Warm Welcome

This Is War, My Friend

You woke this morning feeling tired and uptight. Today was the day you were going to meet your new adoptive family. 

*Why did I have to get adopted again? Seriously, this is stupid. I'm turning nineteen in about two months. I already graduated highschool. Shouldn't I be old enough to take care of myself? Well, apparently, no, I'm not.*

You idly stood up and walked to the bathroom. You were exhausted from packing everything you owned the night before and you didn't feel like doing anything. 

You looked at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. *Okay Jihae. Maybe getting a new family won't be so bad. Maybe they'll be just as great as your old one. Psh, who am I kidding. I am a total wreck and my new family won't even like me.*

You quickly got ready and took all your stuff down stairs. The lady at the adoption center told you that your new family would come to your house to pick you up. 

You waited anxiously for your adoptive family to arrive. Twirling and playing with your fingers, you started to get even more anxious. *Okay, this isn't helping. I can already tell things aren't gonna go well.*

Suddenly, you heard the doorbell ring. DINGDONG! "Jihae? Oh Jihae? It's us~ The Wu family!" you heard through the door. *Oh god, they're here.*  

You walked toward the door and placed your hand on the door knob. You cautiously turned the knob and opened the door. Standing in front of you were a middle aged couple and two other people behind them.

One was a petite sized girl. She looked like a little girl. But she was gorgeous. Long, shiny brown hair, milky white skin and big round doe eyes. She looked like a doll.

Your eyes moved to the boy next to her. He was tall. Really tall. *Must be the brother.*  He was just as gorgeous as his sister. A blonde, forward swept fringe, fox-like eyes that looked right through you, even skin, and long legs that made him look like a walking tower. He looked just like a model.

Your eyes widened as you gazed at your new family. *What the... They're all so gorgeous! How the hell am I supposed to fit in and look like them?*

"Hello Jihae-ah!" the older woman cooed. "We are your new family. The Wu's." She brightly smiled at you. She introduced everyone to you. "Well, I am Winnie, your new mother." She pointed at the older man next to her. "This is your new father. Just call him Papa." The older man smiled at you. You politely smiled back. "This is Mimi," she said pointing at the petite girl. "Hi! It's nice to finally meet you!" The girl smiled widely and pulled you into a tight embrace. She then brought you to stand in front of the tall boy. "And this is going to be your gege or oppa. His name is Kris." Your eyes met with his and felt a spark of electricity go down your spine. His gaze lowered and fixed on you. His mother jabbed his side and he cleared his throat. "Uh, I'm Kris. Welcome to the...family." He looked away.

"Okay! We're officially family now!" Winnie sang. She smiled at you and hugged you tightly. "Now, let's get going!" You nodded and gave her a small smile. "Kris dear," she called. "Please take Jihae's stuff to the van."

He had a blank expression on his face as he walked over and grabbed your stuff. You saw him taking your backpack. "Uh, I'll take that." He looked coldly at you then put the backpack down. 

Mimi stood next to you and saw the flustered expression on your face. "He's acting like that because he wanted a brother." She giggled.

"Ah, is that so?" You said. She nodded.

*Well, so much for a warm welcome.*


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It was just a tad bit longer OTL

Chapter three will be up in a bit!

<3 author-nim

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LOL. That'd be Awkward.
littlemiss10 #3
Ahahahaa omg thats so awk.... i want to see kris shirtless.. ahehe thanks for the update!
littlemiss10 #4
Aish kris such a cold person and yes he is gorgeous heh
Thanks for the update!
littlemiss10 #5
ooooh interestingg! cant wait to read more of your story;D
aegyome #6
oh gosh update oredy authornim :3
lachapelle03 #7
please update soon! ^^
cant wait ^^