So She Ran

An Alcoholic's Love {HIATUS; ON HOLD}

                He eventually found out.


                After 7 months of dating, they decided to move in together into Sooyoung’s apartment, Jonghyun bringing his dog Roo along with him. She had to hide all evidence of her habit in her coat closet, the bottles buried underneath a pile of heavy winter jackets. At night in bed, she would sleep as far from his as possible, so he wouldn’t get a whiff of the smell on her.

                Everything had been going smoothly, until Jonghyun suggested throwing a party to celebrate their new living accommodations. Sooyoung had no choice but to agree, and the following weekend, they invited all their friends over.

                “Sooyoung, I’d like you to meet Kyuhyun, one of my best friends,” Jonghyun put his arm around her waist and introduced her to a man with a devilishly handsome smile. He was holding a thin wine glass in his hand. Compared to Jonghyun, Kyuhyun was tall. He was even taller than Sooyoung.  

                “Hi,” she stuck out her hand.

                Kyuhyun shook hers as he spoke. “It’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you from Jonghyun.” Then his smile dropped a bit, and his eyes looked at her, as if trying to remember something important. “Have I seen you before?”

                Sooyoung looked back at him, trying to figure out why he looked so familiar. Then her eyes widened as she realized where she had seen Kyuhyun before.

                “Oh!” He exclaimed, putting an index finger into the air like Sherlock Holmes. “In the bar!” he pointed at her. “I go to the bar near here often, and I recognize you from there! You go there every day, right?”

                People around them started to quiet down, eavesdropping and staring. Their interest had been piqued by Kyuhyun’s pointing.

                “The bar?” Jonghyun, who had been listening intently the whole time, asked Sooyoung confusedly. “But, I thought you didn’t drink?” He looked into her eyes, trying to understand the meaning of Kyuhyun’s words.

                She felt her heart beat faster as she struggled to come up with an explanation. She her dry lips and began to speak, but was cut off by Jonghyun’s tall friend. “I-“

                “Are you kidding? Just the other day, I saw her down 4 shots of vodka!” He excitedly proclaimed. “This chick can really take her alcohol,” he said, chuckling. He took a sip of his sparkling wine.

                The whole room was still. It was as if everyone could feel the tension in the air, sense the panic Sooyoung was experiencing. She helplessly looked at Jonghyun, wanting to tell him that it wasn’t true, that she really didn’t drink. He just stared back, uncertainty reflected in his eyes.

                Roo took that moment to suddenly bark madly, his woofs breaking through the silence. Jonghyun, followed by Sooyoung, went over to see what his commotion was for.

                Roo stood in front of the coat closet door, his nose trying to sniff under the crack. Sooyoung noticed, and her palms became clammy. Her jaw clenched, her eyes watched as Jonghyun moved to turn the handle.

                The dog dove into the small mountain of coats heaped on the ground, digging for something. Dragging off multiple jackets, Roo revealed the stash of wine and beer bottles, all empty. Sooyoung inwardly cursed herself for not disposing of them when she had the chance. Idiot, she scolded herself.

                No one in the room spoke, all eyes were glued on the scene unfolding before them. Jonghyun’s eyes were wide as they counted the large amount of bottles, his mouth was open in shock. He looked up at her, concern apparent in his face, but Sooyoung couldn’t handle looking at anyone, especially him, for she was ashamed. She ran out the door, covering her face, ignoring his pleas to come back. Tears seeped from her eyes and spilt down her heated face.

                She ran all the way to the local drugstore, a few blocks away from the apartment. Luckily, she had a couple bucks in her pocket, and bought a beer. Sooyoung had opened it and took a huge gulp before she even left the store.

                The alcohol slowly let its effects run through her body. Her limbs relaxed, and a feeble smirk appeared on her face. Swinging the bottle around, she began to aimlessly walk, humming a few songs along the way.

                The sun had disappeared. Clouds took over the afternoon sky. Thunder rumbled in the distance, but she paid no mind.

                Sooyoung found herself on the side of a large river. She brought the bottle to her face and finished the rest of its contents, raising up the bottom of the bottle and tilting her head back. No sooner than she had taken the last gulp, a loud clap of thunder sounded, and a heavy flow of rain splashed onto her face.

