

How reminiscing the memories was sweet, especially the memories about Kyuhyun and him.

Pairing: Cho Kyuhyun and Lee Sungmin make KyuMin! :D

Genre: Romance? ^^

Disclaimer: They own theirselves ;w; I wish they were mine though...

Warning: This contains boys' love () and some grammatical errors are applied too. ;w; I'm not a native english speaker anyway.. ;w;b And the usual warnings you see in the other fics are following too ;w;


I've finished my test! So I wrote this up as fast as I could, since the idea really popped out randomly. :)

Hope you like this although maybe many people already wrote the same idea as me ^^


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PeekyDoll #1
Chapter 1: So beautiful! The part when they were about to break up was adorable...
fygaeming #2
Chapter 1: omg this is so sweet and beautiful ;;;
really love the ending <333
Maria19 #3
thanks for the comments! ^^
Awwwwwwww~ so so so sweeet!! And the ending is so lovely..
ahh so sweet :')
i really like how you added the lovely memories in between :D
its so nicely written!
JadeRiver #6
Oh gosh beautiful! Cried a little bit. I love the part about the beautiful sin and bless and the parts with the rain as god's tears!
Thankies for writing anf sharing ♥
wow it´s amazing <3 and so nicely written
and that ending ;___; wow