
This Is War, My Friend

{Your POV.}

Moving into the Wu family's house was pretty easy and fun, I guess. 

Mimi is pretty awesome. She may be small and petite, but she's super strong! She carried two boxes full of my stuff up three flights of stairs. Kris was pretty helpful. He carried most of my stuff, even though I knew that he didn't want to. His mother forced him to. Mimi and her mother helped me fix my stuff and get settled in. Oh, did I mention that their house is HUGE? Well, yeah, it is. Three stories high. 

My room is on the third floor, right across Kris' room. There's only one bathroom on that floor, so I have to share it with him. Awkward, right?


"Jihae-ah!" Winnie called. I popped my head out of my door and called back, "Ne?" She came up the stairs and smiled at me. "It's dinner time sweetheart. Please tell your brother for me?" I nodded. "Thank you~" she sang as she flew down the stairs. I walked toward Kris' door. I stood in front of his door and stared at it like an idiot. I was pretty hesitant when it came to communicating with Kris. I still can't forget the first time our eyes met. I felt as if I was electrified. He had that cold, mean look.  I lifted my hand up and balled it into a fist. I knocked on his door. "Uh, Kris?" I heard a few ruffling noises then the door opened a bit. "What?" he said. His eyes were like daggers, piercing through my soul. I froze. He looked at me, confused, and tilted his head to the side. "Well? Aren't you going to speak up?" I came back to my senses and answered, "I-It's dinner time..." He nodded, "I'll be down in a bit," I walked down the stairs and heard the door slam behind me. *Wow.* As I got to the kitchen I saw Winnie and Mimi already seated. Mimi's father was in the kitchen getting the food ready to serve. Winnie smiled at me, "Did you call Kris?" I smiled back and nodded, "Yes, he said he'll be down in a bit." She nodded back as I took my seat next to Mimi. Kris finally came down after a good ten minutes. "Kris gege, what took you so long? I was getting really hungry!" Mimi frowned. "Sorry mei mei," he replied. "Well, take your seat honey," Winnie said. "You made us wait so long. The food is probably already cold." He took his seat. It was probably the most awkward dinner I've ever been to. After dinner, I washed up and knocked out. That day had been super tiring. What I really feared was if I was capable of getting close to these people. They are my family now, but they are still just a bunch of strangers. I don't even know how I'm supposed to get to know them. I was always bad with communicating with people. Even with my own parents.


I woke up super early the next morning. Somewhere around 5 AM. I didn't think anyone would be awake at this early so I just went out to go to the bathroom in my bra and underwear with a towel hanging on my shoulder. I opened my door, wanting to go to the bathroom, but then a figure appeared in front of me. My vision was slightly blurred and I was still half-asleep. I rubbed my eyes and opened them. Right in front of me stood a half- Kris. His hair was wet and water beads dripped down his face and neck. A towel was wrapped around his waist. My eyes were wide open and my mouth was formed into an 'o' shape. He gave me the same look but with a y edge to it. I gasped as he eyed my body and I covered myself with the towel. *Oh my god, what the hell?!* I ran back to my room, flustered.  *Okay, what the hell just happened back there?* I pictured the moment again and shook y head. *Oh god. He saw me. In my bra and underwear. And I saw him. Half-. His body... No, no, no! I mustn't think of him like that.*  I looked in my dresser for my robe then peeked out the door. Kris was still standing outside. He still had the same expression on his face, but it became softer. His eyes met mine. His mouth opened, "J-Jihae..." I looked at him, "Ne...?" He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Uh, you can use the bathroom now." "Oh, yeah, okay," I bowed and quickly walked to the bathroom.


{Kris' POV.}

*Did she just...? Did I just...? What just happened?* My eyes widened as Jihae closed the door after she got in the bathroom. We had just seen each other... half-. I turned red thinking about it. Seeing her like that sure was something. I've never seen such intimate parts of a girl's body like that before.  I went inside my room and locked the door behind me. I pictured the scene that happened. Jihae's body. I shook my head. *Wufan. Stop it. Don't be such a ert. You aren't like this. Jihae is your sister. You don't even like her. Just... Stay calm.*


A/N: Hello readers! Author-nim here with an update. Sorry it's a bit late. I updated this on mobile OTL

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LOL. That'd be Awkward.
littlemiss10 #3
Ahahahaa omg thats so awk.... i want to see kris shirtless.. ahehe thanks for the update!
littlemiss10 #4
Aish kris such a cold person and yes he is gorgeous heh
Thanks for the update!
littlemiss10 #5
ooooh interestingg! cant wait to read more of your story;D
aegyome #6
oh gosh update oredy authornim :3
lachapelle03 #7
please update soon! ^^
cant wait ^^