The Wonders of Alcohol

So I'll Write About Love


I groaned loudly as I stepped out of the elevator in my apartment complex. I had been groaning the whole ride up. And I continued to groan as I dragged my feet on the way to my door, and as I took out my key. I groaned and walked to the couch and collapsed, not caring that I was landing on Woohyun and Sungyeol’s laps. They were too busy watching some music video to even notice my presence. I had to once again groan loudly for them to snap out of their y trance.

“Dongwoo, when’d you get here?” Woohyun asked before Sungyeol pushed me off of the couch, causing me to crash to the floor with a loud thud. Seeming to be the trend this evening, I once again let a loud groan out, but this time, it was in pain.

“Thanks for noticing, guys.” I said, narrowing my eyes in pure detest.

“So what goes on in the oh so interesting career of Dongwoo the sissy drama writer?” Sungyeol said, actually placing his stupid feet on my chest.

“Well we got a new girl worker.” I said, sighing. They both raised their eyebrows at me in curiosity. “But she’s a freak.” And they slumped their shoulders.

“How much of a freak?” Woohyun asked, finally helping me up.

“She’s obnoxious and loud and clingy and stupid.” I said, planting myself in between them. “And I have to take her clubbing in a few hours thanks to my idiot boss.”

“Well, what are you waiting for cowboy? Get a move on! You have to get ready for your woman!” Sungyeol said, suddenly very enthusiastic. One: When did he develop such an Old Western vocabulary, and two: She was in no way my woman. Never.

“You just want me to leave you alone so you two can be erts again, don’t you?” I groaned as he pushed me towards the shower.

“Mostly” he began. “Buuuuuut, she presents an interesting aura. It might be good for you to get back out there!” Sungyeol, the Confucian teacher.

“Or get in her pants, at least.” Sungyeol, the ert.

I quickly showered and dried my hair, fixing it in a messy fashion. Once I made sure I smelled damn delicious, I walked towards my room to find what I would wear. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I saw that the bastard by the name of Sungyeol had already picked out an outfit for me. Maybe he just really didn’t want me to come home that night. The outfit he chose seemed pretty appropriate; dark, slim fit jeans, a white button up shirt, and a slim fit blazer. I dressed up, put on more cologne to put emphasis on the “My name is Dongwoo, and yes, I do smell damn delicious” concept. My phone rang and I picked up only to see that it was that idiot nuisance. I still hadn’t learned her name, strangely enough.

“Hello?” I said, with a sigh.

“Come pick me up!” She shouted at me. “I’m ready and I don’t want to get the cab by myself.” I could hear the annoying pout in her voice.  Did I mention that she lived in the same apartment complex as me?

“Why are you following me?” I shouted in annoyance that this girl has not left my side since she had made her request?

“I live this way too.” She mumbled and ran to keep up with my fast pace. I figured this was just a coincidence, but when she walked in the same building, my eyes widened in horror.

“Boss arranged for me to stay in the same building as you. Isn’t that great?” she beamed at me, not fully grasping the fact that I hated her.

I checked my reflection in the mirror again and shuddered at the memory. I walked out once being seemingly satisfied with the way I looked, and found Woohyun and Sungyeol sitting in the living room, waiting for me on the couch like parents that were waiting for her daughter to reveal her prom dress.

“Well, don’t you look like a fine piece of meat.” Woohyun whistled once he took a look at me.

“Twirl! Twirl!” Sungyeol cupped his hands and shouted at me. I stared at them incredulously.

“Yeah, so I’m leaving now.” I said, grabbing my keys off of the counter and making sure I had my wallet.

“Booooo” they both shouted at me when I didn’t play along with their idiot jokes. I walked out of the door and heard Woohyun shout “Nice !” after me, but I decided to ignore it as I rode the elevator down to the main floor to meet this nuisance. When I saw her, you would’ve thought she was a different person. She had a skin tight black dress on, with fishnet tights and killer heals on. On someone else, it would’ve looked incredibly trashy, but it worked for her for some reason. Not saying that she was trashy or anything. I think.

“Oh.” She said once she spotted me. “You clean up nice.”

“I know.” I said, knowing that if I thanked her for a compliment, I’d have to shoot one at her myself. I examined her makeup. She did that thing where her eyes were heavily made up without looking too overbearing; smokey eye, I think girls call it? Her lips had a hint of color, and shone when they caught the light. I stopped admiring her face and made it look like I was zoning out; if this brat realized that my head was swimming with compliments for her, I wouldn’t be able to live it down.

