Boy Meets Girl Chapter 4: The Election Campaign and The New President is...

Boy Meets Girl

(Author's Note: I'm sorry for the wrong grammar. I'm not that good.)


+ Nobody's POV +

2 days passed,Janine is really serious about the incoming election. She really is serious about competing with Dongho.



+ Janine's POV +

Me and my friends were here at our room. We are still preparing for the election.


"Kamsahamnida Mary Rose,Ghean,Love,Yumi,Athena,Kei,and Sarah." I said to them with a amile.

"Cheonmaneyo." They replied with a smile.

"You guys really helped me a lot."

"No problem! By the way,you sure really want to compete with Dongho?" Kei ask.


"Nothing. Um. You know,It's just that... Dongho is popular. Especially with the girls." Kei said with a worried look.

"I don't care at all!" I said.

"It's okay,Kei. Janine is quite popular,too." Yumi said like she knows I can definitely win.


Suddenly,someone came in. It was Chaerin.

Chaerin is the leader of the girl group who always bullies me.


"Janine." She called out.

But I ignore her. What does she want now?!


"Janine. Hey~ Don't ignore me~" She said while she is leaning on my shoulder.

"What now?!" I said in annoyance.

"Ooooh. Easy~ Just wanna say "Good Luck to you" She said.


I was shock. But I still make myself not to look I'm shock.

"Okay!" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Bye~ Hwaiting Janine~!" She said and winks at me. Then,she went out.


All of my friends are shocked,too. I don't know what's happening. I felt that the world turns upside down. She always shouts at me and bullies me,but now?


"Eh. Janine. Are you two friends now?" Love ask me.

"Huh? When? It will never happen! I don't know what's happening,too." I said in confusion.

"Okay,guys. Stop it. Let's forget it. Just continue what you are doing,araso?" Athena said.

"Araso." They replied.

"Guys~ While we are working. Let's drink tea." Sarah said while holding a tray.

"That's great!" Yumi said.


We drink the tea Sarah serve for us.

While me,I'm still thinking about Chaerin's behavior a while ago.


*I think she needs something from me. That's why she acts like that.

What is it now?*

I just sigh out that thoughts.



+ Nobody's POV +

Days passed, the election gets hotter (XD).

The competition between Dongho and Janine is getting more intense.



+ Dongho's POV +

"Eh! Dongho!" Soohyun Hyung shouts while I am walking at the hallway.

"Mwo?" I said and stop from walking.

"About the election. What if you win?" Soohyun Hyung ask.

I just stare at Soohyun Hyung and didn't answer.

"I thought you don't like being a "President" but now..." Soohyun Hyung continued.

I smirk and said "Just wait and see,Hyung."


Soohyun Hyung just gave me a confused look.

I continue walking and Soohyun Hyung just followed me.


While we are walking we suddenly met Janine and her friends. She is smiling but when our eyes met her smile was gone. So,I smirk and greet her...


"Yo~ Janine." I said smiling.

But she ignored me and just pass by.


*She really is interesting.* I thought.



+ Janine's POV +

I met Dongho while we are and he greeted me.

But I just ignore him and we just pass by.

Then someone shouts.


"Kang Janine! Good Luck! I know you'll win!"


I stop from walking and look back to see who's shouting.

My eyes widened when I saw that Dongho is looking at me and smiling.

He is the one who shouted.

He smiled at me once again then he left.

My world turns upside down again and felt annoyance.


*What the heck?! Is he playing with me?!* I thought.


"Janine~! Eh! Janine!" Ghean called out.

"Eh?" I said and cut out my thoughts.

"Let's go. Remember you have a campaign." Ghean said.

"Ah. Oh. Yeah. Come on." I have said and starts to walk.



+ Nobody's POV +

The campaign starts.

Janine is nervous but at the same time she is excited. 

On the other hand,Dongho is just calm and relax.

One by one the competitors said their thoughts out.


Until,It's Janine's turn.

She stepped out to the stage and start her campaign speech.


"Annyeong Hasaeyo everybody! I am Kang Janine from the class 3-A. I am here to be a President. When I enter high school I really hope to be a part of the Student Council. So now,I'm here to compete. To get the place being the Student Council President......."


Janine's campaign speech go on.

While,Dongho. He really pays attention to Janine's speech.


Janine's speech ends.

It's now Dongho's turn.

He smiled and start his speech.


