If Life Had a Prologue To Misery, This Would Be Mine

So I'll Write About Love


The first thing I heard when I opened my eyes was a piercing, horrifying scream.

Rather, I woke up because I heard a piercing, horrifying scream.

The brat was awake, no doubt. I jumped up from the floor, grabbed a shirt of Woohyun’s from the floor, and rushed out to the living room. Sungyeol and Woohyun were both looking around, already long awake since it was midday, and frightened.

“I can-“ I didn’t even get a chance to justify myself when the brat ran out of my room and into the living room, in her underwear like an idiot, still screaming.

I have mentioned how erted my idiot roommates are, correct? Well, a pretty girl like Jihyun in silky black lingerie was too much for these twits. If life were like a cartoon, they would have been howling wolves a long time ago. Sungyeol got into his flower boy senses and sauntered over to her, who had not noticed me and was staring at my roommates with a horrified look on her face, grabbed her chin, and smirked.

“You’re pretty.” He said as he winked. She blinked a couple times before beginning to scream again, causing the prince to jump back and hide behind Woohyun.

She stopped after he stood back, and followed Woohyun’s gaze to her body, causing her hysteric screaming again. She launched herself at them and began hitting them, demanding to know where she was and how she got here. I couldn’t contain my laughter anymore. She paused and turned to look at where I was standing, covering my face.

“You!” she exclaimed and walked over to me. “What, what are you doing here! Why am I in your house? Did you drug me?” she screamed, her voice going up an octave.

“Well gee, I couldn’t let someone miserably drunk and wander around the streets at 3 in the morning, could I?”

“What? Drunk?” she said, grabbing her head.

“See, you don’t remember anything. You were drunk.” I said, crossing my arms.

She looked around the room, apparently trying to recollect last night’s events.

“I guess you don’t remember coming onto me last night either.” I smirked. “Literally.” Her eyes opened wider than I thought possibly and she began to stutter.

“Is that why you ran to my room last night?” Sungyeol said, now watching us excitedly while drinking his tea.

“W-what? You’re crazy.” She exclaimed.

“Why don’t you go put some clothes on?” I happily said, knowing I’d won. She looked down, squealed, and ran to my room again.

I followed her to it, where she had covered everything but her face in my bed sheets. I sauntered to the bed and pointed at the clothes next to it.

“Do you think I tore those off me myself. You’re an animal.” I said, my smirk not leaving my face. Her face just turned a deeper shade of red every word I said.

“Relax, nothing happened. Well, you really wanted it to, but the alcohol made you pass out before I saw anything. Well, anything else.” I winked, being all too amused at the face she made. She made herself more of a sadness burrito and buried her face this time. “Relax brat, I’m kidding.” I said as I tipped her over. She poked her head out.

“Being practically and almost having with my coworker the first day on the job is not exactly how I wanted to start my stay in Korea.”

“Well if it helps any, you have a killer body.”

“DONGWOO.” She shouted.

“Hey, you called me by name. Not such a bad start.” She didn’t smile like I planned, but she did get less red. “What’s the password to your apartment? Go ahead and shower in my room, I’ll get Sungyeol to get your suitcase. Just let me get a couple things out, okay?” She nodded and followed me, still in her sadness burrito, to my bathroom as I got out my own towel and toothbrush. She told me her code, which I passed off to Sungyeol, who I sent to get her suitcase.

I myself made myself look presentable, which I finished all too quickly, since I dressed just as soon as Jihyun got out of the bathroom in only a towel. I covered my eyes out of courtesy. Let’s face it, I saw much more of her last night.

Sungyeol got into the room just in time to break the awkwardness.

“Here’s your toothbrush and make up bag!” he said cheerfully.

“I told you to get her suitcase.”

“Well, I got her something much better. I took the liberty of picking out her clothes for her. Something very flattering. Although it was very hard to stray away from all that lacey lingerie you have, naughty girl.” He said, wagging her finger at her and watching her roll her eyes as he threw a matching red set at her.

Woohyun came in with breakfast in hand, and his “winning smile” plastered all over his face.

“I hope you’re okay with porridge. It’s my specialty. Any side dishes you’d like?” he said, setting the tray next to her and looking her straight in the eye.

“Well, rice would be nice.” She said stuttering, already melting.

“I thought you’d look pretty in this dress. Although you do that towel justice.” Sungyeol said, his charm oozing out of his stupid smile.

“Thank you.” She said as she took the simple black T shirt style dress in her hand.

“Matching shoes are by the door when you’re ready. Although I hope you don’t leave. We’ve needed something beautiful in this house for a while.” And that was enough to send that brat soaring.

“Alright, enough.” I said, grabbing them both and pushing them out into the hallway. “Seriously brat, you try to me, then you fall for my roommates’ shameless flirting? This should be interesting.” I said as I closed the door.

“I’ll bring that rice in right away!” said Woohyun stuck his head in the room, which I promptly pushed back out and shut the door.

I groaned.

I can tell this brat is going to ruin my current life.

I can already tell how much I’m going to despise her. 



Long time no update ay guys? 

Sorry *90 degree bow*. I recently started class at my local community college, which is keeping me busy. It's kind of awkward since I'm only 16 ;__; 

So thank you for continuing to read, and subscribe if you'd like! 

And also please comment ^___^

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I fell asleep halfway through writing this, so I forgot where I was originally going with it ;__;


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Oh my gosh, I couldn't stop laughing this chapter. I loooved it! ♥

“My name is Dongwoo, and yes, I do smell damn delicious”

XD I'm like crying right now because I loved this chapter SO MUCH. Really, you're a genius.
woah i am so gon subscribe to this! coz there's dongwoo, and i just looove your style of writing. keep it up! ^_^
oohoo. clubbing :3

anyways, i love your writing style and story:D
soraaa #4
Bless you for writing a Dongwoo fic!
whatsinyourmind #5
I think almost everything that has to do with Dongwoo is awesome, but this story has a quite different Dongwoo that I'm used to read so I'm looking forward for the next chapters!
Seems like a great story :D
Your signature at the end of each chapter killed me though.
Too many beautiful faces X/
jigglypuff #7
Haha that last part cracked me up xD