“So, shall we get a taxi now? What club’s best?” she was dragging me outside. I groaned and pulled my arm away and hailed a cab for us.

“Where to?” the man driving the cab asked, eyeing her for a bit too long.

“Just to Hongdae, please.” It was a short ride to the night life area, which was already blazing up. I looked over at her and her eyes were lit up with excitement. Once we got out of the car, she was like a child at an amusement park. She even slipped out an “oppa!” as she looked at all of the lights coming out of the clubs.

“We’ll go soon, why don’t we get something to eat first? I don’t want to drag a drunk you around at 3 AM.” It was already 11 PM and I hadn’t eaten since morning, but she was in protest. Her stomach growled and she obliged, and we set out to find a nearby stall. We ordered sundae and ddeokbokki and quietly sat down, seeing as though the rush of hungry college students hadn’t started yet. At first we ate in silence, but something bothered me.

“Hey, so, do you realized we haven’t even formally introduced ourselves?” she shrugged. “Or would you like me to keep calling you the pain in the ?”

“Alright, fine. Hi, I’m Kwon Jihyun. 22 years old. Lived in Japan for 4 year. Photographer.” She said, nonchalantly. “You?”

“Uh, Jang Dongwoo. Also 22. Writer. Not really much to me.” I shrugged as I finished off our food.

“Club! Now!” She got up as soon as I paid the ladies working at the stand. I groaned and got up, leading her to the biggest club in Hongdae, nb.

Usually, this particular club was packed and played Hip Hop and R&B, but it seemed today was a special day as upbeat electronic and house music blared from outside of the club. It was maybe twice as packed as it was on other days that I had gone. We walked by the entrance and were walking towards the end of the long line, but I noticed I knew the bouncer.

“Sunggyu hyung!” I waved. He enthusiastically waved back and I grabbed Jihyun by the arm. Sunggyu waved his hand, signaling us to come into the club. Disaster of having to stand in line hearing her complain averted. Praise the heavens for having Sunggyu work that night!

As soon as we got in the club, it was crowded as hell. I lost sight of Jihyun, but I didn’t really care. I was paid to take her somewhere, not be her personal . I made my way to the bar, knowing it was the only quiet place within the vicinity. The attractive female bartender asked me my preference, and I asked her to surprise me, adding a smirk and a wink, and watching her as she smiled to herself. Yup, long out of the game, but I still got it! She returned with a red drink that tasted sweet, but heavy with alcohol. I drank it slowly, not wanting to get too wasted tonight.

I glanced over at the dance floor, and spotted Jihyun already going crazy in her own tiny circle of guys that had already formed. I chuckled to myself and turned back to the bartender, making small talk, and frankly, charming her. I was so close to getting her number when Jihyun walked over to the bar.

“Oppa!” she shouted excitedly. She hasn’t even gotten anything to drink and she’s already high off of the atmosphere? Crazy . The female bartender, whose name was apparently Hyomin, looked at her with distaste.

“Shot, of anything. Just strong please. And keep them coming.” Jihyun said, fanning herself. After 3 or 4 shots, she prepared to be off. “I got invited to a water party upstairs oppa!” She said, giggling. It was obvious that the alcohol easily got to her. She then ran to the group of men, now accompanied by ty looking girls, to one of the shower rooms upstairs. I groaned.

“Girlfriend?” Hyomin said with a disgusted look on her face.

“No. Oh goodness no.” The smile returned to her face. “Coworker. She just came back from Japan after 4 years and I was hired to look after her. I have to babysit her, basically.” I could see from the bottom floor that she was already grinding on some guy along with the s at her water party. “Another shot of whatever she was drinking.”

Hours passed and it was already 2 AM. The club was still in full swing, and I had even convinced Hyomin to accompany me on the dance floor while another bartender covered for her. We were nearly close to kissing, which would have been very enjoyable, but I heard a commotion coming down the stairs. Seems like Jihyun had a couple more shots of alcohol upstairs, because she was a soaking, screaming mess. I too was semi buzzed, but at least I was clear headed. I patted Hyomin on the shoulder and gave her what I think was an apologetic look while I went to fetch Jihyun.

“Oh, oppaaaaaaa.” She grinned in a sing songy voice.

“We’re going.” I muttered, noticing what a scene she was causing.

