How did this happen?

Since first time i met him

I was sitting in my couch watching a movie, i suddenly felt really hungry so i got up and walked out to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and looked inside it, but there were nothing but some water bottles, "oh no i forgot to buy food yesterday" i said out loud even though i was alone in my house. I needed to go down to the shop to buy some food so i walked out to the door and put my jacket on. I didn't know yet that this night was going to be amazing.

As i came out i felt how cold it was, now i could understand why my parents decided to go on vacation now. I know they didn't plan it on perpous it was the planes fault, but it was still a little sad to be alone on christmas eve. As i walked down the street i were passing lots of couples who were walking hand in hand, some where even kissing. I had always wished to get a boyfriend but no one ever loved me, i was always alone while my friends were out dating boys. It felt like minutes, and suddenly i reached the shop. I walked in and took some ramyun, and some candy. I was walking down to pay for my things, but i suddenly stopped. I hided behind a luckily placed sign that was promoting some kind of juice. I slowly tryed to peek at him from behind the sign, he was the most beautiful boy i had ever seen. He had black hair, and a beautiful face, he looked like he was at my age. He was so beautiful that i couldn't take my eyes off of him, but suddenly i went into my thoughts. What if i just walked over to him and got his number?What if he walked over and asked me? What was someone like him even doing alone here on a night like this? I got pulled out of my thoughts by him standing right infront of me. "What are you looking at?" he asked and looked at me. I almost dropped all of my things on the floor by the shock he gave me, "N nothing" i said, "I'm a little busy right now i need to hurry" i just said and started running down to pay for my stuff, while i was running i could feel my cheeks getting really warm. That was so embaressing, i just runied my chance. When i got outside the shop again it had began to snow, started walking against my home. I needed to look down so that the snow didn't hit my face when it fell down the sky, i walked really fast and suddenly i bumped into someone. "I'm so.." I didn't get to say anymore, it was the beautiful boy "Watch where you are going" he said and started to gather all the stuff he dropped. "Sorry" said and took all my stuff, i also dropped my phone on the ground it must have fell out from my pocket. I took my hand infront of my face and hoped that he didn't regonise me, "Goodbye" i said and hurried past him.

I reached my home really fast, i felt relived when i finally was sitting in my couch again after unpacking all my stuff. I took my phone up from the table in front of me where i had ut it, but something in it was weird. I didn't have a picture of a sky as background, i looked at the back of the phone. A note was taped to it there was a name and a adress: Kim Myungsoo. It must be a boy, i thought to myself. I read the adress and found out it wasn't that far, i could go over there now. While walking over to the adress i was wondering, how did the phone get into my pocket?  Maybe i took someone elses phone by mistake or something. When i reached the adress i saw that it was in the same kind of house as me, the difference was just that he lived on 3rd floot and i lived on 4th. I walked up the stairs untill i reached 3rd floor, i was standing right infront of the dorr, and i knocked on it. After some second the door opened "he.." they guy stopped in the middle of the word, it was the beautiful guy i saw while shopping and the guy who bumped into. "What are you doing here? Did yu come to look at me? I mean, how do you even know my adress?" I reached the phone forward to him. "oh, thanks for bringing it. You must have picked it up by mistake when we bumed into each other, come i and have a cup of cocoa" he said. I was a little overwhelmed by the sudden invitation but i just walked inside with him. The house was really beautiful inside, there were pictures on every wall. He noticed that i looked at the pictures "I took them all" he said. He seemed to really love taking pictures, and he was really good at it. "they are really good" i said and smiled. I followed him inside the living room and sat down, "just sit here, i will be right back" he said and walked ou to make the cocoa. He acctually seemed really sweet. I started to look around, but there were no family pictures, it seemed like he was living by himself.

After only a few seconds he came inside the room again, he had 2 cups of cocoa in his hands. He sat down beside me "here" he said. I started to feel kind of shy and could feel my cheeks getting red. I reached out for the cup and started drinking "Do you live alone?" i asked after i had swallowed the cocoa. "Yes, my parents are dead to me" he  said and smiled in a weird way, "what do you mean?" i then asked and took a new sip of my cocoa. "nothing" he just said and looked away. After i had emptied my cup of cocoa i stood up, "I better go now" i said. "You can stay if you want" he just said like it was the most normal thing in the world. "Its sad spending christmas eve alone isnt it? Can't you just spend it with me?" I thought about it for some seconds, this beautiful guy was asking ME if I wanted to spend christmas with him. Without hestitating for even a second more i just answered  "Okay, then lets do that. But we don't know each other?*. "We don't need to" he just said and drank the last of his cocoa, he stod up besides me and smiled "Lets play a game" I don't know why but his smile was so cute that i got dizzy, i reached out fand grabbed him while trying not to fall, but it enden with both of us lying on the couch. he was lying over me, he raised himself a litlle up with his arms. Then he smiled, and started moving his face closer to mine, it became more and more unreal every time his face came closer

Our lips were only milimeters from touching each other...

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Caitlynn2013 #1
Chapter 2: Cute Cute Cute~
how cuteeeee