"Annyeong Hasaeyo~! Shin Dongho imnida. I am from the boy band group U-Kiss. I am also from the class 3-A. I don't actually like being a President. I especially enter to compete with our future president and my classmate Kang Janine. I know that all of you are confused and curious. There's a reason why I want to compete with her,It's because I think Janine Kang is so interesting."


Dongho's speech ends,he bow,and left the stage.



+ Janine's POV +

I am listening to Dongho's campaign speech and I was so shock of what I heard.

*What is his meaning?! What is he saying? Interesting? Me? What does he want?! Aaaaaahhh!! Is he playing with me?!!* I thought.


I was deeply thinking about the thoughts of what I heard.

I even imagine that he is in front of me now.

*What's this? Why is he here in front of me? Am I imagining again?* I thought.


"Kang Janine!" someone called out.


I cut my thoughts out. And search who's calling me.

It.. It.. It was Dongho! He's in front of me now. I am not imagining at all.


"Why?" I said.

"Did you hear my campaign speech?" He said smiling.

"Ne. Why did you say that?! Please! Don't joke around me!" I said in annoyance.

And I was about to walk out but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back and he even drag me to the wall and cornered me.

"Do you think I'm joking? Well. I'm not! I am not joking. I'm serious. I am really interested in you,Kang Janine." He said then smirks.

"Haah!" I rolled my eyes and I push him and I said to him "I hate people like you!!"


I am so annoyed so I run away from him.



+ Dongho's POV +

Tssk. So you really hate me now. You're getting more interesting.

I think,a type like you is NBSB.



+ Nobody's POV +

 3 days passed,it's the day when the results will come out.

And of course,Janine is nervous. She really is determined to win but she just can't keep calm. Dongho is her competitor. Her friend Kei is right. Even though their school is a well-disciplined students,Dongho is still popular. Many girls like him.



+ Janine's POV +

*I am so nervous of the results. Whatif Dongho wins? Can he manage the school properly? Waaaaah...I can't help but to worry* I thought.


I sighed heavily. Then someone tap me on my shoulder.


"Are you okay? What a heavy sigh you have." someone said.


I look back and I was so shocked to saw who said that. It was Eli~


"Huh?" I answered.

"I asked you,if you're okay?" Eli ask again.

"Ah.. Uuh.. Y-Yeah. I'm okay. J-Just nervous." I said stuttering.

He smile to me and...



+ Eli's POV +

I tap Janine's shoulder and ask her if she's okay. But it seems like she was shocked to saw me.


"Huh?" She answered.

"I asked you,if you're okay?" I ask again.

"Ah.. Uuh.. Y-Yeah. I'm okay. J-Just nervous." She said stuttering.


I smiled to her and I grab her hand and I said..

"Don't be nervous have confidence in yourself. Like what Dongho said you'll be be our new president. And Dongho doesn't want to be a President so I think that he'll do something." I smile to her once again and let go of her hand.


She stares at me and smile and said "Gomawo."

Then,she left.



+ Janine's POV +

Few hours later,the results came out.

It was posted at the bulletin board and in my our school's TV's.

All of the students run after the bell rang at the bulletin board and at the school's TV's.

And I am so nervous of the result.


"In a few minutes,the results will come out." The announcer said.


I close my eyes and slowly fold my hands.

Then,suddenly someone poke me.


"What?" I said while my eyes closed.

"Open your eyes." I can recognize her voice,it was Mary Rose.


"Just open your eyes now."



Slowly I open my eyes and was so shocked of what I saw at the school TV.


"I-It's true,right?" I ask in shocked.

Mary Rose smiled to me and said "Yes."


Slowly a smile on my face form.


"Kang Jannica got 500 votes while Shin Dongho got 499 votes.." the announcer said.

"1 vote is our gap? Thank you 1 vote whoever you are!" I said happily.

"Our new President is Kang Janine~!" The announcer said with a happy voice.


I face my friends "Thank you very much guys~! I Love you~! <3 " I said and hug them.


As we walk through the hallway the students greets me with a smile and a "Congratulations".

I smile back and say "Thank You."



+ Dongho's POV +

"Dongho! Congratulations! I couldn't imagine what would happen if you're our new President. Hahahaha!" Xander hyung tease.


I just stare at him.


"Yah! I'm just kidding. Don't stare at me like that." Xander hyung added.

