
Keeping Secrets


Chapter 2




I woke up early the next morning to meet up with Shinae. We hung out for a while, making breakfast, chatting about our school events, my family and even about the memories she had lost a few months ago.


At about noon, we went to get our nails done for prom. Afterwards, we hit the mall, had lunch, did a bit of shopping, and got ready for our big night starting with home facials, hair, make-up and at the end, we put on our dresses.


As we were doing hair and make-up, we started talking again.


“I can't believe Eunhyuk asked me to prom.” She started.


I chuckled at the topic of discussion. In no doubt, she and my older brother had a thing going on but neither of them admitted it.


“And why not?” I asked, playing along with her rant about her “mini” crush.


“Well for one, he's not even graduating this year.” She replied in a matter-of-factly tone.


“Oh but he is! He just decided to stay another year.” I said as I continued to curl her hair. I looked up a bit to see her expression in the mirror, she was blushing madly. I let out a small laugh as I watched her.


“What's so funny?” She asked.


“I was just thinking how cute the two of you are together.” I replied.


“What?! No!” She protested, her cheeks turning into an even more prominent shade of red.


“Okay, okay. Whatever you say.” I said dismissively.


“Either way,” I replied, “Student council gets to go for half price because we need to supervise, but really, we're just going to have fun.”


“Oh...right. I always forget he's on the student council. What does he do anyways?”


“Public affairs. He just gathers gossip from around the school and reports them.”


“Who knew that monkey could be useful?”


I smiled as I finished fixing up her hair. It felt nice knowing that after all those months, Shinae has finally opened up to us again.


At 5, the doorbell rang. Watching from upstairs, we saw Shinae's mom open the door to reveal a fidgeting Eunhyuk, an awkward Heechul and a grinning Kyuhyun leading them.


“Good evening Mrs. Jung.” I heard Kyuhyun say.


“Hello there Kyuhyun! I haven't seen you in a while.” She said with her usual happy-go-lucky voice. “Please come in, the girls are just upstairs getting ready.”


Mrs. jung didn't know anything about our family. She only knew that Kyuhyun and I were both orphans that grew up together and live together. Afterall, Shinae, Kyuhyun and I were bestfriends and had been for a while now so it was only natural she found out about that. All my other brothers were still a secret though, Heechul and Eunhyuk were only posing as our dates tonight.


“You ready?” I asked Shinae. She stood beautifully in a royal blue knee length bubble dress while I wore a pink short dress with a long satin train in the back.


“I-I'm ready.” She said nervously as she fidgeted around.


I would laugh but I was just as nervous. My boyfriend was waiting downstairs for me. This was the biggest, most normal teenage, stress-free day of both his and my life up until now. Never had I felt so anxious about an event.


Slowly, we descended the stairs with a tint of pink over our cheeks. It was almost like a scene out of a movie. There they stood on the ground beneath us. My eyes automatically drawn to Heechul where he stood with a corsage in hand, sporting a pink dress shirt under his jacket. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I noticed Eunhyuk running over to Shinae so I took the chance when he was distracted to place a swift kiss on my boyfriend's lips.


He smiled and held me tightly for a moment before pulling back and looking me up and down. A definite grin played on his fance.


“You look beautiful.” He said.


“Thank you.” I grinned. “You don't look half bad yourself.”


He laughed. “The Kim Heechul is always gorgeous.”


“I know.” I laughed. He placed a warm kiss on the top of my head.


“It to go to prom dateless.” I heard a voice complain from behind me. I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. Both Shinae and I looked at each other for a second and shared an identical smirk. All at once, we charged at Kyuhyun into his unexpecting arms.


“Kyuhyun-oppa~” We both cooed, glomping our bestfriend in a bone crushing hug. I heard a few light laughters from behind us as Kyuhyun struggled for air. Both Shinae and I fell into fits of laughter once we detached ourselves from our best friend. It's been a while since we were able to laugh this carefree before and I missed this feeling so very much.


“So I think it's about time we go...”Shinae said, pulling me towards the door but her mother was a step ahead of us.


“Say cheese!”


All of us smiled and posed for the camera as she took group shots and couple shots.


“You guys are so adorable!” She squealed.


“Mom~ It's not even our prom year yet, we're just guests!” Shinae complained.


“Yeah, yeah whatever you say honey.”


After a few more minutes, we left.


I was pretty amazed when we arrived at the venue. Afterall, I only ran the budget side of the event, everything else I left for the prom committee to do. “Surprise me.” I told them, and they did. The music, the decorations, food, everything was set up nicely.


From the corner of my eye, I spotted Yoochun standing by the stage. Beside him was a few members of his “family”: Jaejoong, Junsu, Changmin, Chaerin and Yunho. I almost growled at the sight of the last two. Although a few months have passed since mine and Kyu's kidnapping, I still couldn't find the heart to remotely forgive the two.


I still remember clearly, the words that Chaerin said that day and in no doubt, those very words still lingered in mine and Kyuhyun's mind. How could she be so sure? Both of our pasts were mysteries. I was just fortunate enough to discover mine.


I knew for a fact that my closest brother was still suffering from memory loss and unexplainable nightmares to this day. It was because of her that he's even more confused. I didn't like her, from what she said to the fact that she tried to take him away.


I eyed the other tall male beside her. Yunho. He not only physically hurt Kyuhyun but later on, I found out he was the one who shot Yesung as well. He was also the one personally responsible for making both Heechul and Shinae lose their memories. Everything that directed physical harm to my family was all because of him.


