Chapter 8: You’re my rival in Dongho’s HEART!!

Boy Meets Girl


+ Janine’s POV +

After I clean my bruises I immediately go to my classroom. As soon as I get to my seat, the bell rings.

*Thank God. I am not late.* I thought as I smile to myself.

Then I felt someone taps my shoulder, I was startled. When I look back to see who it is, I saw Dongho.

“Yah. Don’t startled me again, araso?” I said as I sit down.

Yeah, yeah. So, how’s your bruises Ms. President?”  He ask.


+ Dongho’s POV +

“It’s okay now. I already clean it. Thanks again.” She said and smiles. I smiled back to her.

*Just keep on smiling, it suits you the most.* I thought and I gaze at her. Then the teacher came in. *Aish.. He ruins the mood.*

“I got to go to my seat now.” I said and smiles. She chuckled.

“Your seat is just right beside me. Or it’s either you’re going to seat somewhere else?” She said  still chuckling. I am so embarrass >.< ..

“A-Aniyo. Of course this is where I sit. Maybe I’m not myself while ago.” I said as I scratch the back of my head.


+ Janine’s POV +

I smile to him.

“Araso.” I said and look away and put my attention to the teacher now.


+ No One’s POV +

The first to third class went on until the bell rings signaling that it is their lunch break now.


+ Mary Rose’s POV +

It’s already lunch time and I remember that Janine left early before us this morning and I clearly saw that she and Dongho are talking to each other and she even smile at him.

*I’m just wondering if something happened between them… Hmm… I must find out all about it.* a smirk form from my lips. I go to Janine’s seat and I slam at her table. I laugh when I saw her startled.

“Did I startled you? :P” I ask teasing her.

“Tsss… Why everyone likes to startle me??” She rolled her eyes and stands up. I look at her straight into her eyes.

“What’s up??” I ask her and she looks at me with a confuse look.

“What do you mean with what’s up??” She said raising her eyebrow.

“Duh! I clearly saw you this morning talking with Dongho. Are the two of you friends now?” I said to her raising an eyebrow.

“Uhh.. Well.. I guess so. I don’t know. But all I know is I already told him that I don’t hate him at all. That’s it.” She said bluntly.

“Oh. Okay then, let’s go now. I’m hungry.” I said and drag her to the canteen.


+ Janine’s POV +

Mary Rose drags me going to the canteen then I accidentally bump into someone. We stop from walking.

“Omo! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you.” I apologize bowing to her.

“Heh. You’re Kang Janine, am I right?” She smirks. I look at her with a serious face.

“Yes, I am. Why? Is something wrong?” I ask her curiously.

“Nothing.” She said. I look at her closely but I don’t even see her here before.

“You are new here right?” I ask her. She smirks again.

“No wonder that you became the president, you even know if a student is new here or not. Yes, I’m new here. My name is Bae Su-jie but you can call me Suzy. It’s nice to meet you Kang Janine.” She said.

“Ohh.. So, you already know me. It’s nice to meet you too. ” I said and held out my hand to shake hands but all she do is to stare at my hand then she suddenly slap my hand. *What the!* My eyes widen.

“I don’t want to be friend with you! Because… You’re my rival in Dongho-sshi’s heart!” She yelled at me then she turn around and walks away. She left me there dumbfounded.

*Is what I heard correct?? She said that I am her rival in Dongho’s heart?? The heck! How come I am her rival?! I don’t even like that erted-jerk specie.*



Hiya Guys~ Miss me? 8D  I mean miss me updating this story? 

>,<  I am very sorry for not updating for a long time. I've been busy this whole school year. But now I guess I can update as much as I can this vacation~ Hope I still have readers ^^ ENJOY :))


@YukiMary Hey! ^^ Sorry for late late update >.< Hope you're still reading this :))

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AprilGrace12 #1
Chapter 12: Update more! Jebal?? :>
Eeeee! I love when people put my name in stories lol
Aww why suzy! Ugh! Good story though update soon
Yeah, it was Suzy, a new rival huh. XD and yeah he is the one who is watching them and yeah she's Dongho's fiancee :) I guess this is really a drama-bully time . :P hehehe. :) just wait for the incoming chapters :D<br />
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hehehe. :) hmmm.. maybe I can make you a one shot if I have time to make it. I'll make it for you. :D because you are the very active reader of mine :D i know there are silent readers though >.<<br />
hehehehehe :D it's not that greedy~ it's just that the story is just made for you~ :D<br />
Thank You, Thank you for your wish and I wish the same too :)
YukiMary #5
OH 5HIT! it was SUZY?! the girl who was watching Janine and Dongho?! Dongho's fiancée?! WHAT?!<br />
Aish here come another... BIT*H.. Aishh hate thiss. Ahahaha soo.. now.. Drama time? kekekek~<br />
Awww so now she don't hate him anymore huh? kekekekek~<br />
can't wait for moreee <3 <3<br />
its getting interesting. ^^ <br />
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Yup. its not. instate its veryy... interesting~! aish.. how i wish this story is a story of me and my bias (Eli).. and there's only me who's reading and commenting! Cause some of the story that my friends make one for me always has other readers and comments.. I'm kinda like.. "hey this story is mine! for me not you guys.." lol greedy Yuki XD ahahahahah~ but anyway, i wish for ya that you'll get A LOT OF SUBSCRIBERS and COMMENTERS. ^^ <3 <3 kekek Good Luck~ <3 and welcome~
@YukiMary .. Really? It's not that boring? Aigoo~ :'> i am so touched~ thank you very much~ :D i'm very thankful to you that you still kept on waiting for my updates~ thanks that you're interested in my story~ :D THANK YOU VERY MUCH :*<br />
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--Yeah, poor her and Chaerin she's just jealous.<br />
hehe.. let's wait and see who's that watching them~ :D
YukiMary #7
Aww THAT IS SOOO CUTE! Aww poor herr.. <br />
But really that was.. soo.. CUTEEE! XD Ahahah Dongho~ <br />
I bet that girl who's watching them is Chaerin.. GRRR <br />
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kekekekeke Nahh its okayyy~ kekekek i wonder why isn't there subscribers and comments? *looks around* Aish don't they know this story is actually interesting? and awesomeee~ heheheh<br />
I really love this storyy! <3 <3<br />
I love your banner~ heheh well everyone is busy rightt? so i understandd~ <3 muahh love you~<br />
Hehe. Just wait for the next chapter my dear and you'll know it. :) Thanks for loving this story~ I'm so touched~ :D Yeah. They are so cute. :)<br />
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Yeah. I watch it. Aw. We will long wait for it. Me too,can't wait. XD<br />
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Okay. I will update as soon as I can. :)))
YukiMary #9
OMG Did she have a bad experiences in the past?! hmm what does Dongho means? I really love tthis story!!! >.< Yoseob and the Ma rin girl is so lovely~ XD<br />
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so you watch it? Hmm well what people said that on the 18 episode he will appear... Omg i can't wait! >.<<br />
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Hehe I'll be waiting~ <br />
Update soon~ ne? :))
Hehe. Thanks~ XD Hmmm.. In the next chapters you will know where the 1 vote came from. XD Hehe. He is being weird whenever Janine is there. XD Thanks a lot~ <3<br />
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Yeah. I watch it. Me too I only watch it because of them~ I don't know when will Eli appear. :))<br />
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Thanks again for waiting for the updates~