I smirk and said "I'm not angry. I'm just thinking of something."

"Something?" Xander hyung ask.

"Yeah. and it's a person and she is coming this way." I smirk again.

"Huh?" Xander hyung look in the direction where I was looking and he is surprised of who he saw.



+ Janine's POV +

I was walking on the hallway when I abruptly saw Dongho and Xander oppa. When I get near to them,I saw that they stop from walking and Dongho smirk. 

So,I stop from walking,too.


"It's nice to compete with an idol." I said looking at him straight in his eyes.


Then,he suddenly grab my hand and kiss it.

I was so shocked of what he did. I couldn't move a little,it's like I am frozen there.



to be continued...


Chapter 5 next...

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AprilGrace12 #1
Chapter 12: Update more! Jebal?? :>
Eeeee! I love when people put my name in stories lol
Aww why suzy! Ugh! Good story though update soon
Yeah, it was Suzy, a new rival huh. XD and yeah he is the one who is watching them and yeah she's Dongho's fiancee :) I guess this is really a drama-bully time . :P hehehe. :) just wait for the incoming chapters :D<br />
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hehehe. :) hmmm.. maybe I can make you a one shot if I have time to make it. I'll make it for you. :D because you are the very active reader of mine :D i know there are silent readers though >.<<br />
hehehehehe :D it's not that greedy~ it's just that the story is just made for you~ :D<br />
Thank You, Thank you for your wish and I wish the same too :)
YukiMary #5
OH 5HIT! it was SUZY?! the girl who was watching Janine and Dongho?! Dongho's fiancée?! WHAT?!<br />
Aish here come another... BIT*H.. Aishh hate thiss. Ahahaha soo.. now.. Drama time? kekekek~<br />
Awww so now she don't hate him anymore huh? kekekekek~<br />
can't wait for moreee <3 <3<br />
its getting interesting. ^^ <br />
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Yup. its not. instate its veryy... interesting~! aish.. how i wish this story is a story of me and my bias (Eli).. and there's only me who's reading and commenting! Cause some of the story that my friends make one for me always has other readers and comments.. I'm kinda like.. "hey this story is mine! for me not you guys.." lol greedy Yuki XD ahahahahah~ but anyway, i wish for ya that you'll get A LOT OF SUBSCRIBERS and COMMENTERS. ^^ <3 <3 kekek Good Luck~ <3 and welcome~
@YukiMary .. Really? It's not that boring? Aigoo~ :'> i am so touched~ thank you very much~ :D i'm very thankful to you that you still kept on waiting for my updates~ thanks that you're interested in my story~ :D THANK YOU VERY MUCH :*<br />
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--Yeah, poor her and Chaerin she's just jealous.<br />
hehe.. let's wait and see who's that watching them~ :D
YukiMary #7
Aww THAT IS SOOO CUTE! Aww poor herr.. <br />
But really that was.. soo.. CUTEEE! XD Ahahah Dongho~ <br />
I bet that girl who's watching them is Chaerin.. GRRR <br />
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kekekekeke Nahh its okayyy~ kekekek i wonder why isn't there subscribers and comments? *looks around* Aish don't they know this story is actually interesting? and awesomeee~ heheheh<br />
I really love this storyy! <3 <3<br />
I love your banner~ heheh well everyone is busy rightt? so i understandd~ <3 muahh love you~<br />
Hehe. Just wait for the next chapter my dear and you'll know it. :) Thanks for loving this story~ I'm so touched~ :D Yeah. They are so cute. :)<br />
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Yeah. I watch it. Aw. We will long wait for it. Me too,can't wait. XD<br />
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Okay. I will update as soon as I can. :)))
YukiMary #9
OMG Did she have a bad experiences in the past?! hmm what does Dongho means? I really love tthis story!!! >.< Yoseob and the Ma rin girl is so lovely~ XD<br />
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so you watch it? Hmm well what people said that on the 18 episode he will appear... Omg i can't wait! >.<<br />
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Hehe I'll be waiting~ <br />
Update soon~ ne? :))
Hehe. Thanks~ XD Hmmm.. In the next chapters you will know where the 1 vote came from. XD Hehe. He is being weird whenever Janine is there. XD Thanks a lot~ <3<br />
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Yeah. I watch it. Me too I only watch it because of them~ I don't know when will Eli appear. :))<br />
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Thanks again for waiting for the updates~