Chapter Four


“I got it, I got it!” Byul rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time. “I’ll be back by 9.” She finally got Kyungsoo to hang up on the other end. She closed her eyes momentarily. Kyungsoo can give her quite a headache sometime. She opened the door to her apartment but went rigid as she realized someone was in it. She grabbed the nearest umbrella near her door and put it up, ready to strike. As neared the kitchen, she could hear plates clacking against each other.

The intruder's... hungry?

Byul turned into the kitchen, ready to hit the mysterious man but was taken aback when the other suddenly turned around, facing her. She let out a little scream and managed to drop her ‘weapon’ on the man’s foot, earning a few curse words here and there from the pain.

“Kris! What are you doing here?!”

Kris, still holding onto his foot, fell onto the floor with a plop. Byul quickly got some ice from the freezer and gently put it on his foot.

“Don’t scare me like that!” Byul lightly hit Kris’s shoulder. He looked up at her incredulously.

“Me? Scare YOU?” Kris looked at her incredulously, “Who’s the one that got an umbrella slammed into his foot?” He raised an eyebrow. Byul helped him up to the couch in the living room. She looked at what Kris was wearing: a dark gray shirt, black pants, and glasses. Byul scrunched her nose while she looked at the spectacle Kris had.

“You wear glasses? Since when?” She questioned as she was able to snatch the pair from his face. She held them from a distance away from her eyes as if she were examining them and then finally put them on. To her surprise, her eyesight became very blurry followed by a headache. “Oh god! You have horrible eyesight!” She quickly threw them back to Kris.

Kris put them back on. “I’ve had these since high school.” Byul frowned at that and Kris didn’t miss it. “Why?”

“It’s just...” Byul trailed off, plopping down next to him,” How long have I known you for? 8 months? But I feel like I don’t know much about you. Exhibit A.” She lightly tapped the glasses, setting it askew on Kris’s handsome face. Kris was slightly annoyed with how he had to repeatedly fix his glasses. Then, he pulled Byul into his embrace and she automatically placed her head on his chest, cuddling up to him. He started playing with her soft, dark-brown locks, an action that never seems to fail to make her relaxed. No words were exchanged between the two and Byul slowly felt her eyes giving into tiredness. Later on, she felt herself being lifted and a few seconds later, she felt softness envelop her. Although groggy from sleep, she realized that Kris had put her in her bed. She felt the warmth beside her getting dimmer and found herself reaching out to Kris, holding onto his shirt sleeve.

“Stay. Stay until I fall asleep.” Byul found herself mumbling. Without saying anything, Kris got under the covers with her and pulled her up to him once again. This time, Byul let darkness take over her.








I call this my failed attempt at fluff.

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