
Love Eternal

Tears fell from your face...

Yoona’s POV

Since we boarded the plane Tiffany was quiet. She looked distant; like something was bothering her. She slept for a long time. I couldn’t help to worry for her. I was one of her best friends and I made a promise to myself that I’d try my best to be strong like how she was for me. But once again I saw myself crumbling.

Tiffany stirred in her sleep and a single tear dropped. No…Unnie…

My thoughts were disturbed by a stewardess asking for what meal I wanted. “Chicken please.” I quickly replied and turned my attention back to Tiffany. Her eyes moved and she woke up. “Unnie~ It’s dinner time.”

(play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruP672bL8eA)

Your POV

The house was dark. The place was quiet. No one was heard except a sobbing voice from a distant room. The little girl walked towards a room. Inside the fireplace wasn’t lit despite the chill inside the room. Everything seemed dark. Every time she took a step forward her shoes clicked on the maple floor. There was a depressing aura inside the room.

A woman sat on a chair facing the opened window, letting the cold air of the winter night flood in. She stared off into oblivion; tears running down her face. The cold air passed through; lifting her long brown hair revealing her beautiful face. High nose, fair complexion, arched-eyebrows and big dark eyes that was a sea of pain and sadness.

“Mom.” The little girl said as she approached her.

The woman turned around, her eyes that were once filled with sadness turned into loathing. She stared at the girl as if she was a monster. Tears flooded even more as the woman starred at the child.

“Mom.” The girl took a step.

“GET AWAY FROM ME!” the woman shouted as she threw a vase towards the little girl.

The girl winced in pain as a piece of the broken vase hit her shoulder.

“You…” the woman said as she jabbed a finger towards the whimpering girl.

“…It’s all your fault.” She continued with those loathing eyes.

“M-mom…” the little girl’s voice faltered.

“Don’t you dare call me that…You’re not my child! I HATE YOU!” she screamed.

The girl started crying as she rubbed her yes; trying her best not to show tears.

“You’re crying? Huh! Why? Can your tears bring him back? CAN YOU BRING HIM BACK!” the woman said as she shook the girl. “Umma! I’m sorry!” the girl exclaimed.

“Sorry? You’re sorry? SORRY CAN’T CHANGE ANYTHING!” she slapped the little girl. “If you hadn’t forced him to come. If you weren’t such a selfish brat then your father would be here! HE WOULD HAVE BEEN WITH ME! YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED YOUR FATHER!” she slapped the girl once…twice…thrice…she lost count.

Blood trickled down the girl’s face, it mixed with her tears but she was numb. The words of her mother echoed through her mind. YOU KILLED HIM…YOU KILLED YOUR FATHER…

…I killed daddy

Her mother stopped slapping her and collapsed to the floor, sobbing while she clawed her eyes out. The little girl stood still, looking at her polished shoes that were marked with her own blood…

The scene faded…the sobbing stopped…the door closed.

“NO!” You yelled as you sat straight up. Your hands clenched your sheets. Tears fell from your face.

It was just a dream…

…a dream of reality.

It was just a dream yet you knew it wasn’t just a dream, it was a memory. A memory that your amnesia never erased. It would haunt you forever. That was something you accepted. You laid limp on your bed as the sunlight hit your face. Birds were chirping but you starred off into nowhere.

The whole night was a sleepless night. Since you woke up from your nightmare up until the sun came up you laid there, awake. You planned to stay all day in your bed but a familiar voice forced you out.

“Tiffany~ Why are you still in bed? It’s already 12.” Your umma said as she opened the curtains.

You stayed still, not saying a word.

Your mother let out an understanding sigh. This day was one of those days. She had been with you for all your life. Your umma knew your whole past, including the painful memories. She understood that this day was one of the days you remembered the past, the bitter past. She sat beside you and kissed your cheeks.

“I understand but you still need to eat. Go downstairs and eat then you could do whatever you want.” She said as she your hair.

You knew your umma as well. There wasn’t any use to argue with her.

You nodded and said your first sentence of the day, “I’ll be down later.”

She gave you a soft smile and left your room. Like you said, you went downstairs and ate your meal.

After eating you limped off back to your room only to be stopped by a creepy giant.

“Why so grim Princess?” Chanyeol asked in a perky tone.

“Not now.” You replied coldly as you tried to push through.

He suddenly enclosed you in a tight bear hug. You still felt lonely but Chanyeol’s hug felt like a flicker of light inside the darkness. You felt a warm hug which was what you needed. It was weird but you started to smile yet compared to your nightmare his simple actions were puny. But you smiled.

You tired to wriggled yourself off his arms but Chanyeol held on.

“Since you’re moody I know just the trick! Let’s all go out! EXO and you, you can even bring Yoona and Taeyeon!” he exclaimed happily.

Just as he was convincing you Kris passed by the two of you. You still in Chanyeol’s arms. “Let go of her creep.” Kris said in a monotonous tone as he helped you out Chanyeol’s arms. “Fine, fine, whatever. But Kris, Fany’s all moody today, we should all get out right?” Chanyeol suggested.

You quickly starred into Kris’s brown eyes as you sent him telepathy, saying “Please say no.” but a smirk formed in his face which meant he was going to piss you off.

“Sure.” He said

You sent Kris a cold stare before you stormed off into your room. Gosh…How can things escalate so fast.

Even if you showed them you didn’t want to come you knew you wanted to get out. Well we just arrived from Jeju…screw it! I’m going!

You opened your closet wide and picked out a simple summer dress, your favorite watch and combed your hair.

The three of you jumped into a car and drove somewhere. “So where are you people taking me?” you asked. “Don’t know.” Chanyeol said as he texted a bunch of people with his hand-phone. “Just gonna wing it?” you asked Kris. He sent you a wink which meant yes but you couldn’t help fan-girling on your insides.  AHHH! Wait…am I bi-polar or something?

It was just a short ride and the three of you arrived at Lotte World. As you stepped off the car you’re spirits were lifted up as you saw your two best friends but something else made you a lot more happy. Ten attractive boys who carelessly posed in the middle of the amusement park.

“AHH~! WHAT IS THIS!” you said as you laughed your off.



Thank you eternally to Girls' Generation Request Shop for the poster! Harhar! Get it? Eternally? Love Eternal? Aish~

Lol! Just realized how sad the first part is and how casual the next part is. Maybe I AM bi-polar o_o Harhar! Test week is OVER and it's a long weekend!!! That means Imma update a lot (I hope so). I've already drafted the rest of the story so hopefully I can update frequently but you'll never now what laziness could do! Please commet! Love ya'll!  

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130321 Chap 31 is up! Please give me encouraging comments *sehun aegyo* :3


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jadesone #1
Chapter 31: O.O!!!
Chapter 30: O____O WHOA, WHOA, WHOOOAAAAA. OH HO HOOOOOHHH. "I want you." omg, i died.
Chapter 30: O______________O OHMAIGAWSH ;wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww;
Chapter 30: I'm really sorry for the VERY long wait. I just got a huge writers block and I kinda got confused with my own story line :( I apologize also for the short-ness of chap.30. Yes, I know I'm an arse. I'll definately try my best to get out of haitus :D
Chapter 29: Waiting for next chapter :/
Imkickassable #8
Nooo please more krisfany :(()