“But I’m having fun!” She stomped around in a childish fashion. She pushed me away when I tried to grab her hand to lead her out, so she left me no choice. I grabbed her by the waist and slung her over my shoulder, covering , which was now screaming in protest.

I automatically hailed a cab, and gave them the direction to my apartment, as I tried to calm Jihyun down, because she was loudly spewing what I assumed to be curses in Japanese. We arrived and I threw money at the man, not caring that I overpaid him. I took her on my back and gave her a piggyback ride to the elevator.

“What’s your apartment number?” I said, out of breath from walking with the extra weight.

“3789.” She said and giggled. I pushed the button for the third floor. “Or was it 5932?” she giggled once again.

“I lied oppa, it’s 17.” She said, now in fits of giggles. I groaned loudly and pushed for the 5th floor, just deciding to take her to my apartment instead.

Once I opened the door, I noticed Woohyun sleeping on the couch, so I tiptoed past him and covered so as to not wake him. He would not let me live this down. I set her on my bed and closed the door behind me, locking it just in case one of them decided to check if I was still in. I sat on the edge of my bed and rubbed my temples. I looked up only when there was movement, and looked back to find this lunatic already out of her tights and working on taking off her dress.

“No no no no no no no.” I said, launching myself at her and grabbing her hands.

“But oppa! I’m uncomfortable!” She whined. I noticed that I too was uncomfortable, and sighed.

“I’m gonna go change. I’ll bring you something to wear. Just… keep your clothes on!” I hissed at her while getting up. I walked over to my closet and stepped out of my clothes, putting on a pair of basketball shorts and a light t shirt, and grabbing the same thing for her.

“They might be a little big,” I declared, but I was stopped mid-sentence. She was laying there seductively, in only lacey black lingerie. I was pretty clear headed, but I was a man after all. A lonely man. A lonely man who was craving affection for too long. I gulped, remembering that she was completely wasted and that this would be taking advantage of her. “Alright then. You stay on your side of the bed, okay?” My voice came out meekly and shaking like mad. 5 minutes had passed since I has closed my eyes, and nothing happened. I assumed she was sleeping, so I made myself more comfortable, and scooted further away from the edge of the bed.

“Oppa.” A mewl came from her. I turned to look at her and found her gaze piercing at me. Damn, she was y. And I don’t say that about anyone very often. I’m not one of my roommates.

“Y-yes?” I stuttered. She inched closer towards me and placed her lips on mine, giving me a deep, passionate kiss. My hands trailed down to her waist  and I took hold of it. She took this as a signal to get on top of me and hover over me.

“Oppa, you’d look better with your shirt off.” Her drunken behavior was easily still visible, but I was so entranced with lust that I didn’t care. I obeyed her every command for the next few minutes, until I was down to my boxers and completely in the mood.

“Can you hold on just a second?” I whispered, now being the one hovering over her. I walked to a drawer and searched for a , knowing it has been quite a while since I’d last used one. I finally found it and walked back over to the bed. To both my relief and distaste, she had passed out. I stared at her for a few seconds, not knowing what to do. I put the back in its place, and practically ran across the hall.

“Sungyeol!” I whisper shouted as I lightly banged on his door. A very sleepy Sungyeol opened the door.

“What do you want?” he groaned.

“Let me sleep here, it’s important.” I pushed past him, not waiting for his response and curling up on the floor.

Thank goodness for the alcohol finally taking over her. 


Yay, A longer chapter! I hope you enjoyed this one, because I really enjoyed writing it~

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I fell asleep halfway through writing this, so I forgot where I was originally going with it ;__;


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Oh my gosh, I couldn't stop laughing this chapter. I loooved it! ♥

“My name is Dongwoo, and yes, I do smell damn delicious”

XD I'm like crying right now because I loved this chapter SO MUCH. Really, you're a genius.
woah i am so gon subscribe to this! coz there's dongwoo, and i just looove your style of writing. keep it up! ^_^
oohoo. clubbing :3

anyways, i love your writing style and story:D
soraaa #4
Bless you for writing a Dongwoo fic!
whatsinyourmind #5
I think almost everything that has to do with Dongwoo is awesome, but this story has a quite different Dongwoo that I'm used to read so I'm looking forward for the next chapters!
Seems like a great story :D
Your signature at the end of each chapter killed me though.
Too many beautiful faces X/
jigglypuff #7
Haha that last part cracked me up xD