                She staggered to the ground and lay in the wet grass of the riverbank. Mud soaked all the way through her clothes, yet she didn’t move. She let the rain drench her in its merciless downpour. Sooyoung wanted it to wash all her pain and embarrassment away, to achieve more than the alcohol could have ever done. To solve all her problems, to make Jonghyun forgive her lies.  

                She shut her eyes, feeling cool drops of water fall on the skin of her eyelids. The glass of the dark bottle felt smooth in her grip.

                Then she heard a voice. “Sooyoung!” Her eyes snapped open. Her chest felt as if it were collapsing in on itself. Had she imagined the voice?


                There was no doubt that it was his voice. Calling for her, looking for her.

                Soon after she was able to see his figure through the fog and mist. He had seen her as well, and was running towards her.

                 “Sooyoung,” he said once more when he reached her. He was panting, and had to rest on his knees before speaking again. “Why are you even here? Let’s get you home.” Taking off his hoodie and draping it over her shoulders, he gently stood her up. He guided her away from the river and back to the street, supporting her every step of the way.

                The clatter of the raindrops splashing on the hardened tar of the road almost drowned out Sooyoung’s voice. “Why.”

                “What?” Jonghyun brought his ear closer to .

                “Why,” she began, struggling to speak, “don’t you hate me?”

                He looked back at her with a befuddled expression. His dark brown eyes bore into hers. “Why would I hate you?”

                Sooyoung silently stared back. Had he not remembered all the bottles he found? Did he not see the empty drink in her hands?

                He continued, tilting his face up to the sky. “There is no reason to hate someone who deserves to be loved.” He blinked a couple of times, water dripping off his chin. “And everyone is deserving of love, no matter what baggage they may possess.”

                She didn’t speak a word, reflecting on his words. The tears from her eyes mingled with the rainwater that lightly fell onto her skin.

                They continued to walk, side by side, their steps falling into line together, matching pace.           

                The rain began to let up, and Sooyoung heard birds chirping from their hiding spots in the trees. The sun slowly emerged from its place behind the dark clouds, and shone its warmth onto the earth.

                “Nice day, isn’t it,” Jonghyun casually mentioned, and his hand slipped into hers. She felt him lace his fingers through her own, and give her a little squeeze.

                Staring at him intently, Sooyoung wondered how lucky she was to have someone care about her so much. “Thanks,” she whispered bashfully, looking down to the ground, then glancing back up again.

                She met his watchful eyes, and shyly looked away. But he smiled, leaned up, and kissed the side of her forehead, on the temple.

                When they entered their home, they found that their party guests had respectfully deserted the place, leaving the couple a space of privacy and tranquility. Sooyoung, still holding onto Jonghyun’s hand, felt something brush at her ankle.

                Roo whimpered, staring up at her as sorrowfully as an animal could. Sooyoung bent over to pet his curly fur, whispering, “It’s okay, I know you were trying to help me.” The dog rubbed against her leg affectionately, expressing its sincerity. Sooyoung smiled contently.

                “Roo, we’re going to support our lovely flower, right boy?” Jonghyun asked playfully, but Sooyoung took one look at his face and knew he was serious that he would do everything in his power to help her end her relationship with alcohol. She gripped his hand tightly.



A/N: "There is no reason to hate someone who deserves to be loved. And everyone is deserving of love, no matter what baggage they may possess." That has to be the best thing I have ever written, right beside the "Star and Starfish" concept in chapter 3 of my other fic, Whoosh, Whoosh. That's right, I just subliminal-advertise'd. Anyways, I know that the line is super hipster, but I really hope you all take it to heart. This reflects my personal philosophy in such a meaningful way. You don't have to take up my position on topics like these, I just like to present you with this quote, for if there ever comes a time when you need it. Thanks to all who read, I hope you'll continue to support me, no matter how cheesy or slow in updating I am. I love you all! <3

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If you haven't noticed, I've put this fic on hold. It may be a while before I return to it.


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SkeeOnMars #1
Beautiful~~ <333
viechu #2
yeaayyy finally an update~~~ this is super worth to wait! :D
yeayyy they engaged and the moment super was nice ;)
Omg...This update..This Chapter..I cant breathe
This is just so perfect..
Im..Im speechless..
Can I scream?
Okay first of all... This is awesome ..i cant even...
Update soon! ^^
SkeeOnMars #5
love your story, update soon~:)