An Introduction My Horribly Dull Life

So I'll Write About Love


I silently stood in her office, watching her skim through the manuscript with an expression of distaste on her face. She would sometimes even muster noises of “oh” or “eh” while skimming along the first few chapters of my book. She took off her reading glasses and threw them on the table, along with my precious draft, and massaged her temples before speaking.

“Look, Dongwoo, you know you’re like a brother to me.” All hopes I had of succeeding had ceased with that sentence. She always said that when she had bad news.

“I get it” I said, taking the manuscript before she could say anything else.

“Stick to writing scripts, kid.” My not much older than me boss openly said while I was putting the manuscript back in my messenger bag. I nodded. “Speaking of that, how’s the script going? We start shooting next week, so you’d better be finishing up!” I nodded, once again, afraid that my voice would crack in disappointment if I said anything.

With my head down, I slung my messenger bag over my shoulder and walked towards the elevator of the 13 story high building. I was only on the 8th floor, but the elevator ride down seemed to be the longest ride of silence I had ever dealt with.

I exited the quiet, reserved building, and entered the loud, bustling streets of Seoul. I was kind of glad, too. With my mindset and disappointment, silence would only murder me. Instead of stopping for lunch, like I had planned to, I walked the short distance to the apartment complex where I lived. I rode the regrettably silent elevator up to the fourth floor, where I shared a two bedroom apartment with an idiot. And a half. I only say a half because I’m not all too sure whether one idiot is going to inhabit the couch forever, or if he was actually going to take permanent residence with us.

I opened the door, and what do you know, Idiot #1 was still asleep. Nam Woohyun, in all of his sloppy glory. I loudly slammed the door, just loud enough to shock him into falling off of the couch with a loud thud.

“What happened?!?” was the first thing he uttered, still half asleep. He then regained his senses, and sprawled out on the floor with a groan. “Dongwoo! It’s like 8 AM!” He groaned again.

“It’s 12, nimrod.” Idiot #2 came out of his room, freshly showered and sipping tea like the pretty boy he was.

“Wait,” I wondered aloud while walking to the living room table and setting down my bag. “Why was Sungyeol in your room?”

Woohyun had finally fully become awake and sat on the couch, rubbing the back of his head. “Well, last night, we were playing soda pong, by the way, we ran out of beer, you might want to go pick us up some more.”

“Long story short, I won his room for a week. No more lumpy couch” Sungyeol said from behind his mug, with a smug smile.

I went to the corner of the room and picked up my second messenger bag, the one that contained my laptop and scripts for the stupid dramas I wrote for.

“Yeah, that’s great. Why don’t you two get jobs again?” I asked, annoyed.

“I have a job!” Woohyun pouted.

“Male is not a job” I said, slinging the bag over my shoulder.

“Hey! That was for a week. And it was good money!” he slowly got up from the couch and walked over to the fridge, where he got a carton of orange juice and chugged it, letting some of its contents drip down his chin. I cringed in disgust. “That’s not what I’m talking about” he said whilst wiping the contents off of his chin with his arm. “I got a job at the department store” he said, smiling brightly.

“Say, how does one get into the male business?” Sungyeol asked while looking off into the distance. I stared at him in disbelief, snapping him out of his trance. “What?” He said, looking at me with an incredulous expression on his face. “You said you wanted help. I’m using my looks to bless desperate females.”

“And get STDs.” I shook my head and started for the door.

“Hey, I was one for a week and I’m clean!” Woohyun shouted at me as I was closing the door. The idiots I have to live with, ladies and gentlemen. 



Hello there c:

In case this is the first of my stories you're reading, welcome! You can call me Dubu if you'd like.

This is just an incredibly short introductory chapter that I threw together in midst of inspiration. I'll try my best to update ASAP.

Please comment and subscribe if you like the story so far. Much appreciated!

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I fell asleep halfway through writing this, so I forgot where I was originally going with it ;__;


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Oh my gosh, I couldn't stop laughing this chapter. I loooved it! ♥

“My name is Dongwoo, and yes, I do smell damn delicious”

XD I'm like crying right now because I loved this chapter SO MUCH. Really, you're a genius.
woah i am so gon subscribe to this! coz there's dongwoo, and i just looove your style of writing. keep it up! ^_^
oohoo. clubbing :3

anyways, i love your writing style and story:D
soraaa #4
Bless you for writing a Dongwoo fic!
whatsinyourmind #5
I think almost everything that has to do with Dongwoo is awesome, but this story has a quite different Dongwoo that I'm used to read so I'm looking forward for the next chapters!
Seems like a great story :D
Your signature at the end of each chapter killed me though.
Too many beautiful faces X/
jigglypuff #7
Haha that last part cracked me up xD