Chapter 3

It's You (너라고)




The next day, my dad dropped me off to the school. He told me to behave and be a good girl on school. I nodded and kissed his cheek then stepped out of the car. He then drove away for his work. Dad got a high position on the company where he is working. I made my way to my classroom and on the hallway, I noticed that some people are following me. I tried to ignore it and continued walking. When I was about to step inside the room, a girl pulled my pony tail on my hair and in result, my hair got messy. I feel like crying because the way the girl pulled my hair was really painful. Feels like she wants to cut my head. I quickly dropped my bad to my chair and ran to the bathroom to fix my hair. I was about to go out of the bathroom but then I heard that there are girls giggling and laughing outside. Because I am curios, I really wanted to check it but when I turn the know it's locked. That door has a double padlock, one inside and out. I then realized that those girls locked me on the bathroom.


Open the door please. Unnie, open the door! Jebal!!” I keep on begging them but they don't listen to me.

Please, I'll be late for my class. Open the door.” I still keep on saying. I got stuck on that stupid bathroom for 10 minutes and yes, I'm late for my class. I didn't stop turning the knob then finally, it was open. I ran out of that then to my class. I got so nervous because teacher is already started the class. I opened the door and everyone looked at me. “Kim Ahyoung. Stay outside for being late” My teacher yelled at me, I got scared so I quickly closed the door and stayed outside the room. The corridor was clean because classes started already. I sat on the floor and cried because teacher won't let me in and it's the first time I experience it. Umma will be mad at me if she knows about it and I can't tell her the real reason why this happened. I cried even more then I suddenly felt like someone is standing infront of me. I got scared because it might be other teacher or Jonghoon or the principal. I checked it then I saw the guy again, the guy who gave me food. He knelt in front of me and wiped my tears with his own handkerchief. I just looked at him. He smiled and give me his hanky. “Wait. Tell me your name. And thank you? Are you a student here?” But that guy never answered any of my questions. He just always smile at me then leave but he's always there when you need someone. I can only go back to that room after break so I just sat outside. Finally, my classmates started going out of the room then I can get it to check my bag. The way they looked at me, feels like I did something to them. Rude people. As usual, I will just let this day pass again without telling anyone what's really happening with me on this school.


Days have passed again and those bully group never get rid of me. They never stop annoying me and doing stupid things at me. I asked myself then, “Just because I accidentally pour him the juice, they need to do this?” I know that being this young, I should not think of this things but the truth is I'm really stress right now and it feels heavier since I don't have someone to talk to about it. It actually affects me because I talk less and just stayed quiet even at home. I'm worried because my family might notice it too but I'm I'm trying not too even though it's hard. Why do bully students exist at the first place?


I get ready for my PE day, Himchan Oppa dropped me to school again before heading ti his school. Such a sweet brother. I went directly to the open court since it was announced yesterday, I saw my classmates already so I ran to them even before our PE teacher came. Our PE for that day is volleyball and was asked to group ourselves into 6. Fortunately, no one wants me to be in their group. “Teacher, I have no group.” I asked him and he said, “That's okay Ahyoung. I'll still give you grade plus it's just a warm-up game for next week. Don't worry.” Good thing, my PE teacher is always nice to me. I sat down on the bench since he allowed me to. I really don't bring extra clothes during PE day since it's my only class when it's PE day. That's great but I think that idea is not good today. I was just busily watching my classmates play when suddenly, water poured on my head, cold water to be specific. And the worst is, the wind suddenly blew and it made me chill. I looked up and see Jonghoon upstairs holding a pail. He then dropped it and good thing my reflexes is a bit fast. I ran like the flash and no one noticed me that I am gone on the PE class. I got so scared of what just happened. I ran on the pavilion behind our building and I was chilling. I'm really shaking in fear and the cold. Suddenly the boy saw me again, he gave me a what-happened-look then ran to me. He then removed his jacket and told me to wear it. “Thanks.” I just said while stuttering. This time, I was the one who just smiled and went away. I really want to cry because it feels like I'm bursting out in anytime. I planned to skip school that day after what happened and on my way home, my head is so heavy and I keep on sneezing and sneezing. I arrived home and my mom got shocked when she saw me me all wet. He quickly dragged me to the bathroom and told me to take a quick shower as she gets the towel and my clothes.


After 5 mins, I'm done. She handed me my clothes and wore it as fast as I can because I cannot even move properly. “Baby, what happened to you?” I didn't answer and my eyes closed already.


When I opened my eyes, I'm on my room already. I tried to get up but I can't and I have runny nose. I saw Himchan Oppa beside me and watching television.



Ahyoung-a! You're awake already. How are you feeling? I got scared when my mom sent me message.”

I can't get up still. My head feels so heavy and......”


He then pushed me down on the bed and told me to just rest. Good thing, he didn't ask what happened. I will just forget it and help myself to get well for the next day. When I woke up the next day, I checked the time and the date. “Aish. I thought I have class today. Fail.” I headed downstairs and see mom preparing breakfast while appa is just drinking coffee on the garden. I greeted and hugged her. She put her arms around me and asked if I'm feeling better. I nodded and smiled at her. When she finished cooking, he asked me to wake up my oppa so I did. I ran upstairs and came inside his room. He's a deep sleeper. I shook his shoulders several times but he didn't move an inch. “Oppa. Ppalli. Wake up! I'm hungry.” But still not even moving and I had no choice but to slap him on his leg. With that, his eyes were completely opened and I cannot not laugh. You dragged him outside his room then downstairs then to the dining area.


Finally, he came to his senses and started eating his breakfast and the thing is, he remembered what happened to you yesterday.


Ahyoung-ssi. What really happened to you yesterday? Tell me.” I'm not removing my eyes on my food and just chew and chew while thinking of an alibi. An alibi that they should not doubt. You then laughed.

Wae?” Himchan Oppa asked with his husky voice.

Should I really tell you? Promise me you will not laugh.” He then raised his right hand.

Yesterday, I went to the restroom with my classmate because I need to pee. As in. I was running going to the bathroom and I didn't notice the sign not to enter since it's wet. I slipped then I wandered my hand on something I can hold, unfortunately.... I hold on the pail and when I slipped, the water poured on me.”


I looked at Himchan then to umma and appa. My parents gave me a pity look while Himchan was controlling his laugh. I knew it. He will laugh but atleast, I got to fake it this time. At this age, I do lying. Great lying.  

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I hope you guys will still wait tho it will take forever to update my my story.


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Chapter 60: Oh god this story just so sweet xD author-nim agree with the others comment, how can u make me worried then smile back to worried and smile again aigoo, make a sequel maybe, just suggestion hehe
Chapter 60: made me confused at many times but meh it's good...
Chapter 60: Woah~ I missed reading this~!!! The ending is so beautiful!! DAEBAK!!! /mixed emotions/

sarahsohn77 #5
Chapter 60: I read this story crying and laughing and smiling and crying again...... I loved it!!! I hope u write another jinyoung story please!!!!
Chapter 60: This is the first fanfic which make me cry like no tommorow ToT
jennifer1801 #7
Chapter 60: Thank you very much for this wonderful story..i'm going to miss you authornim!
Chapter 60: you're the best<3<3<3 i love the story(':
Chapter 60: waahhhh!!! i'm going to miss this fanfic : "))
Fluffydar #10
Chapter 60: WOW it's finished, that's so sad~ and sweet :)