Kim JaeSun

I'm A Girl, And I'm In Love With My Gay Roomie

Today was the day. Today was the day in which Yoomi will finally rebel against her father and get the freedom she's always wanted. 


Yoomi glanced at the digital clock beside her bedside table. She watched as it slowly flickered to the digits of 5:14. Somehow she was having a mixture of feelings running through her. Yoomi was scared, scared incase she was caught doing such an indecent act. She was excited, excited by the fact that she could finally experience a commoners life. Happy, that she could finally make a friendship group. Anxious, mainly because time was going way too slow for Yoomi. But most of all, Yoomi was feeling guilty. Guilty because her father had always put her first yet she decided against his wills. All night, Yoomi couldn't sleep as she was up thinking about her father. There was one point in which her conscious told her to back out and marry that person, but she pushed the thought away. 


Unconditionally, time felt like it had whizzed by. Last night, Yoomi had packed some useful belongings into her duffle bag including a family photo of her and her father. Grabbing onto her bag, Yoomi crept towards her father’s room where he was deeply asleep in his bed. She pulled the covers over him and glanced at the photo frame sat innocently on the bed side table. It was the same photo she had took with her; both of them were smiling happily as her father gave her a piggy back. 

She softly smiled and reminisced about the past. "Appa, you are the best father ever. Mianhe, I didn't want it to be this way." She softly spoke as a small tear escaped the corner of her eyes. Quickly she wiped it away and kissed her father goodbye, "I love you daddy." 


Yoomi headed back to her room quietly, though her footsteps were heavy, she knew it was nearly the time the workers will be out of bed doing their morning chores, so she quickened her steps. As Yoomi closed the door to her room, she couldn't help but feel a tingly sensation in her stomach as she climbed out of her bedroom carefully. Though it was her hell, she knew she was going to miss this place. 


As she felt the sole of her shoes touch the solid floor, Yoomi inhaled deeply. This was it. Yoomi now had her freedom and was just a few minutes away from being a commoner. She tightened her hold on her duffle bag, as she headed towards the said destination; the park. 


As she sat on the lonely bench of the park, Yoomi couldn't help but be amazed by everything. Everything was different to the environment back at home. It was noisy. In the distant she could see people running from place to place, she could here the dogs barking, the birds singing their morning song, people driving in their highly polluting cars. She had always wanted to see the outside world and here she was.

"This is it." Yoomi mumbled incoherently to herself. 

"YOOMI AH!" She saw a figure in the distance and recognized it to be her bestie, Luhan. 

"Ge Ge!" she grinned at the sight of him and skipped towards him. 

"Welcome to my world," Luhan teased as he threw an arm over her shoulder, "Now com'on, there's a lot more to see, but for now, girl, you need to get changed." He winked. 

"Changed?" Yoomi innocently blinked.

"Duh, we need to get to school now. We can explore later." He laughed and ruffled her hair. 



Yoomi pouted and crossed her arms angrily as she watched her best friend laughing, whilst rolling on the floor, clutching his stomach that was currently in pain from all the laughing.  


"Ge, can you stop laughing now. People are staring." Yoomi's face reddened as she saw the amount of attention they were attracting.

Luhan immediately stood up and put a hand to his mouth while wiping away his imaginary tears, trying his hardest not to throw another laughing fit.


"Do I look that funny as a guy?" Yoomi pouted as she looked at her reflection in the long standing mirror. Staring back at her no longer was the girly Bae Yoomi but a short thinly cute guy. Her wig was short and side swept which made her look manly but her baby face features betrayed her look. She now looked like a replica of Luhan with the bambi looking eyes, and the cute button nose. She straightened her new clothes which Luhan bought her, consisting of black jeans, a pair of white converse trainers and a plain grey hoody. 


"Say hi to Kim JaeSun, and goodbye to Bae Yoomi." Luhan chuckled, "You look like me." He continued and pouted. 

"Kim JaeSun?" Yoomi threw him a questioned look. 

"Well I obviously registered you with a guy name." Luhan spoke as-a-matter-of-fact. 

"I suppose." Yoomi sighed,

"Welcome to the new life of Kim JaeSun." Yoomi muttered. 



HEY GUYS! decided to update another chapter :D

It's just a short chapter but i want the fun part to start next :D

Baekhyun will appear in the next chapter, watch out ;D

In the mean time, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!




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kellen_1825 #1
Owe update spoon I really like this omoooo. Interesting so far it's okay for me not to cut her hair since I know she's girls and cutting her hair is to hard. Haha LoL I love this fighting!
ThisShipHathSailed #2
Oh man, this is going to get interesting. XD
Please update! I really like this story so far!
Interesting~~! But sorry to ask this , but what is 'Ge Ge' mean exactly? Anyway please update~~! ^^
why don't she cut her hair.?
It's better than wearing wig
update soon !!
I like how the plot is! Great job update soon. Fighting!
Oh~ Oh~! I can make posters :3 If you want ~! I love making them! And great 2nd chapter as well!! I was just about to reread one of my chapters, so I could get some facts straight, and I saw that you updated!! I was happy!! LOL. She looks like Luhan? WOAHH~~
@DomoSxm - Thankyou :D hope you enjoy the new chapter :D
@WoAiDaesung - thankies! hope i don't disappoint haha xD
@hanniestar - HAHA! thankyou very much :D <3 Oh~ i saw your poster, it would be a pleasure if you could make me one hehe :DDDDDD <3

I loved the first chapter ! ♥
I love the plot, it reminds me of the movie "She's the Man" haha ♥
Oh for the poster, I can try to make you a poster, I don't have a shop on AFF, but I made a fic and you can see the poster ^^
Anyway, Update soon ! ^^