
Rambling Love ~Twoshot~


Two days had already passed, they have been going quite well, with them being together after school for the festival. Well kinda getting along well. Hyosung still rambles and babbles alot when she's with Daehyun which he finds "cute" about her.


"So tomorrow's the day. I can't wait for it. What are you gonna do?" Hyosung said, trying to make a conversation

Daehyun thought for a moment "Hm. As always, busy walking around. Checking if everyone is doing fine"

"Is being the school President tiring.?" she asked

He shook his head and smiled "No. I like keeping myself busy with school stuff"

She was having a hard time opening the table drawer. When she finally opened it, she looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows together "Why.?"

He shrugged his shoulder and stared at her "I don't know, maybe because I can't find anything else to distract myself with"

Hyosung blushed and bit her bottom lip "Re-really.? Me too. I always do different things, keeping myself busy. Last time, when dance practice was over, I stuffed myself with food then my and friends went to the club. Then one of my friends threw up on some random girl's bag then I had to wash it in the club's bathroom, which was filled with f--cked up food. But I didn't mind though, I spend alot of time in bathroom's"

Daehyun chuckled and looked at her "Really.?"

"Uh no I don't mean it like that. I don't go to the bathroom alot, well it depends on what I eat and when I drink alot of water, but not really everyday. Just the past weeks. Uh. Uum. Just to make sure. I spend a normal amount of time in the bathroom" she stuttered. Her eyes wandering around the room, trying not to look at him in the eyes. "Oooh look at the time. Well, our work is done. I'll see you tomorrow, well maybe not because you'll be busy checking if everyone's okay. Well maybe I will if you check on our room's cafe. I should stop talking. See you tomorrow". She stared at him for a second then quickly ran over to the door

"Oh yes you will". Daehyun smiled to himself and walked out of the room



~ School Festival ~


Hyosung was just looking blankly at the plastic cups and piling them up over and over and over and over again.

"What are you doing?!". Sunhwa looked at weirdly and grabbed the plastic cups away from her.

Jieun came with a box of chocolate brownies in her hands "Miss him already.?" 

"You know, you can miss him whenever you want". Zinger grabbed an apron and put it around Hyosung. "But for now,  come back to reality, we want you to help with the customers."

Hyosung pouted and slowly nodded

"By the way, aren't you gonna help in your class' Choco Cafe?" Sunhwa asked

"No. I went there before I came here and they're doing just fine. I just told them that if there's any trouble, find me here in the debate team room" She said as she fixed her apron


Daehyun was walking around the school and checking every class' and club's activity. After checking on every class and club room's, he lastly went to the Debate team's room. There he saw her, smiling and greeting every customer with her famous gummy smile. He went inside the room and approached the busy gummy-smile girl.


Hyosung turned to her right to see Daehyun walking towards them. "Oh Daehyun, you're here" she smiled

Daehyun smiled back. "Hey. I just wanted to ask if you want to eat some cake, on our band club's Sweet Cafe"

"O-oh. Ca-cake.?" she stuttered

Jieun squealed to herself and ran over to Hyosung, undressing the apron around her. "Yeah. Eat cake. It is your break. Go have fun"

She looked at her, confused "It is.?"

Zinger smiled and nodded frantically "It is now.!"

Sunhwa pushed her closer to Daehyun. "Have fuunnn"

"O-ohh. Okaaayy". She turned her attention to Daehyun and smiled "Let's go"

Daehyun nodded and placed a hand on her back, making her blush. He looked over her friends and mouthed "thank you"

Jieun, Zinger and Sunhwa gave him a thumbs up and mouthed back "Fighting."



They were sitting on a table inside the band club's room. Daehyun friend's snickering and spying on  them. Hyosung was looking around the room, most of the customer's are girls, and are looking at their table, staring at the guy sitting across from her.


Yongguk walked to them, carrying a tray with one plate of cake and two cups of honey green tea "Here you go", then soon left

Hyosung took a sip of the honey green tea. "Sooooooo."

Daehyun chuckled and looked at her. "So, aren't you and the rest of the dance club performing for tonight's show.?"

"No. This time, I wanted my member's to be able to watch the show, we've been performing for the past 2 years and I think it's time for a change. Well, if you ask me, I really want to perform but I just can't think only about myself. I have to think about my members too. They're very nice to me and I wanted to thank them for being such good listener's and dancers". When she realized she was babbling nonstop, she took a bite of her cake and munched it slowly

Daehyun laughed and shook his head "That's cute."

She glanced at him and scratched her head, making him laugh more "What's cute.?"

"You're cute" he said, looking straight to her eyes

Hyosung blushed and took another bite of her cake. "You eat.? Because you didn't order any cake. Want me to get some for you.? Or do you want kimchi from the other room.? Have you tried eating sushi.? I love sushi but I love marshmallow more. Do you like orange.? I don't like it. What about pizza.? I love pizza. It's my 2nd favorite food in the world, next to chocolates". She babbled and covered with her hand. "I'm rambling again, aren't I.?"

Daehyun nodded and smirked "I'm starting to think I make you nervous"

She laughed nervously and look down at the table. "What.? Ppfffttt. Nooo" 

He slowly leaned closer the table. "Are you sure.? Cause I would like to ask you out on a date"

She quickly looked up and stared at him with wide eyes "W-what.?"

Daehyun smiled at her "I would like to date the girl I've been secretly crushing when I first saw her dancing on the school gym"

"Me too. I've been secretly crushing the guy who makes every girl's heart swoon with his angelic voice". She kept quiet for a moment and sighed heavily, dopping her head to the table "I'm sorry I've been such a total freak when I'm around you"

He slowly reached for her hand from the table and slowly kissed it. Hyosung lifted her head up and looked at him

"I like the rambling you."

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Chapter 2: Ah~~ so sweet <3 Daehyo all the way lalala~ *o*
Chapter 1: Hyosung's so funny. She kept rambling when nervous :D
omg love thisss
you should make it longer :) nice story!
@TikiBikko: HAHAHA. I just saw it. That was awesome and hilarious. But was that really Hyosung's voice.? Her voice seems different. Still, I loved it. Hahaha :)
TikiBikko #6

@MSnanaii: LOL alright, you can laugh at the video all you want. :P
@TikiBikko: Aww thanks :) You should upload it. I wanna see :)
TikiBikko #8
@MSnanaii: In this case, I couldn't agree more either (about interactions on-cam, using the same pair over again, & how it is rare to find stories with them as the main couple). Not to mention, I compiled a short video clip of their sad acting scenes...but have yet uploaded onto YT.
@TikiBikko: Hahaha. You're welcome. I just wish that they have more interaction on-cam. I really love this couple. But I don't really mind if I use this pair over and over again. Hahah. I tried to find stories with them being the main couple but I can't really find many, it's either they are paired with other's or it's a girl-girl/boy-boy relationship.
TikiBikko #10
This! <3 It made my heart race as I read. Thank you for sharing such a sweet light story. They are also both my biases...and OTP! I agree that they don't have much interaction, and to overuse or expose the same pairings may lose that hype feeling. Haha. You have a creative imagination. ^^d