEON AND NOW THEY CAN’T DATE AND JUNGHEE TOLD ME JONGHYUN WON’T COME OUT OF HIS ROOM AND I SAW TAEMIN CRYING ALL THE WAY TO THE CAR OMG OPPA GIVE ONEW THE PHONE PLEASE”

“One stop yelling, two I haven’t even knock on the door yet and three you know you shouldn’t be meddling again you know what happened last time with Joon” he said knocking on the door. “How was I supposed to know he had a childhood crush or that the person was going to come and visit him the same day I set my trap you can’t how me responsible for the lemons being throw at me” Kibum rolled his eyes. “Give me one second” said Key from the other side. “What you did was wrong end of story and you know that he couldn’t contact them because of the town his from is like really small” he said waiting for someone to open the door. “Well maybe if he just give me the kids name I could have fixed everything but know he wants to get over it pssh he’s such a punk” Gwiboon said.

 “I got it I got it” said Onew and he opened the door. “Hey Kibum” he said with a smile. “Dang it Onew I don’t want to ruin that wonderful smile of yours but here” Onew looked at him confused as Kibum handed him the phone. “Yeoboseyo?”

-Choi’s house-

“And where are you going?” Mrs. Choi asked Minho. Miho turned around and looked at his umma “I’m just going out for a jog” he said turning back around. “Then why do you have a bag?”

“I might sleepover Jonghyun’s house” he said turning the door knob. “I heard he’s not leaving his room” she said. “Well yeah that’s why I’m going to go over there and cheer him up” he said a little annoyed. “I also heard that Kibum’s and Onew’s date is tonight at the fair that’s happening tonight but you probably aren’t going to that you have a best friend to cheer up right?” Minho gulped “Right”

“Remember to call me when you get there and if I don’t hear crying in the background I’m not going to let you leave anymore when Minjung gets her period” she stated. Minho nodded “Yeah sure whatever bye” and he quickly left the house. “Stupid teenagers think they can fix everything” she said walking back to her room.

Minho quickly walked over to driveway and saw Minjung getting into his car. “No no no no” he said running over there. “Minjung out” he said grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the car. “Minho let me use the car tonight this is my only change to win Jonghyun’s heart” she begged. “Please he’s not trading Taeyeon up for you even if she is a guy, that’s just down grading” he said sitting in the driver’s seat. “At least drop me off, wait you know too?”

“Well if Eunsook’s a guy then most likely Taeyeon is a guy too” he said pushing Minjung away and closing the door. “Eunsook a guy too, what is there I don’t know?” she yelled as Minho started the car. “Junghee and Gwiboon use to go out but the broke up because she’s in love with you which is going to fade soon because it well you” he said and drove off. “Junghee is what?”

-At the fair-

“This is so much fun and you won so many things for me” said Onew hugging all the stuff animals in his arms and Key holding some too. “Thank you so much. I know some of these would cheer Taemin up. I can’t believe Minjung would do something like that” said Onew. “She’ll do whatever it takes to get to something she wants no matter who she hurts in the process” said Kibum. “Let’s put this behind for now it’s putting me in a bad mood” said Onew cutely pouting. “Let’s get a bag for these animals okay?” Key ran his finger through the younger’s hair and he nodded.

They walked to a near little store and started to look around. “Oh I want this one” said Onew picking up a little pineapple bag. “That is not big enough” said Kibum. “I still want it” said Onew. “I’ll get it for you” said a familiar voice. “That can’t be” Onew said and quickly turned around. “Surprise” said the tallish, dark brown hair boy smiling at Onew. “Why are you here?” Onew asked trying to keep himself calm. “After all these years, that’s want you wanted to say to me? I thought you missed me” said the boy rubbing the back of his neck looking down. “The not answering your calls didn’t give you a hint about how I feel about you?” Onew words cut the other, hard. “I thought I just couldn’t reach you” he said quietly. “If you wanted to talk to me so badly why didn’t you come back?”

“You know I couldn’t come back”

“If you care you would but I guess I wasn’t worth it” they place was silent and very awkward. “Onew, I could wait outside if you want me to” said Kibum feeling really awkward. The boy looked at Kibum and his face brightens a little. “Kibum I didn’t see you there, how’s its going?”

“I’m fine just standing here being awkward” he said. Onew sighed “Let’s go I don’t want to talk to him”

“Onew” the boy called after him as Onew and Kibum walked out. “Please just listen to me for one”

“Hey” the three boys turned around to see Minho running towards him. Minho finally caught up to them and was trying to catch his breath. “Dude you can’t just be running off like that as so I mention my friend’s name” he said. “Sorry Minho I just wanted to check something”

“You guys know each other?” asked Kibum. “Yes and Onew I wanted to give you something” Minho swung the bag off his back and started to dig in it. “Minho this isn’t a good *gasp* Oh my God you got the rolling out keyboard” said Onew dropping the plushies and grabbing it quickly. “I thought you might want it so you can start writing your music” said Minho grinning ear to ear. “And I got your first job” he pulled his friend over. “Onew this is Joon for Mblaq and he agreed for you to write a song for him. Joon this is my friend Onew.” Onew smiled fainted quickly into a hard glared. “No”


“I said no I’m not writing music for this jerk not even if he's the last music artist on earth. You must be out of your mind” said Onew. “Wait what why?” asked Minho. “It’s none of your business but I am NOT writing for this heartbreaking bastard” said Onew picking up his things and walked away. “Goodness Minho, you made it worst”

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I keep forgetting you guys are a chapter behind because I pre-write my chapters for this story... I'll get on it don't worry and thank you for sticking around


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Chapter 10: Please update!!!
Chapter 10: Author-nim.. Update soon please~
Chapter 10: Omg please update soon
niezz15 #4
Chapter 10: Update please, I wanna know about onew, minho and joon more ^^
panda-kawaii #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!!! The story's to addicting xD
yeahonho #6
Chapter 10: i was waiting for onho part, why don't have any????
Chapter 10: I JUST LOVE THIS FANFIC!!!! >.<
Chapter 10: I love it soo much
Chapter 9: Keep up the awesome work! and keep updating
musicismyworld #10
Chapter 7: Wow things are complicated for all the guys!!! I love reading this though