Upon staring at our rival group in the corner, my eyes met with Yoochun's. He waved me over. I tried to find something suspicious about his actions but nothing was present. I looked around at my group of brothers that had joined us. Leeteuk had made it clear that I was never to interact with Yoochun on my own so I looked for someone to bring me.


Usually it would be Kyuhyun but I didn't trust him around Chaerin. I spotted my most over-protective brother chatting with Heechul so I went over to get him.


“Kangin-oppa, can you accompany me somewhere.” I said quietly to avoid attracting attention from my whole mob of brothers.


He gave me a questioning look as I nodded my head pointedly to where Yoochun and the others were. I watched his expression as his eyes scanned their group. His gaze narrowed as he glared at the one at the end.


“Oppa please, I need to talk to Yoochun-shii.” He nodded and led the way, eyes never leaving Yunho in the corner.


“Hyunae, you look so beautiful today!” My biological brother called as soon as we arrived. I allowed him to pull me into a warm embrace. It felt so natural to be around him now, if only our families weren't natural born enemies.


“You look amazing too Yoochun-ah! Congratulations by the way. I didn't get to tell you yesterday.” I made an oath to myself to try to get to know my blood brother better but at the same time, I couldn't bring myself to call him oppa. It just didn't feel right.


“Thank you.” He said. “I hope you don't mind me bringing a few guests here tonight.”


“Why are they here anyways?” Kangin grumbled. Before I even had a chance to reply.


“Oppa! Why are you so rude?” I turned to Yoochun. “It's fine, there's plenty of room, the more the merrier.” I lied. What was I supposed to say, “no, I can't stand them, get them out of here now.”


By then, everybody in the group was listening in on our conversation.


Yoochun smiled despite being glared at by my bulky brother.


“Anyways, I just wanted to say that after tonight and the grad trip, I'm going to miss you.” He paused. “And you should come visit us once in a while. Bring Kyuhyun and we can have a sleep over or something.”


“Like to the hell she would!” Kangin growled. “Come Hyunae, we're leaving.”


I nodded speechlessly and reached to pull Yoochun into a good-bye hug. He leaned down beside my ear before speaking.


“The offer still stands and I'm serious Hyunae-ah. Come over once in a while. You can see Donghae too.”


I froze. It's almost as if he hit a pressure point because in reality, it was true. Donghae was my soft spot. I wanted my oppa back. I wanted my Donghae back. I felt myself being pulled away by a furious Kangin but still I could barely register what was happening around me.


“You are not going over there. You hear me Hyunae? Don't even think about it.” I nodded absentmindedly at my brother as we walked back.


Why didnt' I think of it earlier? Going to visit Donghae-oppa instead of waiting for him to come home. I mean I knew for a fact that Yoochun would already give me anything, no matter what I asked of him, so the only hard part was getting away from my brothers which wouldn't be hard. Kyu and I could get a ride with Yoochun after council meeting or something.


After that, I would be able to see Donghae and I could convince him to go home. If not, I could visit him more often. At least then, I would be able to see him again. I missed him so much, my Donghae. My Lee Donghae.


“Hyunae!” I jumped at the sudden outburst of my name. Realizing the initiator was initiator was in fact my boyfriend, I turned to look at him.


“Hey, are you alright?” He asked in concern as he wrapped an arm around my waist.


“Yeah, I'm fine.” I replied. “Sorry about that.” Guilt haunted me as I looked up into his eyes and attempted to smile convincingly at him. Why was I here thinking about Donghae when the man I love is standing next to me. It was supposed to be his night, not mine and yet, I just left him like that.


“Were you thinking about Donghae again?” He asked.


“How did you know?”


“Because I always seem to be losing you whenever you think about him.” He said. There seemed to be a hint of jealousy in his words but in the end, I knew he understood.


I leaned onto his shoulder just as a slow song came on and sighed. We were pretty much alone by then.


“I'm sorry, this is supposed to be your night. I shouldn't be spacing out.”


He kissed the top of my head and held me close. “It's okay. You have every right to be worried.”


“But still-” I tried but he shushed me.


“It's okay, let's just enjoy the rest of the night alright?”


I smiled and relaxed into his arms, with one thought running through my mind. I could enjoy this.




A/N: Hey everyone! This is the first time for me writing an author's note for this story (well the sequel). Umm...I just wanted to thank everyone, new and old subscribers for your support. I'm actually not a constant updater (as many of my old readers know) and this is just starting off now but trust me, it will get frustrating (just a warning ahead of time.) But with that being said, I do put a lot of effort into the chapters length and content wise.


If you like what you read, please subscribe.


Comment as well, they don't have to be good comments really. I am still trying to improve as a writer and anything would be help me a lot. 


If you haven't read the first installment of this story yet, please check it out, the link is in the description of this story. A lot of things happened in that story that might be referenced as you read this sequel so if you have time, please go back and read it.


Last but not least, happy belated birthday to my beloved Yoochun <3 Thank you for being such an amazing idol, singer, dancer, rapper, actor and motivation. For you, for JYJ for Yunho and Changmin, I promise to Always Keep the Faith. Thank you for everything! I hope you had an amazing day.




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Aw~ Another lovely chapter. ^-^ I really want her to visit Yoochun, because of Donghae, but what if they planned something? :c
i am kinda lost here....-.-'
Oh my Gosh, what a lovely chapter. ;~; It was really beautiful and I miss Donghae so much. </3 I want him back as soon as possible. :c
Mi-young #4
please update soon ^^