

Luhan is standing and watching trough the mirror, but he is not looking at himself. He is looking at the figures sitting rigidly eyeing straight to the mirror, but not seeing herself. It's not that she is blind, but she is dazed.
Soyeon is dead.
The girl that Luhan loves the most is dead, and it's all because of him... Or he keeps blaming himself for what happened to his treasure one.
He looked at calander sweetly hanging on the wall. 20 April 1813. Today is supposed-to-be their 3th anniversary.. and his 23th birthday. He looked through the window, all the scene playing like a flashback in his head. He never forgot any single things on that day, everything was still clear.
"Oppa!" Soyeon beams when open the door and find Luhan in front of her door. She quickly burry herself to Luhan, but she quickly pulls herself. She looks left and right to make sure no one is watching them. At that time, couples are forbidden to meet secretly. It's considered as crimes, especially when it's night and she is not with her companion.
Soyeon quickly pulls Luhan to come inside. Luhan removes his cap and his coat, hanging them on its place.
Just right he puts his belonging, Soyeon comes and link his arm on Luhan neck and whisper seductivly, "Oppa, I miss you."
"I miss you, too." Luhan smiles softly. After seeing Luhan reactions, Soyeon advances her face to Luhan and slowly closes  her eyes. Luhan just stands still and looking at her girfriend acts.
Just an inch before their lips touch, Luhan flicked her forehead slightly. Soyeon quickly open her eyes and touch her forehead. "Oppa! Wae wae!" Soyeon whines. Luhan just shrugged and walk to her bed and sit. "Alright. First try FAILED." Soyeon murmurs and walk to her bed and take a sit besides Luhan.
"So, oppa. Tell me, why you come here tonight? You know what will happened if someone caught us." Soyeon questioned Luhan. It will be a lie if Soyeon says she doesn't happy Luhan comes to meet her. Which boys will break the rules just for meet his girlfriend.
Luhan looked at Soyeon and tilts his head. "You don't remember?" Sometimes Soyeon can be so forgetful, but Luhan hopes she didn't forget this one. Soyeon looks like in her hard-thinking, she frowned her eyebrows. 
Luhan eyes rounded in disbelieve. "You really don't remember, do you?" Soyeon looked at the air, thinking hard. But she cant remember.
What exactly she has to remember but she don't remember?
Luhan sighs, "It's okay. You don't have to really remember about it actually. Come here." Luhan stretch his arms out and Soyeon drops her body to Luhan warm hug. Luhan take a breath on her hair, "Lavender, eh?" 
She nodded. "You know I love lavender, right oppa?"
They just stay hugging each other for a moment, but Soyeon thought is still on their talk. She is so curious. What makes her boyfriend comes at night like this? That must be important things. Soyeon eyes fall to the calander, her eyes widen.
She pulls herself from Luhan and shouted."Oppa! It's your birthday!"
Luhan smiles and simply nodded. Finally her girlfriend remember. "Plus it's our anniversary." He added
"How can you said to me not to remember it. It's your important day, and ours. I've to give you something." Soyeon quickly stands up, but Luhan grabs his wrist. 
"No, Soyeon. I have you, and it was enough. You're my gift, my precious gift from God. I just want to spend my birthday with you. I don't need other gift." Luhan pulls her into a hug and her hair. But Soyeon pulls herself once again.
"Oppa. It's your birthday and birthday means gifts. Plus it's our anniversary. Wait here, I'm going outside to buy something, okay?" Soyeon stands up and grab her coat. Without waiting for Luhan reply, she left the home.
Luhan hand hanging on the air. He wants to stops Soyeon to went out. Not because he didn't want her to buy a gift for him. But what is outside is worried him the most.
Vampire terror. Their village is haunted with vampire terror. Vampire is around their village. 
Luhan squeezes his fingers, he got a bad feeling about this. He quickly grabs his belonging and went out to find Soyeon. It was raining, only a few peoples come out. It makes Luhan more worry and makes him want to find Soyeon quickly.
And right, he found Soyeon quite quick. He found her dead body, lying on the road.
Luhan grabs a comb and brush Soyeon hair slowly, afraid her hair will fall if he brushes it too strong. Her hair is not black and shines anymore, the color is fade away. But for Luhan, she always has the bright and smooth hair. He missed it when he her hair and play with it.
He advances her tip of hair to his nose, and he smiles slightly. "Soyeon ah, it's lavender. Your favorite." Soyeon loves lavender so much, that's why Luhan always washes her hair with that shampoo. He never misses a day to washes her hair with the same shampoo.
He begin to put some make up on her pale-cold face. He needs to put the darker powder much, since her face is too pale and dim. He adds the blush on to make it looks more alive. Her gazes falls to the lipstick that Soyeon always used. Now she cant use it anymore, her pink lips now turn to black and dark. 
After spruce Soyeon, Luhan notices himself on the mirror. His face is pale, too. His dark eyes-pocket is obviously seen and his lips is almost white but his handsomeness still radiated. He quickly shook his head, the most important things now is Soyeon. Not his appearances.
Luhan examines Soyeon faces. If only he can see her smile now, it will be perfect. He closes her body and gives Soyeon a hug. "Soyeon-ah. Today is my birthday, again. I don't know I should happy or sad. I just know I missed you a lot, I really do. Do you miss me too?" He pulls himself from Soyeon and look straight at Soyeon. "Do you miss me too? Answer me Lee Soyeon! Answer me!" Luhan shook her shoulder, but it still the same. She never answer any question from Luhan.
Luhan bites his bottom lips and shed his tears. He advances his face to Soyeon, but again, he stops before their lips touched. "Why? Why? Why you just keep in silent? You always want me too kiss you right? Now open your eyes and kiss me! Kiss me Soyeon-ah!"
He slowly bend down to the floor. Now he regrets not ever gives Soyeon the kiss. It's not he didn't want to. He just too nervous to stare at Soyeon for a long time, he want do it in the right moment. But now the moment will never comes.
Luhan brings Soyeon to the living room and lays her down to his lap. 
He turn on the television but here's only black and white programs with many ants in it, even you can't recognize the program. But Luhan didn't care, he just needs something to do to make him still normal. He also eats, a lot. Because he has to stayed strong and fit for Soyeon. He eats a lot of breads, vegetables and seldom meats. Mostly pills to increase her hemoglobin.
Finally the sun slowly sets to the west, that is the best part of his days, when the sun sets. He loves the night. He looked down and whisper to Soyeon,
"Soyeon-ah. It's time to wake up."
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cool & daebak ^_^
whoaaaaaa daebakk!
awesome. unique story:) SEQUEL? :D
sequel please???
wooow love it..
The ending is really sad. Those pictures that you put in the fanfic, is it from an MV? May i know the title??
kyoung #7
I don't get this.... sounds interesting though!